Letter: Pitts can’t handle truth

Published 12:12 am Monday, July 24, 2017

Once again Leonard Pitts takes guns and race to the land of Oz. (Reference: NRA fighting for “The white to bear arms” — 7/20 Post) It’s obvious that Pitts can’t handle the truth when it’s accompanied by a sting. Recently, the NRA has produced some ads against liberal public violence. This particular violence not only endangers law abiding citizens and their hard earned possessions, but law enforcement/and other public servants as well.
If you have witnessed thousands of Black Lives Matter members and other lefties marching to the cadence of “wanting dead cops” and “fry ’em like bacon,” along with looting, burning and vandalism (like Berkeley) you should understand the NRA’s position. One real tragedy is that these small minority organizations give millions of descent, law abiding, hard working African Americans an undeserved bad name.
Pitts condemns law enforcement for shooting young people with toy guns. News flash, they look very real, and where are the parents? Those NRA spots are simple warnings for thugs to be very careful where they riot. Many areas, especially here in the South have a heavily armed population. Probably safer to tear down cities possessing ludicrous gun control laws.
Pitts refers to the NRA as having “scared and angry rhetoric.” As usual, Pitts is blind to reality. It’s civility and restraint the NRA possesses. Countless thousands of times law abiding armed citizens have avoided conflict by the very fact that they were legally armed. Three times in my life I’ve avoided possibly having to use a weapon in potentially deadly situations. I didn’t warn to “use it.” I warned to “not have to use it.”
Quick note on another subject: Republicans are slow in passing health care because — unlike the Democrats and ObamaCare — Republicans want it right, without broken promises and lies.
— Randy Biggerstaff