Faith Briefs Saturday, Sept. 16
Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 16, 2017
- Faith Briefs Saturday, Sept. 16
Wittenberg welcomes new pastor
GRANITE QUARRY — Wittenberg Lutheran Church, at the corner of Bank and Oak Streets, will install Pastor Kyle Bates as the new pastor on Sunday at 4 p.m. Pastor Ed Harper will conduct the service. Pastor Harper is also interim pastor of Haven Lutheran Church in Salisbury and a member of Wittenberg.
Pastor Bates is a recent graduate of Southern Seminary in Columbia, S.C. and was ordained at St. Matthews Evangelical Lutheran Church, Charleston, S.C., on Aug. 12. Pastor Bates graduated from Lenoir Rhyne in Hickory with a bachelors degree. His wife, Andrea, has also been recently ordained. She is a new pastor in Welcome.
Nancy Hylick, organist, will play for the service. Clay Honeycutt is choir director. There will be a dinner following the service in the fellowship hall.
Today: Ushers Convention
EAST SPENCER — The Guiding Light Missionary Baptist Association, 308 Boundary St., will hold its annual Ushers Convention at 10 a.m. Host moderator is Rev. John E. Jones.
Today: The Blessing of God Ministry
LEXINGTON — Pastor Kathy White of Bethel Power of Faith Ministry will be speaking at The Blessing of God Ministry, 412 Westside Drive, at 11 am.
Today: UMA
The UMA’s business meeting is at 11 a.m. at Tower of Power United Holy Church, 601 East Cemetery St.
The United Ministerial Alliance will host its joint worship service at 7 p.m., Sunday at Bethel Power of Faith Ministries, 1021 N. Main St. Pastor Shay Geter of New Faith Full Gospel Fellowship Center will speak. Apostle Charlene Kellam is host pastor.
Today: First Wesleyan Church hot dog sale
KANNAPOLIS — 11 a.m.-3 p.m., 301 Bethpage Road. Homemade chili, slaw, desserts.
South China Grove UMC
CHINA GROVE — South China Grove United Methodist Church, 230 Rose Ave., celebrates Laity Sunday at the regular 9:30 a.m. service. Shirley Alexander, church Lay Leader, will lead the service and deliver the message. Host pastor is Dr. S. B. “Doc” Warner.
Homecoming at Rockwell UMC
ROCKWELL — On Sunday at 10 a.m., Rockwell United Methodist Church, Hwy 52, will celebrate homecoming with speaker Rev. Robbie Crisp , pastor at Heritage Fellowship Church. Rev. Crisp holds a BA degree and is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity degree. He has served as evangelist, youth pastor and key speaker in leadership and evangelistic conferences. After worship will be a covered dish meal in the fellowship building.
66 years at Bethel Lutheran
Bethel Lutheran Church, 355 E. Ridge Road, will celebrate its 166th year of ministry with homecoming on Sunday, conducted by Pastor L. Darrell Norris, at the 10:30 a.m. service followed by a covered dish luncheon. Pastor Norris has been the interim pastor at Bethel since July.
Maranatha Bible Church
Maranatha Bible Church, 2320 Statesville Blvd., will celebrate its 44th homecoming on Sunday at 10 a.m.
Jeremy Varner, former youth pastor, will be the guest speaker. He currently serves as senior pastor at Community Baptist Church in LaGrange. A covered dish dinner will follow the service. There will be no evening service.
Mt. Zion UCC
CHINA GROVE — Sunday is homecoming at Mt. Zion UCC, 1415 S. Main St. At the 10:30 a.m. service Chase and Annie Deal will share their story of faith and how God is alive and at work in their lives. The Children’s Choir and Chancel Choir will sing. All Golden Members will be honored. Following worship there will be a covered dish meal. Host pastor is Mark L. Burns.
Homecoming at North Main Baptist
Homecoming services will be held Sunday at 10:30 a.m. at North Main Baptist Church, 1501 North Main St. Call 704-637-2929 to learn more.
Homecoming at Lebanon Lutheran
CLEVELAND — Lebanon Lutheran Church will celebrate homecoming on Sunday at the 10:30 a.m. service. Retired minister Carroll Robinson will be the guest pastor. He served Lebanon from 19920-2004. A covered dish meal will follow the service.
