When #MeToo became #TooMuch
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 24, 2018
From Arkansas Times columnist Gene Lyons:
Item: The anonymous creator of an online spreadsheet titled “Sh**ty Media Men,” purportedly exposing the sins of male journalists who’d allegedly mistreated women, freaked flat out when she (erroneously) feared that her identity was about to be revealed in Harper’s Magazine. A great hullaballoo broke out, during which 20-something New Republic editor Moira Donegan outed herself. As near as I could tell, hardly anybody thought that unsourced, intimate denunciations of men by name — essentially a middle school “slam book” updated to the internet age — were a problem.
Item: An online feminist journal called Babe published a pseudonymous, first-person account of a drunken one-night stand gone bad with comedian Aziz Ansari. The Atlantic’s Caitlin Flanagan correctly characterized the thing as “3,000 words of revenge porn. The clinical detail in which the story is told is intended not to validate her account as much as it is to hurt and humiliate Ansari.” Again, anonymously.
In this instance, a synonym for cowardly.
Then came Oprah Winfrey’s star turn at the Golden Globes, cheered on by scores of Hollywood actresses expressing their vast moral indignation in black gowns cut dramatically to the navel.
Some of the time sex makes everybody silly.