Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin
Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 22, 2018
A new kid in town
Our Salisbury bridge community is adding another bridge game to our list of playing opportunities.
Ron Jeffers has established a sanctioned game “One More Game” to meet on Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. at the First Methodist Church at Fisher and Church Streets across from the library. The first game will be held April 24. Parking should be in the library parking lot. Only 2-hour parking is allowed on the street. To enter the building, go to the door on Fisher St or the door on Church St and ring the bell. Someone will answer.
Over the past few years there have been questions about the duties of the Dummy. Dummy does have rights and duties during the game although limited. He may keep track of tricks taken and lost by partnership so that he may assist in any disputes after the game in the presence of the director. He must be allowed to see all the cards played. He must play the card declarer has called, not one of his choosing. He may also do his best to keep declarer from any irregularities in play (e.g. asking if partner has none of the suit just played, and helping declarer to know which hand must lead). He may not initiate a director call or call attention to reneges during play but may help to identify the card where renege occurred. So let dummy see your cards when he asks during play.
Featured is board # 20 All vulnerable West dealer
S A 7 2
H Q J 8 5
D J 8
C Q J 9 3
S K J T 9 6 5 3 S 8 4
H 4 3 H A T 9 7
D K T D 7 6 4
C 8 6 C T 7 5 2
H K 6 2
D A Q 9 5 3 2
C A K 4
Ruth Bowles and Marie Pugh bid 3NS making 5 for best N/S score, while Anita Graham and Wayne Pegram had best E/W score defeating N/S’s 5DS 1 trick.
Tuesday, April 17 we had another good and competitive game at the Women’s Club. Winning N/S 1st Nancy Brandt and Tom Johnson, 2nd Marie Pugh and Dick Brisbin, 3rd Jean and Loyd Hill; E/W 1st Christy Cline and Fern Albraht, and tied for 2nd /3rd Margaret and Chuck Rimer with Myrnie and John McLaughlin. First in B strat were N/S Nancy Brandt and Tom Johnson and E/W Patsy Reynolds and Beth Shafer.