Faith Briefs Saturday, Dec. 2
Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 2, 2017
- Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church, 719 S. Caldwell St., hosts The Youth 4 Christ Friends and Family Mass Choir Gospel Concert today
Outreach Christian Ministries Shepherd’s Care
Outreach Christian Ministries, 722 W. Horah St.,will host a Shepherd’s Care service today at 4 p.m. led by Pastor Harvey “Chip” Rice from Maranatha Fellowship Church in High Point.
Prayer at the Vineyard Worship Center
Today at 4 p.m. The Vineyard Worship Center, 2785 Dunn’s Mountain Road, will gathering to unite in prayer to bring about transformation and reformation to our cities, nation, and the world. Hosted by Awakening Blaze Prayer Movement, Angela Smith prayer leader. Learn more on Facebook.
Revival at World of Faith
Revival at World of Faith Outreach Ministries, 5370 Stokes Ferry Road. continues today at 5 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m.
Youth 4 Christ concert
Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church, 719 S. Caldwell St., will host The Youth 4 Christ Friends and Family Mass Choir Gospel Concert today at 6 p.m. on the theme of “If not YOU-Then Who?” Proceeds benefit youth participation in the battle of the bands in Atlanta.
Soloists include Eugene Nunn, Mary Sturdivant, Mary Steltz, Janet Shuford, Candra Bethea, Danielle Burris and Emory Susong.
This year’s honorees are organizations that support youth such as Man Up Monday, Woman Up Wednesday, Team Up Tuesday, Night Crawlers, A’yanna Bible Study, Bridge for kids, Ties for Tuesday and Gemstone & Compadd.
Guest directors: Eddie Brown, Emory Susong, Jamaine Smith. Milton Griffith, founder and director.
Advent at Mount Zion UCC
CHINA GROVE — During the 10:30am service at Mount Zion United Church of Christ, 1415 S. Main St., Billy and Ann Bullard will light the First Advent Candle of Hope. Worship will include a Hanging of the Greens service followed by a “Bring Your Favorite Soup” lunch. Crackers will be provided. Mark L. Burns is host pastor.
First UCC special services
On Sunday at First United Church of Christ 207 W. Horah St., the service of Lessons & Carols is at 11 a.m. and the Blue Christmas service is at 4 p.m. This service of Light and Hope is for people who are struggling with the holidays. Holidays are not always easy for everyone. 704-633-2723.
New series at Mt Tabor UMC
On Sunday at 11 a.m. Mount Tabor United Methodist Church, just north of Ellis Park on Old Mocksville Road, begins a special “Coming Home” worship series in preparation for Christmas. 704-633-7484,
Mt Zion CME celebrates 71st homecoming
Mt. Zion CME, 124 Lloyd St., celebrates its 71st homecoming and founders day service on Sunday 3 p.m.
Guest speaker will be Presiding Elder Clifton Harris of Prince Chapel CME Church of New Hill and the Seventh Episcopal Durham District.
Dinner will be served at 2 p.m.
Host pastor is Rev. Mitchell Stewart.
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church concert
CONCORD — Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, 6740 Macedonia Church Road, presents a musical concert remembering Magdeline Carson, Judy Parks, Willie Carson and honoring Dot Wilson, Dianne Neely and Eunice Douglas Sunday at 3:30 p.m.
Weaver and Lunsford in concert
Matthew Weaver and Clay Lunsford will present a program of holiday and sacred music at Maupin Ave. A.R. Presbyterian Church on Sunday at 5 p.m. This is our annual Christmas party. The music will be followed by fellowship and refreshments in the fellowship hall. The public is invited. 704-636-7756.
Christmas with the Pathfinders
Gospel trio The Pathfinders will present a Christmas concert at Unity Presbyterian Church, 885 Woodleaf-Barber Road, on Sunday at 6 p.m. . A love offering will be taken, and refreshments will follow. 704-278-4248.
United Baptist Church
KANNAPOLIS —The annual candle light service on the First Sunday, of Advent is at 6 p.m. at United Baptist Church, 3001 Clermont Ave. Sister Valarie Watkins of Jerusalem Baptist Church, Spencer will be the guest speaker.
Host pastor is Rev. John e. Jones, Pastor.
Relay for Life team fundraiser
FAITH — On Saturday, Dec. 9 from 7-11 a.m. Faith Lutheran Church, 205 S. Main St., hosts breakfast by donation, plus baked goods, opportunity drawings, silent auctions and Christmas themed items in support of the Faith Cruisers Relay for Life team.
Neel Road Baptist:
The Lottie Moon Christmas Banquet is Dec 9 at 5 p.m. at Neel Road Baptist Church. There will be a Chinese food buffet as well as a silent auction. All proceeds go to the Lottie Moon Christmas offering for God’s glory, His use on foreign Mission Fields, and in remembrance of Missionary Lottie Moon who gave her life in His service for the people of China.
New London UMC hosts welcome table meal
NEW LONDON — On Saturday, Dec 9, the public is invited to Welcome to the Table, a community meal at New London UMC, with lunch being served from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. 704-463-5669.
Messengers for Christ anniversary celebration
CLEVELAND — On Sunday, Dec 10 at The Building, 140 Abington Lane, is the Messengers for Christ anniversary Celebration. Program starts at 3:30 p.m., doors open 2:30 p.m.
On program are George Dean & the Gospel 4 of Memphis, Tenn.; The Chosen Disciples of Asheboro; The Price Family of Asheboro; The Echoes for Christ of Salisbury; the Pilgrimaires of Salisbury; and emceed by G-Man.
Advance tickets are $12 and $15 at the door. Children under 12 are free. Food will be sold.
Info: Sharon 704287-6629 or Tommy 704-640-1287.
Advent at Ursinus UCC
ROCKWELL — Ursinus United Church of Christ Rockwell will host an Advent journey through the cosmos each week at 11 a.m. with a celestial being as guide beginning with the Star of Creation. Don’t miss a visit from the one and only Man in Red on Dec. 10 — yes, Lucifer will visit briefly as we explore the Fallen Star. Then on to the Promised Stars of hope for human kind that leads to the small town of Bethlehem and a Guiding Star for our lives.