Letter: People are more important than things
Published 5:15 pm Monday, November 13, 2017
I hear many talking about a car or boat or some faraway place that consumes them to want more than anything else. But not very often do I hear that same passion towards their loved ones any more.
I can remember hearing about kids and grandkids in the same way when I was younger. Men had bragging rights. Not hearing that anymore today. Not very often. Our material world has overshadowed the true meaning of life. We will listen to the advertiser tell us what we have to have or buy.
But, sadly, do children get as much attention? Instead of “my son wants to be a doctor,” you’re more likely today to hear this: “I am saving all of my money for that new Dodge truck they say is super fast.” Yet his kids will be without funds to go to college because of that.
We all are offered two paths in life — for love and family or for love of things. You can’t have both. Those paths are too far apart. We have God’s Word to read and the life of Christ on earth to show us the right path. We have big business and corporations to tell us about and show us the other path.
Love is the most precious part of life to learn and to practice.
Love will shine an eternity. A car will rust some day or wear out.
You can’t wear out love. It is the only thing in our lives that is ageless and lasts forever — the richest value and most powerful thing to possess any man will ever have.
— Art Liles
China Grove