Faith Briefs Saturday, Dec. 9
Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 9, 2017
- Maranatha Bible Church presents “The Word Became Flesh” on Sunday at 10 a.m.
Mt. Zion UCC
CHINA GROVE — Today at 9 a.m. Mt. Zion United Church of Christ, 1415 S. Main St., will be hosting a pancake breakfast with Santa in the new building. On Sunday during the 10:30 a.m. service the Bryan and Emily Bancroft family will light the Second Advent Candle of Peace. Mark L. Burns is host pastor. 704-857-1169,
‘Coming Home’ at Hall’s Chapel
Hall’s Chapel Primitive Baptist Church, 611 E. Monroe St., will host a “Coming Home for Christmas Banquet” today at 4 p.m., for Elder Richard L. Johnson. Sponsored by the Pastors Aid Auxiliary.
Neel Road Baptist
The Lottie Moon banquet is today at 5 p.m. Sunday is the donations deadline for the children’s Sunday school class collecting clean, gently used toys for the Salvation Army. The Neel Road Baptist Youth County-Wide Student Conference will be held on campus on Dec. 16, with some 70+ high school and college students expected to attend.
Holy Cross Lutheran Christmas program
MOCKSVILLE — The Christmas program at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1913 US Highway 601 S., is Sunday. The program will be presented in musical format during the sermon time, with the Sunday school students and choir participating. Charles Fulton, Holy Cross musician and choir director, will lead the program with piano and organ. Worship is at 9 a.m. followed by Sunday school.
Maranatha Bible Church cantata
Maranatha Bible Church, 2320 Statesville Blvd., will present “The Word Became Flesh,” a celebration of the incarnation in Word and song, on Sunday at 10 a.m.
Cantata at Immanuel Lutheran
ROCKWELL — On Sunday during the 11 a.m. service at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 2070 Emanuel Church Road, the Chancel Choir under the direction of Dr. Dwayne Robertson will present “Holy Child,” written by Marty Parks. The cantata features nine musical selections which combine traditional carols with newer tunes. Nathan Wyatt will serve as narrator, and Christy Trexler is the soloist. Rev. Bruce Sheeks is host pastor.
Third Creek Family & Friends Day
CLEVELAND — Third Creek Church, 415 E. Main St., will celebrate its annual Family & Friends Day on Sunday. Host pastor Rev. Harold Jordan delivers the 11 a.m. message along with music from the Gospel Choir. Dinner follows the service.
Rev. Dr. Bertha Pittman, pastor of Cedar Grove AME Zion Church, will speak at the 3 p.m. service with music provided by the church choir. Special guests will include former members, families of deceased members, extended family members and friends.
F.A.C.T. Blessing of the Children
F.A.C.T. (Families and Communities Together) Blessing of the Children Service is Sunday at 3 p.m. at First Calvary Baptist Church, 400 S. Long St. This month’s theme is “STEAMinG — Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math in God.”
Children and youth from F.A.C.T. member churches include: worship leaders and talent presentation from First Calvary Baptist; song from Lilly’s Chapel Church of God; original poem by Zariah A. Foy of Moore’s Chapel AME Zion; Chrismons and Chrismon patterns by Trinity Presbyterian; Steaming with Art in Creation by Soldiers Memorial AME Zion; piano solo by Bethany Brown of New Hope AME Zion; object lesson by Dr. Mary L. Love of Hood Theological Seminary; and meditation and prayer by Rev. Leamon E. Brown, pastor.
Deacons Alliance hosts Rainbow Tea
The Rowan and Davie County Deacons Alliance will be hosting a Rainbow Tea on Sunday at 5 p.m. to raise funds to help the homeless and others in need. It will be held at the Salisbury Civic Center, 315 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave.
In March of 1992 the Alliance received a letter of appreciation from Chief Jeff Jacobs of the Salisbury Police Department. The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Humanitarian Service Award was presented to the Deacons Alliance at Mount Zion Baptist Church on Jan. 17, 1993, for their work.
Current program chairperson is Deacon Reginald C. Weeks Sr. and president is Deacon Clarence Craig. For more info call 704-633-5846.
St. John’s Men’s Chorus Christmas Concert
St. John’s Men’s Chorus presents “Sing to the Child: A Christmas Concert,” under the direction of Jason Harwood on Sunday at 4 p.m. There will also be congregational carol singing and St. John’s handbells will play. Free admission, nursery provided.
Advent at Gloria Dei
Gloria Dei’s midweek Advent service focuses on God’s angels who appeared to Mary and Joseph to calm their fears as they experience the upcoming birth of Jesus. The service is Wednesday, 7 p.m., in the main sanctuary of the church located at 1908 Statesville Blvd.
Blue Christmas service at St. Luke’s Lutheran
MT. ULLA — A Blue Christmas worship service will be held at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, on Thursday, Dec. 14 at 7 p.m. Sometimes Christmas just isn’t a happy-party time of year. Grief, illness, job loss, broken relationships can make our hearts and spirits heavy. The Blue Christmas service is a bit quieter, with a couple of softer Advent and Christmas hymns, Scripture readings, special prayers and experiences. For more information contact St Luke’s at 704-278-2710 or
Kent Bernhardt to host fundraiser for Milford Hills UMC
Kent Bernhardt is hosting a fundraiser for Milford Hills UMC at 1630 Statesville Blvd. on Saturday, Dec. 16 at 6:30 p.m. featuring a few of his friends from The ’Bury. The evening begins with Ed’s famous lasagna, followed by a special holiday ’Bury Home Companion with music from The Moonglows (John Brincefield, Kay Peeler, Bill Bucher, Carol Harris, Lauren Stephenson and Kent) plus Sara Lee. Tickets for dinner and the show are $20 at 704-636-0471 or 704-636-1007. Deadline Dec. 14.
Singing Christmas Tree at West Corinth Baptist
West Corinth Baptist Church will present its 13th annual Singing Christmas Tree on Saturday, Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 17 at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. in the family life center. This year’s theme is “Hallelujah, Jesus is Born.” Thirty singers and musicians will participate in this annual event. The performances are free and open to the public. Dean Orbison will begin his 20th year as the church’s minister of music in 2018.