Organ Lutheran church
Organ Lutheran Church, 1515 Organ Church Road, will hold service outside in the picnic shelter on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. with lunch provided after. On Sunday, Sept. 24 at 8:30 a.m. early service will be in the New Church, and the regular service is at 10:30 a.m.
Mt. Tabor UMC
Mount Tabor United Methodist Church, just north of Ellis Park on Old Mocksville Road, starts a new worship series on Sunday at 11 a.m., #SeeAllThePeople through prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. Call 704-633-7484 to learn more.
Kirkwood Presbyterian
KANNAPOLIS — Kirkwood Presbyterian Church, 900 Klondale Ave., is celebrating its 75th homecoming on Sunday at 11 a.m. with Rev. Amy Burton as guest minister. Special music will be presented by guest Mike Barbee. Following worship, a covered dish dinner will be held in the fellowship hall. Rev. Debra Madden is host pastor.
Family & Friends Day at Soldiers Memorial
Soldiers Memorial, 306 N. Church St., will observe Family & Friends Day Sunday at 11 a.m. Rev. Dr. Derrick R. Anderson, pastor of Soldiers Memorial will speak. Afterward, the church will host a Meet and Greet in the Enrichment Center. Revival services are Sept. 18-20 at 7 p.m.
Monday: Rev. Dr. David A. Williams, pastor of Greater Gethsemane AME Zion, Charlotte;
Tuesday: Rev. Dr. David S. Cunningham, pastor of China Grove AME Zion, Charlotte;
Wednesday: Rev. J. Ruth Davis, pastor of Shiloh AME Zion Church, Statesville.
Brunch to honor pastor at Holy Cross Lutheran
Rev. Dr. David P. Nelson has been interim pastor at Holy Cross Lutheran Church south of Mocksville for 18 months. In his 57 years of ordained ministry he served in North Carolina and Georgia and was at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Salisbury for six years as pastor for Care and Homebound Ministry.
Pastor Nelson will be honored at a brunch after the 9 a.m. service on Sunday. Holy Communion will include the newly dedicated brass communion ware. In lieu of a monetary gift, Pastor Nelson has requested donations be made to the ELCA’s Lutheran Disaster Response.
Gospel Explosion at Boxwood Missionary
MOCKSVILLE — Boxwood Missionary Baptist Church will host a Gospel Explosion fundraiser on Sunday at 3 p.m. Various groups will be contributing to the joyful noise. Sponsored by the Pastors Aid Ministry. Host pastor is Rev. Gary S. Milton.
Hall’s Chapel Primitive Baptist homecoming
Homecoming at Hall’s Chapel Primitive Baptist Church is Sunday at 3 p.m. Rev. Dale Wilson of Campbell Missionary Baptist Church of Mooresville is guest speaker. Dinner will be served at 1:30 p.m. Host pastor is Elder Richard Johnson.
Revival services are Monday through Wednesday, Sept. 18-20. Elder Timothy Lyons of St. John’s Primitive Baptist Church will be the evangelist for the week.
Men’s Day at Henderson Grove Missionary Baptist
Henderson Grove Missionary Baptist Church will celebrate Men’s Day on Sunday, at 3 p.m. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Stanley Rice, pastor of Yadkin Grove Baptist Church. Host pastor is the Rev. Perry Dye.
Homecoming at Shady Grove
EAST SPENCER — Shady Grove Baptist Church will celebrate its annual homecoming and revival on Sunday at 3 p.m. with speaker Rev. Frank Butler, pastor of New Zion Baptist Church of Harmony.
Revival services are Monday through Wednesday, Sept. 18-20 and the speaker for the week will be Rev. Rick Galloway, pastor of Dorsett Chapel UCC in Spencer.
Missionary’s Day at St. Luke Missionary Baptist
The annual Missionary’s Day for St. Luke Baptist Church is Sunday at 3 p.m. Guest speaker will be Rev. Dr. Debra J. Hall of New Hope AME Zion Church in Spencer. Dr. Hall holds a BS degree, a Master of Divinity Degree and a Doctorate of Ministry. The theme is “Faith, Hope & Love, but the greatest of these is Love.” Light refreshments will be served. Rev. Marcus Fairley is host pastor.
