Local representatives react to release of Nunes memo

Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 3, 2018

For local representatives in the U.S. House, Friday’s release of the so-called Nunes memo was troubling.

But how it was troubling depended on political affiliation.

Many Democrats said releasing the memo compromised public confidence in law enforcement. Many Republicans said that surveillance abuses needed to be identified.

Here’s what local lawmakers had to say:

Rep. Richard Hudson, R, 8th District:  “After I read the classified memo, I was very troubled and called for it to be declassified and made public. I’m pleased to see President Donald Trump agrees that the American people should see the facts and judge for themselves.

“This memo raises grave concerns. First and foremost, an American’s civil liberties may have been violated because it appears intelligence officials may have misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to obtain a warrant. Secondly, our intelligence community should be impartial and isolated from politics. They must rely on facts – not unverified documents funded by a political party.

“Now that this information is public, we must continue to work to protect Americans’ civil liberties and make sure any bad actors are held accountable. This is about transparency, which is why I also support the release of the minority’s memo once it is scrubbed of any information that could pose a national security risk.”

Rep. Alma Adams, D, 12th District: “Despite vocal opposition from officials at the FBI and Department of Justice, President Trump conspired with Chairman (Devin) Nunes to release this partisan and misleading memo to the public in an attempt to undermine Special Prosecutor (Robert) Mueller’s investigation.

“This dishonest action threatens the public confidence in our nation’s law enforcement and calls into question President Trump’s motives. Chairman Nunes has proven that he is incapable of taking his job seriously, and he must be removed from the House Intelligence Committee immediately.”

Rep. Ted Budd, R, 13th District: “I’ve advocated for the release of the FISA memo and I’m glad President Trump decided to do so today. The memo documents troubling surveillance abuses and the American people deserve transparency on this issue.

“For this same reason, I am in favor of the release of the Democrats’ memo as long as it goes through the same process.  We’re still not striking the right balance between intelligence agency authority and the privacy of Americans. That’s why I voted for surveillance reform earlier this year. Congress has a lot of oversight work to do over the agencies involved here, and the memo underscores that need.”