Talkback: What online readers say about …
Published 12:00 am Friday, September 29, 2017
… NAACP candidate forum talks about city’s changing demographics
Perhaps the first challenge this government should address is to know what we don’t know — to better understand who we all are and what our needs are. Federal, state, and local government agencies, as well as private industry, use surveys to know their customers …
A well-promoted citywide survey, backed by city government, civic groups, college, business and religious leaders, and others, followed up by having the results publicized through the Post, would help us all. We’d be armed with facts, rather than vague speculation, when we’re discussing the needs of the city.
— Kathleen Bergeron
… Editorial: Salisbury a step ahead?
As the months and years pass by (demographics) will have huge implications in Salisbury. I was glad this issue was talked about in the recent Salisbury-Rowan NAACP Salisbury City Council candidate forum.
We will need leaders that have a good handle on cultural competency, inclusionary practices and a heart for social equity.
With the demographics shifting drastically where people of color are in the majority (which is unprecedented in the entire history of this city) these competencies will be vital and requisite.
Think about these things as you head to the polls in October and November.
—Anthony Smith
… In Texas, a trio of men from Mississippi rescues dozens from floodwater
Yes, they are heroes. They certainly are to all those people they were able to rescue — and the animals. They just did what any decent people would do.
I am so in awe of all the people who have been helping their fellow human beings during all this unusual and dangerous weather the last few weeks. God bless them all.
— Carol Carpenter
… A homecoming in Gold Hill: Service, burial held for airman lost 73 years ago
God blessed this family today in being able to lay their family member to rest with honor and dignity befitting a young man willing to give his life for his country.
Congratulations, Gold Hill and the Russel family, for your son.
— Ken Beck
… Elizabeth Cook: Suppose you were a school critic
Most parents and grandparents jump on the “schools are failing” bandwagon until you ask about their child’s experience and success.
Most parents rate their local teachers and schools, especially those they know well, as excellent.
— Cathy Mahaffey
The use of test scores is probably not the best measure of performance. But without standardized testing, what alternative means could be utilized to arrive at an objective comparison of student performance, between schools or between school systems?
Most of the taxpayers who fund the public school system do not have the time to visit a school. The publication of standardized testing is the only indicator they have of measuring success. And yes, their opinion still matters in a democratic society.
— Jeff Morris
Dr. Ben Carson is a good example of a man that overcame poverty through education. You can find the book “Gifted Hands” about his life at the Rowan Public Library.
Parents, turn off the screens and take them to the library to find interesting books to read. That is what Ben Carson’s mother did. By the way, September is Library Card Sign-up Month. No charge for the card.
— Susan Agner
Can I suggest “How Children Succeed” by Paul Tough? It’s the best book I’ve read in a long time about teaching and learning in regards to schools and children of poverty.
— Ron Turbyfill
… Public hearing for western elementary school Monday
Eighty minutes is too much for a child to be on a bus. That’s over 2.5 hours per day for an elementary-school-aged child and is borderline abusive.
— Mike Palmer
… RSS Superintendent Lynn Moody: “You have to believe in community”
The power of Dr. Moody’s message is strong in this article. … Dr. Moody knows that our students have the ability to use critical-thinking skills to solve problems and to create solutions.
Our students can accomplish great things. We need to prepare them to be successful leaders. I know from firsthand experience that if we believe in our students and help them discover information and collaborate to share ideas that they can amaze you.
— Angie Fleming
… Man arrested on drug charges after found unconscious in car
Great work. These folks are taking up so much valuable time and resources from our county. Hope the district attorney stands firm with them.
— Mark Cantrell
You are very correct. But at the same time, these are addicts. Addiction is a horrible disease, just as cancer is a disease.
From what I see on the outside looking in, you feel addicts should be sent to prison. That is not the answer.
Take it from me, a recovered addict that fought the battle of addiction for 30 years, lost a very good business, family, reputation, self-respect and so much more.
— Tim Rippey
… Local clergy, leaders, and residents form Pray Rowan group to host prayer gathering
Do you people even read the book you pray on? Matthew 6:5, 21st Century King James Version: “And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward.”
— Heidi Voelker
Pray till you can’t pray anymore.
Then get up and take action, help the homeless shelter, volunteer for community watch, mentor a youth, put God’s good will into doing instead of watching and waiting and complaining.
— Roy Lynch
I too believe in the prayer closet, But these are different times and there is also mentioned in the Bible, Matthew 18:20: “For where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I in the midst of them.”
— Bryon Hill
… Salisbury Indivisible asks City Council to relocate Confederate monument
When I see this beautiful statue, I never think Confederate or Union. I see a fallen soldier, of any era, being held by an angel. It’s comforting. Please leave it where it is.
— Candy Fesperman
When I see this ordinary and familiar looking statue in Salisbury, I think of the climate and racial tension that existed at the time it was dedicated. It was just a few years after a violent public lynching of black people in Salisbury, many years after the Civil War and around the same time beginning of Jim Crow and the dedication of many other Confederate memorials.
The statue was not built to comfort all of Salisbury, it was built to re-unite a view of anti-blackness that perpetuated the city and some of its politicians for decades later.
