Faith Briefs Saturday March 17
Published 1:01 pm Saturday, March 17, 2018
- 5 p.m. today at Tower of Power: Spring Gospel Explosion featuring The Enforcers of Gaffney, S.C., and others.
GLMBA annual Sunday school convention
The Guiding Light Missionary Baptist Association’s annual Sunday School Convention begins today at 10 a.m.. The guest speaker will be the Rev. John Geter and the host moderator is the Rev. John E. Jones.
T.o.P. Spring Gospel Explosion
At 5 p.m. today at Tower of Power, 601 East Cemetery St. begins the Spring Gospel Explosion featuring The Enforcers of Gaffney, S.C., The Gospel Key Tones of Salisbury, Willie + Billie Sumlin Men of God, Deborah Watts, Keith Holland & Friends, mime praise dancer Gigi, Fairview Heights Men’s Gospel Choir and the CME Mount Zion Choir.
Beginning at 2 p.m. enjoy fried chicken and fries for $5; 3 wings for $3; home fries are $1.50 and drink is 75¢. Info: Wanda Wright 704-636-3015 or Ann Caroll 704-314-5997.
Rally at Piedmont Baptist
KANNAPOLIS — Piedmont Baptist Church, 5870 Wright Road, will be having a Forward for Christ Rally today beginning at 5 p.m. Joseph Habedank will be singing and Cody Zorn will be preaching. Jubilee runs Monday–Friday at 7 p.m. each evening. Guest speakers and musicians are:
Monday/Tuesday: The Whisnants and Dr. Larry Brown
Wednesday: Dr. Robbie Burton
Thursday/Friday: Mylon Hayes
Eastwood Gospel singing service
KANNAPOLIS — This evening at 6 p.m. Eastwood Baptist Church hosts the McDaniels Family along with local singers. Refreshment will follow the event. Learn more at 704-933-8326.
Guest minister at Bethel Evangelical
Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church, 355 East Ridge Road, welcomes guest minister Rev. Perry Bradshaw from Coburn United Methodist Church to the evening worship service at 7 p.m.
Mount Zion UCC
CHINA GROVE — During the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service at Mt. Zion UCC, 1415 S. Main St., the Fifth Sunday of Lent Candle — the candle of compassion — will be lit. Special music will be provided by Gretchen Tracy on cello. Following worship is a country ham dinner in the new building on behalf of the church van committee. Mt. Zion Youth will visit church family members to deliver Easter bags. Mark L. Burns is host pastor.
Revival at North Kannapolis Baptist
KANNAPOLIS — Spring revival services will be held at North Kannapolis Baptist Church, 312 Locust St., Sunday through Wednesday, March 18-21. Dr. Jim Harris will be leading services Sunday at 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m. and Monday at 6:45 p.m.
Bill Jolley will be speaking Tuesday at 6:45 p.m. Rev. Scott Huffman will be preaching Wednesday at 6:45 p.m. There will be a special youth gathering on Wednesday at 5 p.m. with food and fellowship.
Call 704-933-2125 for additional information.
Missions Day at Jerusalem Baptist
Jerusalem Baptist Church will celebrate annual Missions Day on Sunday during the regular 11 a.m. service. with guest speaker Rev. Barbra J. Barbour. Missions Day highlights the work of the congregation to provide hope, renew faith and help the local community with food, clothing, meals, transportation, spiritual guidance and financial assistance.
Music will be provided by the combined choirs of JBC. All women attending are asked to wear white. Carolyn Holt is missionary president and Dr. David Bracken is host pastor.
Homestead Baptist Spring Revival
KANNAPOLIS — Homestead Baptist Church Spring Revival will be led by Evangelist Brent Carr. Brother Brent will be preaching each night with his family singing Sunday morning through Thursday night, March 18 at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. and Monday-Thursday at 7 p.m. The church is located at the corner of North Main and West 22nd Streets.
Harrison to preach at Cedar Grove AME Zion
At the 11 a.m. Sunday service of Cedar Grove AME Zion Church, the guest preacher will be the Rev. Dr. Grant Harrison Jr., Presiding Elder of the Salisbury District.
Immediately following worship will be a special Service of Dedication for the newly installed wheelchair lift (elevator) and 3.4 acres of land that has been gifted to the church.
Rev. Dr. Bertha E. Pittman is the host pastor
Fairview Heights Honors First Lady
Fairview Heights Missionary Baptist Church will honor its First Lady, Evangelist Cathye Marlin on Sunday at 3 p.m. Guest preacher for the event will be the Rev. Alice Perry, pastor of The Vineyard Worship Center. Host pastor is the Rev. Clarence E. Marlin.
Hall’s Chapel stewardship program
The Men’s Fellowship of Hall’s Chapel Primitive Baptist church will host it annual stewardship program on Sunday at 3 p.m. The guest speaker will be Rev. Marcus Fairley, pastor of St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church. Host pastor is Elder Richard L. Johnson.
12 Tribes Rally at Hall’s Temple
Hall’s Temple Holiness Church will be celebrating its annual Twelve Tribes Rally on Sunday at 3:30 p.m. where Bishop Tyrone Washington from New Freedom Holiness Church, will speak.
