Faith Briefs May 26
Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 26, 2018
Today: FHMB Outreach Ministry
The Outreach Ministry of Fairview Heights Missionary Baptist Church, 704 Old Concord Road, will be at Brightmoor Nursing Home at 610 W. Fisher St., on Saturday at 2 p.m. with speaker Sister Candie Kirder.
Today: Family and Friends Service at Cedar Grove
CLEVELAND — The Family and Friends Service at Cedar Grove AME Zion Church is this evening at 6 p.m. Rev. Dairl Scott Jr., pastor of Center Grove AME Zion Church, Tobaccoville will be the guest speaker. Also, Divinity of Kannapolis will be in concert. Rev. Dr. Bertha Pittman is host pastor.
Today: The Gospel Traveliers 36th singing anniversary
CONCORD — The Gospel Traveliers will be in concert today at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. with various other local groups on program. Host church is New Beginning Church of God, 5717 Alexander Road. For more information contact Bishop Roseman 704-630-0126.
Today: Jerusalem Baptist honors Rev. and First Lady Bracken
Jerusalem Baptist Church, 1570 N. Long St. Extension, hosts a two-day event to honor the Rev. Dr. David Bracken and First Lady Jackie Bracken on their 17th church anniversary.
Today the church will travel to Greensboro’s Barn Dinner Theater for a fellowship meal and to see “Church Women in the Basement.”
The 11 a.m. Sunday service features Rev. Phyllis Jones. A native of Salisbury, the Rev. Jones is an attorney for Cumberland County, as well as associate minister of Lewis Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Fayetteville.
Lunch will be served at 1:30 p.m.
The celebration continues at 3 p.m. with Rev. Dr. Roy Dennis at the speaker. Dr. Dennis holds B.S. and masters degrees from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, is First Vice Moderator of the Lott Carey Foreign Missionary Convention and pastor of Bluestone Baptist Church in Pelham.
Rev. Dr. David L. Bracken is a senior pastor.
Gloria Dei outdoor services
Summer early services begin at 8:30 a.m. at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 1908 Statesville Blvd., at the outdoor worship area adjacent to the church. Regular services continue at 11 a.m.
China Grove UMC service benefits the VA
CHINA GROVE — South China Grove United Methodist Church, 230 Rose Ave., will donate $10 to Voluntary Service at the Salisbury VA for every veteran, male or female, who attends the 9:30 a.m. Worship service this Sunday, May 27.
Dr. S. B. “Doc” Warner is host pastor, 704-639-9165.

Belinda Harris, Morgan Glenn
Sills Creek AME Zion
MOORESVILLE — Sills Creek AME Zion Church, Hwy 150 and 3165 Bradshaw Road, will celebrate Pastor Morgan Glenn on Sunday. During his five year tenure, souls have been saved, improvements have been made to the church building, and the membership has grown.
Rev. Belinda Harris of Hickory Grove AME Zion Church in Clemmons is the 10 a.m. special guest. Harris is a graduate of both Livingstone College and Hood Theological Seminary.
Luther’s Lutheran guest speaker
RICHFIELD — Luther’s Lutheran Church, at the corner of Stokes Ferry and Richfield Roads, hosts guest speaker Pastor Jeffrey Hoffner on Sunday.
Sandy Ridge pastor appreciation
LANDIS — A Pastor’s Appreciation Service will be held Sunday at Sandy Ridge AME Zion Church, 1425 Mt. Moriah Church Road, to honor pastor Rev. Clarence J. Shuford Jr. Guest speaker for the 10 a.m. service will be Rev. Dr. Grant Harrison Jr., Presiding Elder of the Salisbury District of the Western North Carolina Conference. The service is being hosted by the Pastor’s Appreciation Ministry with Bennett Hester, Preacher’s Steward, presiding.
Pastor Johnson’s anniversary celebration at Hall’s Chapel
Hall’s Chapel Primitive Baptist Church, 611 E. Monroe St., will hold a 28th pastoral anniversary celebration on Sunday at the 11 a.m. service. Speaker will be Rev. D. M. Mason of Word of Reconciliation Ministries. Elder Richard L. Johnson is host pastor.
Twelve Tribes of Israel program at Erwin Temple
The Twelve Tribes of Israel program will be presented at Erwin Temple Church, 155 Erwin Temple Church Road, on Sunday at 3 p.m. Various area churches are invited to participate in representing the Tribes. There will be gospel singing by each of the Tribe groups during the presentation. This program is hosted by the Pastor’s Aide Ministry.
Rev. Ervin L. Hannah Jr. is host pastor.

