Local arts & entertainment news Aug. 24-30
Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 24, 2017
- The Jay Stone singers in concert for the cure for Cystic fibrosis
Annual benefit for the cure of Cystic Fibrosis — 6:30 p.m. Saturday Aug. 26: Scottssing.com hosts Jay Stone singers in concert at Mt. Hope Church, 7004 Old Concord Road. Free concert; a love offering will go to the cure of Cystic Fibrosis. All info at www.scottssing.com call or text 704-239-6134or704-798-5700.
Lee Street to hold auditions for Tony Award-winning musical ‘Next to Normal’
Lee Street is preparing to cast its first musical of Season 10. Presented with Catawba College Theatre Arts Department, auditions for “Next to Normal” will be held Sept. 10 at 2 p.m. at Lee Street theatre. The production will be directed by artistic director Craig Kolkebeck and music directed by John Stafford.
This production will feature interning student-actors Jacob Hammill, Randy Stull and Larissa Garcia in the cast under the new CataLst program.
“Next to Normal” is a rock musical that explores how one urban couple copes with crisis and mental illness. It won three Tony Awards in 2009 and the 2010 Pulitzer Prize.
To audition, prepare 16 bars of a song that contains emotional range and be ready to perform cold readings from the script.
Rehearsals begin Sept. 24. Performances are Nov. 2-4 and 9-11. Tickets will be $20+tax, vailable in October at www.leestreet.org or 704-310-5507.
The search for the next superstar is on — ‘American Idol’ open auditions
ASHEVILLE — Open call auditions for American Idol will be held in Asheville on Sunday, Aug. 27 at 68 Haywood St. Contestants must be 15-28 years old, legal U.S. residents and must not have any ongoing contractual obligations as a performer. To submit an application, visit abc.go.com/shows/american-idol/online-auditions and register by filling out personal information, creating either a video or text introduction and uploading a video audition. In 2014, Asheville rocker and singer Caleb Johnson won the 13th season of the show.
Kaleidoscope Arts Festival and Zombie Walk
KANNAPOLIS — The second annual Kannapolis Arts Zombie Walk and Arts Festival kicks off at 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 26, at the North Carolina Research Campus in downtown Kannapolis.
The festival, which runs until 8 p.m., will feature performances by the Stray Cat Sideshow Troupe with fire eating and sword swallowing, music by David Domingo and Co., as well as local “haunts” and hearses provided by the Reaper’s Rides Hearse Club, as well as entertainment from the Queens of D’Nile Studio Belly Dance Troupe.
Celebrate Halloween early with the festival by dressing up in costume to get into the Halloween spirit and participate in the zombie walk on North Research Campus Drive. The walk begins at 7:30 p.m.
The festival is free to the public and $10 to set up as a vendor. For more information email parks@kannapolisnc.gov or visit www.kannapolisnc.gov
5th annual Silver Buckle Charity Ball
Save the date: Saturday, Sept. 23 from 5-9 p.m. Live music, dancing, steak or chicken dinner, silent auction.
Proceeds support the therapeutic riding and equine assisted activities at Saving Grace Farm for people with special needs and disabilities. Funds help make up the difference between what families can afford to pay, and what the services actually cost.
Hosted by Trinity Oaks in the Special Events Room, tickets are $40 each or $75 per couple and include admission, dinner and two drink tickets per person.
Get tickets at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/5th-annual-silver-buckle-charity-ball-tickets-34692947540
Call or email to learn more at 704v-209-6577 or janna@savinggracefarm.com
PPT youth auditions
PPT youth auditions for “Anne of Green Gables” are Sept. 19 and 20 at 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. Auditions are by appointment only. Call 704-633-5471 to sign up. Show dates are Nov. 6-18. Norvell Theater, 135 E. Fisher St. Info at PiedmontPlayers.com
An Evening of Pops ’N Jazz by Salisbury-Rowan Choral Society
Save the date: Beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 31 enjoy the sounds of the renowned band Divided by Four, in the upstairs lounge at City Tavern, 113 E. Fisher St.
Proceeds from the silent auction benefit the programs of the Salisbury-Rowan Choral Society. Food and drink will be available for purchase. Suggested admission donation is $10.