Soldiers Memorial Jubilee Choir
Sunday at 4 p.m.: The Jubilee Choir of Soldiers Memorial AME Zion Church, 306 N. Main St., will present “He Shall Arise,” to remind up of the suffering of the cross as well as the victory of the resurrection. The Choir is composed of members representing denominational churches in and around Rowan County.
Soloists: Doris Goodman, Roy Leazer Jr., Ethel Revis, Mitchell Seigle, Phyllis Partee, Cassandra Brown and Rebecca Stinson.
The 12 Disciples are represented by men from churches in the community. The role of Jesus is enacted by Dr. Derrick R. Anderson, pastor of Soldiers Memorial. The Funeral of Jesus is narrated by Ethel Bamberg-Revis. Kay Wright Norman is the Jubilee Community Choir music director.
Central UMC to host fundraising concert
ALBEMARLE — On Sunday, New London United Methodist Church and Central United Methodist Church will co-host a concert in the Music and Missions Concert Series at Central UMC, Albemarle, beginning at 4:30 p.m. Lisa Ewers and friends will present “Songs from Our Friends.” There is no charge for the concert; an offering will be received. All proceeds will assist a mission team going from Central UMC to Washington to continue clean-up work following Hurricane Matthew, April 8-13. With questions, call 704-463-5669.
Trinity Presbyterian Women in White
The Presbyterian Women of Trinity Presbyterian Church USA, 300 S. Caldwell St., will have their annual Women In White Program on Sunday, at 5:30 p.m. The speaker will be Rev. Ruby Steele of Gethsemane Baptist Church. The theme is “Women Called To Lead With Love.”
Lenten speakers at First UCC
First United Church of Christ, 207 W. Horah St., will host guest speakers each Sunday at 6 p.m. as they journey through the season of Lent. This week’s guest is Rev. Cherie Lovell, president of the board of directors of Western North Carolina Association. She also serves on the Financial Literacy and Management in Ministry Council at Seattle University for the School of Theology and Ministry. Host pastor is Carol Hallman.
UMA joint service
EAST SPENCER — The United Ministerial Alliance will host its joint worship service at 7 p.m. Sunday at Love Christian Center, 102 North Long St. Bishop Harvey Rice Sr., Pastor Emeritus of Mount Calvary Holy Church, will deliver the message. Bishop W. Ronald Hash is the host pastor.
The UMA will host its business meeting at 11 a.m., today at Tower of Power United Holy Church, 601 East Cemetery St. .
Lenten Season Music & Meditation
12:15-12:45 p.m. Monday March 19. St. John’s Chapel, 200 W. Innes St. Prayer and meditation with special music by Deanna Boksleitner, organ.
Salisbury District AME Zion Crusade
The annual Evangelistic Crusade of Salisbury District of the AME Zion Church is March 19-21 at 7 p.m. nightly in various communities of the Salisbury District. The theme is “A Changeless Word for a Changing World.”
Monday, March 19 at Sandy Ridge AME Zion Church, Landis;
Tuesday, March 20 at Cedar Grove AME Zion Church, Cleveland;
Wednesday, March 21 at Soldiers Memorial AME Zion Church.
Invited church choirs for the three nights are Oakgrove Baptist Church, China Grove; Erwin Temple CME, Woodleaf ; Echoes of Christ, Cleveland and local church choirs from across the District. Rev. Dr. Grant Harrison Jr. is Presiding Elder of the Salisbury District.
The evangelist for the services will be the Rev. Dr. Otis T. McMillan, general officer and director of the Dept. of Church Growth and Development of the AME Zion Church, Charlotte .
W.O.W. at Mount Zion Missionary
Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, 1920 Shirley Ave., will host a Worship on Wednesday (WOW) service at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 21. Special guests are Pastor John Leazer and the members of Macedonia Baptist Church, Concord. Dress is casual. Learn more at church or 704-637-0794. Dr. Nilous M. Avery II is host pastor.
Lent at Organ Lutheran
1515 Organ Church Road
Wednesday, March 21: Lenten Bible Study at 6 p.m.; meal sponsored by the Youth Group.
At 6:30 p.m., Bible study led by Rev. Dawn Rister.
The Bible study and meal are held in the fellowship hall.
Lent at Gloria Dei
The theme for Wednesday Lenten services at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 1908 Statesville Blvd., is “Broken Places.” Rev. Don McCann, Third Creek Presbyterian Church will speak on “Broken Dreams” this week.
Overseer Annie L. Smith’s 27th pastoral anniversary
HIGH POINT — Assemblies & Lifeline United will be celebrating Overseer Annie L. Smith’s 27th pastoral anniversary on Friday, March 23 at 7:30 p.m. with a show love and praise, and Sunday, March 25 at 11 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.. Afternoon service will have Rev. Carollene Gardin of Margaret’s Chapel UHC ministering. All services will be held at 301 East Lexington Ave. High Point.
‘The Trial of Life’
6:30 p.m. March 31: A play that asks its audience to decide whether the resurrection of Jesus was a lie or the truth. Performed at Outreach Christian Ministries, 722 West Horah St., and sponsored by OCM’s Arts Ministry. This time of music, praise and laughter is free and open to the public.