Apostle and Elder Trueblood
Grace Deliverance to honor the Truebloods
On Sunday at 3 p.m., Grace Deliverance Tabernacle, 500 Park Ave., will honor Apostle and Elder Trueblood’s 40th pastoral anniversary, on the theme of “Soldiering 40 years in Ministry: A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ.” Guest speaker will be Overseer Alexander Draft of the Apostolic Church of Christ in Winston-Salem.
Anniversary committee chair is Bro. James Lyles.
Hat Lady to speak at Mt. Vernon Presbyterian
WOODLEAF — The annual Usher Board Anniversary will be observed on Sunday at Mt. Vernon Presbyterian Church, 435 Carson Road, beginning at 3 p.m. Kim Sheeks, known as “The Hat Lady,” will be the guest speaker. She will display an extensive array of hats as well as give commentary on hat wearing occasions. Everyone attending is asked to wear a hat. Refreshments will be served prior to the program. Rev. Otto Gaither is the supply for Mt. Vernon.
Oak Grove Baptist Woman’s Day
CHINA GROVE — Oak Grove Baptist Church, 1205 S. Main St., will be observing Woman’s Day on Sunday at 3 p.m. The speaker will be Rev. Dr. Erma Jefferies Dalton from Salem Baptist Church in Lexington. Host pastor is Rev. Dr. Keith Curry.
Henderson Grove Missionary Baptist Usher Board anniversary
Henderson Grove Missionary Baptist Church will celebrate its Usher Board Anniversary on Sunday at 3 p.m. The guest speaker will be the Rev. James Ledbetter III, pastor of Old Smith Grove View Baptist Church in Lexington. Host pastor is the Rev. Perry J. Dye.
AME Zion Salisbury District Big Gospel Festival
On Sunday at 3 p.m., Moore’s Chapel AME Zion Church, 500 Partee St. and Rev. Dr. Grant Harrison Jr, presiding elder, host the Big Gospel Festival featuring the Cedar Grove Gospel Choir, Sills Creek Gospel Choir, Echoes for Christ, Unity & Praise, the Union Chapel Zionettes, Southern City Gospel Choir, New Voices of Faith, Anointed Vessels, JSoul and God’s Creation, the Mighty Pilgrimaires and NU Revelations.
Food will be sold: fish, chicken, hot dogs and drinks.
Boxwood Missionary Baptist
MOCKSVILLE — On Sunday at 3 p.m. the Jones Family Singers will be celebrating their 40th singing anniversary without Deacon Robert Jones Sr.
Boxwood Missionary Baptist Church is located at 299 Boxwood Church Road.
Special service at Root of David
There will be a special service at Root of David Church of Deliverance, 1315 Short St. (off Long Street) on Sunday at 4 p.m. with guest speaker Pastor Patricia Brown of Whosoever Will Let Him Come Church, 318 8th St., Spencer. Presiding Apostle is Susan Yarbrough.
Bethel Wesleyan Country Fair
KANNAPOLIS — Bethel Wesleyan Church, 4036 Old Salisbury-Concord Road, will be hosting a Country Fair event on Saturday, June 2 from 3-7 p.m. with hot dogs and chips, a train ride, a bounce house, games, face painting, cotton candy and ice cream, prizes and more. Free for everyone.
Bethel Lutheran choir event
Bethel Lutheran Church, 355 East Ridge Road, will celebrate Church Music Sunday on June 3 at the 10:30 a.m. service. The Youth and Adult Chime Choirs will play special music and the choir will sing an anthem. There will be a hymn sing during worship including readings by Susan Palo Cherwien. Music and liturgy will be centered on the theme “Make a Joyful Noise.”
Purpose Driven Life classes hosted by In My Father’s House
Purpose Driven Life classes, led by the Rev. Roosevelt Jenkins, will be conducted from noon-1:30 p.m. in the Hurley Room at Rowan Public Library. The next study dates are Thursday June 7 and June 21.

VBS summer 2018
Beginning in June, we will run VBS information Saturdays as space permits. Email your info to using the following format.
Other: (May include age restrictions, picnic info, closing program details, etc.)