Town Crier community meetings Jan. 1-7, 2018

Published 12:00 am Monday, January 1, 2018

First Monday, Jan. 1

First day of the new week, first day of the new month, first day of the new year. Happy 2018!


First Tuesday, Jan. 2 

Free coffee and doughnuts for veterans, 9-11 a.m., Frontier Coffee Shoppe in Thelma’s Restaurant, West End Plaza.

TOPS NC 437, 10 a.m., Lakeview Baptist, 2532 Lane St., Kannapolis. Weigh-in 9:30 a.m., 704-938-3634.

Rowan Parkinson’s support group, 1 p.m., First Presbyterian education bldg., Fisher St. entrance. 704-633-3181.

Salisbury City Council, 5 p.m., City Hall, 217 S. Main St. (Shown on Access16 Wednesdays, Fridays, Sundays at 9 a.m., 3 p.m., 8 p.m.

Monthly Peace Circle   6 p.m. Mean Mug Coffee Co., 1024 S. Fulton St., 704-754-4615,

Rowan County Veteran Council, 7 p.m., Rebecca Forbes, 704-603-7301.

China Grove Town Board, 7 p.m., Town Hall, 333 N. Main St., China Grove.

Rockwell Rural Fire Department board of directors, 6 p.m. Fire station, 11800 Old Beatty Ford Road, Rockwell.


First Wednesday, Jan. 3

Salisbury Neighborhood Action Group (SNAG), 10 a.m., open to the public. Salisbury Police Dept, 30 E. Liberty St.

Salisbury Lion’s Club, noon, Harold B. Jarrett Legion Post, 1024 Lincolnton Road. Lunch plus programs and club updates. Visitors invited to come learn about Lions’ service to the blind and hearing disabled of Salisbury.

Salisbury Rowan Convention & Visitors Bureau master plan cttee., noon, Gateway Bldg., 204 E. Innes St.

Salisbury Community Appearance Commission, 4 p.m., Council Chambers, 217 S. Main St.


First Thursday, Jan. 4

Salisbury Rowan Convention & Visitors Bureau SRCVB destination marketing cttee., 10 a.m., Gateway Bldg., 204 E. Innes St.

Salisbury AARP, 1 p.m., Rufty-Holmes Sr. Center, 1120 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. Meet new director Nan Buehrer. 2018 officers will be installed; pizza party, 704-216-7714.

People Growing Together Toastmasters, 5:45  p.m., J.F. Hurley YMCA, 828 Jake Alexander Blvd. W., 828-310-8491,

Andrew Jackson Masonic Lodge Stated Communications, 6 p.m. dinner, 7 p.m. meeting.

Kennedy Hall American Legion Post 106 Cleveland, 6 p.m. dinner, 7 p.m. meeting.

NAACP general meeting, 7 p.m. Location TBA.

Eureka Lodge 45, 7 p.m., 1433 Old Wilkesboro Road. 704-636-3267 or 7040-798-2032.


First Friday, Jan. 5

Faith based addictions program, 7 p.m., Faith Baptist Church, 904 Chipola St. Transportation: 704-791-5987 OR 7 p.m., Tabernacle Baptist Church, 2515 E. Innes St. Transportation: 704-232-9130.


First Saturday, Jan. 6

Rowan Republican Breakfast, 8 a.m. Johnny’s BBQ, 8640 Hwy 52, Rockwell.Discussion 9 a.m. Info

Toastmasters, Goldmine: 8:30-10 a.m., Connect Christian Church, 3101 Davidson Highway, Concord. Matthew Charity, 704-307-8187, www.


First Sunday, Jan. 7

Lyme Disease Support, 3-5 p.m. St. John’s Lutheran Church, 200 W  Innes St. Educational Building, room 218. Doug 704-785-5425 or Elizabeth 704-636-3190 or Facebook: Celebration of Hope Piedmont NC Lyme Disease Support Group


• Listings based on last best information received. Confirm before attending.