The views and objectives of those who succeeded in memorializing a racist and unsuccessful secession should be kept in its proper context, which means placing the statue in a museum or removing it altogether. …
— Franklin Caldwell II
Do you see conservatives protesting or crying that statues offend them? No, they are working to Make America Great Again.
— Mark Infield
By giving people worse insurance options, making the rest of the world think we’re idiots, taking away protection of citizens? Yes. They are doing a great job.
— Korey Deese
Come on guys, both your parties are hot garbage.
Lots of conservatives are crying that people didn’t stand correctly during a special song, so, yeah, the libs aren’t the only snowflakes.
— Brian Vanhoy
I am a member of Salisbury Indivisible and I support relocation of the statue. #movefame
— Emily Ford
I am a member of Salisbury Indivisible and I support relocation of the statue. #movefame
— Brian Pfaff
I am a member of Salisbury Indivisible and I support the relocation of Fame. #MoveFame
— Renee Wimbish
I am a member of Salisbury Indivisible and I support relocation of the statue. #movefame
— Laurel Harry
I am a member of Salisbury Indivisible and I support relocation of the statue. #movefame
— Merry Overholser
I am a member of Salisbury Indivisible and I support relocation of the statue. #movefame
— Jan Harwood
True Salisburians respect and appreciate its true meaning and significance. It represents fallen soldiers, black and white. Most see it as a symbol for all, Union and Confederate.
— Chris Samples
In all my 76 years I have never thought about Fame as being a beautiful statue holding up all the soldiers of all the wars. I don’t want to offend anyone. It would hurt to see Fame come down. Why couldn’t they agree to change the words and make it for all the fallen soldiers?
— Linda S. Efird
This monument is to Confederate soldiers, not all. This was erected for my ancestors, not every soldier from all wars. Do not change the words or move it, period.
— Donald Schenck
For close to 110 years, Fame has stood as a meaningful memorial to ancestors of those in Salisbury and Rowan County. Why is it a problem now? #LeaveFameAlone#KeepOurSalisburyAngel
— Lucas Safrit
If the statue is shooting at people we can move it up the list of things Salisbury needs to fix first
— Matthew Carroll
I’m a member of society and y’all need to focus more on the violence and crime of Salisbury rather than a harmless statue that isn’t out selling drugs or shooting people.
— Jack Godfrey
Maybe a statue of a paramedic holding a dead OD morphine/heroin person would be more fitting at the Square? Please just leave it alone!
— Dawn Rangel
I’m a member of Indivisible High Point and this is not a memorial that should be removed. This one is about remembrance not reverence. It’s an angel, not a general on a horse. Placed there at the turn of the century, not during the Civil Rights era. … This is one of those that is worth a discussion with the black community before arbitrarily removing it.
— Amanda Corriher
I’m not indivisible, and I say move it. This town is a town of multiple cultures and ethnic groups, not just black, Spanish or whites. … Salisbury is for all of us, not just y’all. How can you say I’m for God but you want to keep a statue that reminds people of a dreadful past? It’s obviously just like the Charlottesville situation.
— Mark Oglesby
If you lived anywhere in the Southern Confederate states, and you were an able-bodied male, you had no choice on whether or not to fight. All men and even young boys were conscripted into service. That means that they were forced to serve. …
This statue stands as a memorial to all Rowan county Confederate soldiers. Most of which did not own slaves, but were forced to fight in the war.
— Lauren West
I am a member of Salisbury Indivisible, as well as a citizen of Salisbury and a native North Carolinian, and I support moving the statue to a more appropriate location. That way, everyone who reveres it so passionately can visit on foot, and linger, instead of simply driving by in a car.
— Jenni Pfaff
Simplest solution. Stop crying about statues and just remove the South from North America. This way there’s nothing there to remind “us” about the War Between The States. Then we can go back to focusing on #KneeGate2017 while we Totally ignore our fellow Americans in Puerto Rico who are currently living in less than Third World conditions.
Even better, deport all “Americans” who were not here prior to Columbus back to their country(s) of origin. If’n yer multinational, the original inhabitants of The Americas can send the pieces to said countries.
And this is why we’ll never be a United States, just a bunch of cliques who think “We’re more important than the other folks.”
— Rob Dalton
If it is determined that the statue is on privately owned land and not city or county land, then there can be no forced removal and relocation, and no amount of petitioning or votes cast will change that unless the owners of said property and statue feel it is in the best interests of themselves, the community and the statue to relocate it.
So for now everyone’s opinion on what should be done with it isn’t doing anything but pitting members of the community against each other, and that’s the last thing we need.
— Mary Thielemann
I wish the Salisbury Post would have included the actual letter written by Salisbury Indivisible. If it had, maybe some of the comments would be different. The letter included a significant amount of history on the statue itself.
But other citizens did provide history in their comments. They were told to “leave Salisbury” or “go back where you came from.”
It’s always easier to resort to name-calling or hurling insults than it is to face the truth of the horrible atrocities this country inflicted upon its own citizens. The statue “Fame” speaks to such an atrocity.
It’s true we can’t change history, but we can definitely learn from it. This is not the first time the city has been asked to move the statue, and I am confident it will not be the last.
I am a member of Salisbury Indivisible and I support relocation of the statue #movefame.
— Regina Dancy