Ann Farabee: Care casters
Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 21, 2018

Ann Farabee
“Daddy, Daddy! Carry me!” We have all heard a child say something similar, haven’t we? They may be scared, tired, or have other cares or concerns. The father reaches down, and hoists the child up on his shoulders or in his arms.
It sound similar to our cares in life, doesn’t it?
Cares here. Cares there. Cares. Cares. Everywhere.
One begins to fade. Another pops up.
What in the world can we do?
1 Peter 5:7 tells us:
Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you.
Yes, that’s it! We need to be a care caster!
Casting means to throw something in a specified direction.
All means all!
Your means your.
Care is associated with worry, anxiety, concerns.
Upon means UP and ON. Jesus puts our cares up on His shoulders.
Him means Jesus.
For means on your behalf.
He means Jesus.
Careth means that the caring is going on right now!
For means on your behalf.
You means you!
Our role is to do is the casting of ALL our cares. We are to take those cares and throw them in a specified direction – straight to our Father, who will hoist us UP and ON His shoulders or in His arms, where He is interceding on our behalf right now.
Do we believe it?
Sure we do.
So, let’s do it!
Repeat after me: I will be a care caster. I will be a care caster. I will be a care caster.
Some ‘care casting’ suggestions:
*I do some ‘care casting’ at bedtime. The dark of night sometimes makes my cares seem more pronounced. So, I cast them ALL to Jesus, and am then able to do as Psalm 4:8 says, to lay down in peace and sleep.
*For those who sometimes need a more concrete reminder, try this:
Write ALL your cares down. Yes, ALL the situations that are burdening you right now.
Take that list, wad it up, and cast it in a specified direction – giving it straight to Jesus! Hand it over! Then, remind yourself that He careth for you – right now – in the present time – because He is a right now present time God!
***Honestly, I don’t know that tossing the list of cares may actually be more beneficial than just praying a prayer to the Lord, casting our cares upon Him, BUT it may help to remind us NOT to pick them back up again the next morning. (I tested this method, and it felt pretty good!)
We can do this. God instructed us to. Do we trust Him?
Let me know how your life as a ‘care caster’ goes at