Homecoming at United Baptist Church
KANNAPOLIS — Homecoming and revival at United Baptist Church, 3001 Clermont Ave., will begin Sunday at 3 p.m.. Rev. Clarence Marlin, pastor of Fairview Heights Baptist Church, will be the homecoming speaker.
Bishop Harvey Rice, pastor of Mt. Calvary Holiness Church, will be the speaker at revival services Monday-Friday, Sept. 18-22, at 7 p.m. Rev. John Edward Jones is host pastor.
132nd anniversary of Moore’s Chapel AME Zion
CLEVELAND — On Sunday at 3 p.m., Moore’s Chapel AME Zion Church, 5890 South River Church Road, celebrates with special guest speaker, Rev. J. Ruth Davis, pastor of Shiloh AME Zion Church of Statesville. Lunch will be served at 1:30 p.m.
Rev. Eddie L. Fortson is host pastor.
MHBC monthly community brunch
A community brunch will be held at Milford Hills Baptist Church, 1238 East Colonial Drive, on Tuesday, Sept. 19 at 10 a.m. Renee Scheidt will be the featured speaker and singer.
First Calvary Baptist Church revival
First Calvary Baptist Church, 400 S. Long St., will hold a three-night revival Tuesday, through Thursday, Sept. 19-21 nightly at 7 p.m. Speakers for the series will be Rev. Arnie’ Woods, associate pastor of Gethsemane Baptist Church on Tuesday;
Rev. Vincent Patrick Jones, pastor of New Zion Baptist Church, Granite Quarry, Wednesday;
Rev. Dr. Nicole Martin, executive minister at The Park Church in Charlotte, on Thursday. The Rev. Leamon E. Brown is host pastor.
Special study at Gloria Dei
As part of the 500th anniversary commemoration of the Reformation, Gloria Dei Lutheran church continues its study exploring the beginning of the Lutheran church in America, especially in Rowan County on Wednesdays at 6:30 in the fellowship hall at 1908 Statesville Blvd.
Lilly’s Chapel Church of God hosts Assembly
The 102nd annual General Assembly for The Northern, Northwestern and Southern Dioceses of The Church of God Founded By Jesus Christ Inc., will convene at Lilly’s Chapel Church of God, 618 W. Thomas St., Wednesday-Sunday, Sept. 20-24, daily at 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Bishop Joseph Mitchum is Presiding Prelate, Bishop James Davis is Vice Bishop, Chairman of the Board is Presiding Elder William Smith.
Church Revival
CLEVELAND — Apostle Charlene Kellam of Bethel Power of Faith Ministries will be the guest speaker on Wednesday, Sept. 20 at 7:30 p.m. at Ambassador For Jesus Christ, 210 Clement St. Host pastor is Beatrice Vaughters.
Fund raiser at Eastwood
KANNAPOLIS — A hotdog fundraiser at Eastwood Baptist Church, 320 Cook St., on Sept. 23 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., will benefit the church HVAC system. 704 933-8326.
Providence UMC and AME Zion host hunger event
Providence UMC and Providence AME Zion are hosting a Stop Hunger Now event Saturday, Sept 23 at 2 p.m. at Providence UMC, 6450 Bringle Ferry Road. Volunteers will be packaging 11,152 meals to be shipped around the world to school feeding programs and crisis relief. Volunteers are welcome.
Yadkin Grove Baptist
Yadkin Grove Baptist Church celebrates the pastoral anniversary of Pastor and First Lady the Rev. Stanley and Cynthia Rice Saturday, Sept. 23, at 5 p.m. with a special tribute honoring the late Rev. James I. Smith. The J. I. Smith Gospel Choir will be in concert.
The celebration continues Sunday at 11 a.m. with Rev. Deon Anderson of God’s Tabernacle for Believers as guest speaker. Lunch will be served at 1:30 p.m. Anniversary services conclude at 3 p.m. with Bishop Derek Kelly of New Faith Gospel Fellowship.