Letter: GOP offers junk health care bill

Published 12:10 am Monday, July 31, 2017

Where were Sens. Burr and Tillis? I have never witnessed the like of this in my 40 years as a Republican.

We, the people, don’t have representatives. I could not believe that our senators lack the courage or the conviction to stand up for their constituents. They said we need a better health care plan and they have offered nothing. At least be honest. But no, they were willing to vote in a “simple repeal” when senators admitted it was a fraudulent bill.

We were supposed to believe that they would pass this junk bill and then work in a committee to do in two weeks what they have been unable to do in seven years? Or even in the past four months? Millions of  people in NC would have been affected by any of the proposals put forward so far.

It does not look like Burr and Tills are representing us. It looks like they are selling us out. Party loyalty is fine … But not at our expense! Either step up or get out.

— Gail Young
