Letter: What, me worry?
Published 9:04 pm Wednesday, January 10, 2018
“Worryin’ is like a rocking horse… it don’t get you nowhere.”
I ran across this quote while killing time in the hospital looking at Our State magazines for seven nights. If I had written this, I would have said “anywhere” as opposed to “nowhere.” But that doesn’t really change how worrying affects us.
I don’t really consider myself a “worry wart,” but with a third stay in the hospital during 2017, one might say I have reason to worry!
On top of all that, I had just run over my glasses with the power chair the week before I had to go to the hospital. Without my bifocals, I couldn’t do much in the way of writing or reading. I received excellent care from the nurses and CNA’s and the food was good, but the television system needs a major overhaul.
Recent mail indicated that in spite of a slight raise in Medicare for 2018, a raise in deductions shows that I will actually receive $10 a month less, but then a lot of you folks probably will suffer that same loss or maybe even more. And I’m sure some people have a lot more things to worry about than I do. But remember, that rockin’ horse named “worry” doesn’t get us anywhere!
— Linda Beck