Letter: Focus on the eternal is appreciated
Published 12:00 am Sunday, January 7, 2018
- A smattering of stars dot the night sky over a field in Rowan County near Tuckertown Reservoir. Light pollution from a nearby municipality forms a bright spot near the horizon. Josh Bergeron/Salisbury Post
Thank you for Elizabeth Cook’s excellent and compelling editorial of Sunday, Dec. 24, titled, “We Thank You, Rowan.”
We, the people of this county, need to be reminded of all the businesses, services, traditions, journalists, news staff and the people who dream the dreams, remember the stories and share theirs so we can be blessed and informed. This would also include the photographs, drawings, etc., which help to “flesh out” the written material.
I especially appreciated the reminder to focus on “eternal matters” at this special season. Thank you for giving “eternal matters” their proper due. The Almighty takes notice.
Keep up the good work throughout the new year 2018, and have a happy one!
— Lee Hall