Letter: Brave to cast the first stone

Published 10:38 pm Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The writer is responding to the Nov. 30 letter, “Letter writer seems cantankerous.”

That is just mean-spirited.

Do you know anything about Mr. Whitey Harwood? You say that you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting him, yet you are very quick to judge and defame a person’s character without prior knowledge. I am appalled to read something like this in our local paper. I guess you have fallen to fake news. I suppose you are thankful for freedom of the press. It gives you a platform.

Do you volunteer at the schools, hospitals and homeless shelters? Have you ever been to a homeless shelter or do you just mail in the token $25 at Christmas? You are very brave to cast the first stone against Mr. Harwood. I guess you walk on water. Can you change water into wine, heal the sick, raise the dead? If you can do these things please “write a letter to the editor and let the citizens of the county know.”

I will be waiting to read that letter.

— Danielle Cachine
