Letter: To tell the truth, this would be interesting
Published 6:22 pm Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Recently my family and I watched a DVD of a 1997 comedy, “Liar, Liar,” starring Jim Carrey. In the film, Carry is a stereotypical crooked lawyer who would do anything to win a case. His son, Max (Justin Cooper), is an innocent little boy who is tired of his father lying and deceiving everyone including him.
In childhood innocence, the boy wishes that his father could only tell the truth. Somehow his wish is granted. Jim Carrey, as only he could, then gives us many laughs as he tries to be deceitful to his son and with all to whom he comes in contact.
That got me thinking. I would like to suggest that all little boys in the United States wish that President Trump could for one day tell nothing but the truth.
It would make for some interesting news.
— Michael Motte