Letter: The irony of noisy celebrations
Published 9:29 pm Monday, October 30, 2017
- Fireworks such as these in Kannapolis' Village Park in 2017 could be unsettling for some pets and people. Jon C. Lakey/Salisbury Post
In 1770, George Washington and our leaders formed an army to gain independence from England and establish the USA. Many times, our military personnel have protected good people from aggressive dictators in many areas of the world.
The Veterans Administration Medical Center is located in a busy area near Statesville Boulevard. Around July 4 and New Year’s Day, there is a large use of firecrackers and exploding skyrockets. I think the city of Salisbury should not allow the use of any explosive item within two miles of the V.A. because it could cause a severe disturbance to a military veteran.
How many veterans with post traumatic stress disorder are in our local V.A. hospital? I hope they have a quiet room and medical assistance when the noisy celebrations start.
I’m patriotic and I like to celebrate, and I recognize our gratitude should go to our military personnel, past and present. Without them, we would be living in misery under a dictator’s control. They should be respected to the highest degree, and I do not see that happening.
Our city leaders should use resources to secure a safe and quiet location around the V.A. hospital.
— J.M. Wilson