Lee Street theatre announces Fall acting classes
Kindra Steenerson director of “The Dixie Swim Club,” will be offering two classes beginning in September. Each are open to all skill sets and experience levels with a maximum class size of 12. Fall courses are $175 for seven weeks. Sign up before Aug. 31 for the early bird discount of $25 off.
All-Level Adult Meisner Acting Intensive (18 years and up):
Saturdays 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Sept. 9-Oct. 28 (No class Oct. 21, and the 28th will be a public showcase of student scenes)
Sanford Meisner, American acting legend who disagreed with the notion of affective memory (Method Acting), developed a technique to keep the focus on what he called “the reality of doing.”
Beginning Acting for Teens (ages 13-17):
Mondays 6:30-9 p.m. Sept. 11-Oct. 23 (Public showcase on final day)
Saturdays 2-5:30 p.m. Sept. 9-Oct. 28 (Public showcase on final day)
This course is an introduction to the basic skills an actor must acquire. By the end of the course students will have:
All classes are held at Lee Street theatre and Performing Arts Center, 329 N. Lee St. Enroll at www.leestreet.org or 704-310-5507.
Carolina Renaissance Festival Hosts First Job “Faire”
Pirates, Nobles, Wenches and Knights – it takes a lot of work to organize the region’s largest costume party! The Carolina Renaissance Festival will hold its 2nd annual job faire on Friday, September 8th and Saturday, September 9th from 10 AM – 1 PM each day. The faire will be held at the Festival grounds located just north of Charlotte, between Concord and Huntersville, at 16445 Poplar Tent Road, Huntersville.
The Festival hires 350 seasonal employees on an annual basis. Employees will have the opportunity hawk turkey legs and ale, sell admission tickets, greet guests, and more. Applicants should be able to produce documents showing they are able to work in the United States, if hired. Resumes are appreciated but not required for most positions. Questions about the job faire can be directed to crfjobs@renfestinfo.com
The Carolina Renaissance Festival returns for its 24th annual season weekends, Saturdays and Sundays, September 30th through November 19th. The interactive event is a combination of outdoor theater, circus, arts and crafts fair, jousting tournament and feast. This information and more can be found online at Carolina.RenFestInfo.com
New start date: Six-week beginning Tai Chi for Balance — 1:30 p.m. Thursdays Sept. 7-Oct. 12: Instructor Gail Poulton. Center for Faith & the Arts, 207 W. Harrison St. behind Haven Lutheran Church, between S. Fulton and S. Main. Register at angirama@gmail.com or 704-647-0999. Cost $60.
Learn the guitar — Guitar class starting 1 p.m. Monday, Sept. 11 for absolute beginner or intermediate guitar. Held at Rufty-Holmes Sr. Center, 1120 S. MLK Jr. Ave. Bring your own guitar. No previous experience necessary. Cost $40 plus $10 workbook. Call 704-216-7714 to sign up between Aug. 28 and Sept. 8, or for more info call 704-640-0279.
Fall Refresh and Relax Yoga —Class 1: Mondays 5:45-7:15 p.m. Aug. 28-Oct. 2 •• Class 2: Tuesdays 5:45-7:15 p.m. Aug. 28-Oct. 3 •• Class 3:Wednesdas 9:30-11 a.m. Aug. 30-Oct. 4 • $90 ($15/class). Try a class before registering for a session. Info and registration: Debra McNeil, OTR/L, EP-C. RYT at inspiredwellness@bellsouth.net or 704-637-1671. For more information visit www.faithart.org
Center for Faith & the Arts women’s retreat — Sept. 15-17: Kick off with a film presented by the Catawba College Forum film series on Sept. 15 at 7 p.m. in the Tom Smith Auditorium in the Ketner center. On Saturday a variety of workshops will be held at the Center for Faith & the Arts. Saturday evening includies performance by Queens of D’Nile, followed by dancing and drumming. Registration is $5 includes lunch on Saturday.Learn more at www.faithart.org
Eight-week beginning & intermediate pottery wheel class — Cost: $200. Choose • Tuesdays 10:30-1 p.m. Sept. 5-Oct. 24 or • Wednesdays 6:30-9 p.m. Sept.6-Oct. 25 or • Thursdays: 6:30-9 p.m. Sept. 7-Oct. 26 • Pottery 101, 101 S. Main St., 704-209-1632, www.pottery-101.com