Letter: Politicans at fault in education, too

Published 10:34 pm Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Pols at fault, too

The Post’s editorial page today (Wednesday) is full of letters and opinion regarding education. All kinds of blame is thrown around, but the N.C. General Assembly is a major factor in this arena.

The GOP-led General Assembly is giving money to both private and charter schools instead of adequately supporting traditional public schools financially.

Public schools are the only schools that are accountable while educating all of the children who attend, not just the chosen ones.

Studies have shown that private and charter schools do no better than traditional public schools, and their scores may be higher because they have the cream of the crop, not every student.

Traditional public schools provide a myriad of services not provided by private and charter schools, including transportation. The same standards of accountability are not present for private schools as those for public education.

It is time for citizens to stand up to the GOP-led General Assembly and insist they adequately fund public education. Most of us were educated in the public schools and have done well.

Public schools must be supported adequately financially if the future of our children’s education is to be assured.

— Pat Bullard

China Grove