Letters to the editor – Thursday – 4-27-17
Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 27, 2017
Why aren’t Brenner Crossing units ready yet?
I would like to address major issues on the mixed-income-based property, Brenner Crossing Apartments. Many of the apartments are still being inspected and renovated and apparently are not move-in ready.
But the gag is that the property management has not only given out multiple move-in dates that have come and gone, they also will take your security deposit just to turn around and say carelessly, “Oh, it’s still not ready.” After waiting months after I was told I could move in, I still haven’t yet.
This place needs to be exposed. They are unprofessional, never answer the phone and make mistakes all over your paperwork.
— Michelle Baumgardner
Editor’s note: Lee Cochran of Laurel Street, the company managing Brenner Crossing, says more than 60 of the 90 units in Phase II are occupied.
“Unfortunately,” Cochran said, “in many cases at Brenner Crossing, the general contractor has not delivered the buildings when promised, and we have had to push back move-in dates, sometimes multiple times. This process is understandably frustrating to new residents, and we are very sorry for the inconvenience it is causing.”
Laurel Street hopes to have the final 20 units turned over from the general contractor within the next few weeks so all new residents can move in, Cochran said.
North Carolina first
To Messers: Burr, Tillis, Budd, Hudson
I am writing to you today to request that you represent the people of North Carolina. There is a lot of illegal and deceitful “stuff” going on in and around Washington and it needs to stop now. With upcoming budget talks coming, the investigation into Trump-Russia needs to get going now. Put independent investigators in there if you are not going to do it but do it now.
Neither the president nor his family nor his cronies should benefit from tax breaks and financial flim flam. Monies do not need to be given to corporations and the uber rich as long as there are people with no health care or not enough to eat in our state. One out of six North Carolinians do not have enough to eat. Are you proud of that? I definitely am not. Senior Tarheels are struggling to get by on Social Security and SNAP programs.
You were elected to represent us, the good honest people of North Carolina, not the money-grabbing perpetrators of the biggest national security threat to our country. Now do your job, take care of North Carolina first and foremost.
— George Benson
Serving Satan
Praying we will all remember our nation still rules as “one nation under God” with justice and freedom for all. With current political news, it seems we forget that “Justice is mine,” says the Lord.
God is our commander-in-chief, CEO and greater than all the world problems — wars of religion, Satan’s evil corruption, crime and the killing of each other within our own country.
We continue to stray from God’s holy spirit of Jesus, who died for our sins. Too many are dying today, leaving broken hearts and broken families.
We are using God’s free will and choices to serve evil and Satan, without considering responsibility and consequences.
We are being plagued by protests against the efforts of our new administration to resolve huge issues destroying our country. It’s hard to believe some of our citizens and leaders are joining the revenge on America with our enemies — radical Islamists, ISIS, criminals, Middle East countries, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia and all others wanting to destroy us.
The liberal left is working hard to delete conservatism. They seem not to want to admit to losing the election, but instead concentrate on organizing and stopping progress that benefits especially the many “left behind” American citizens. They are overlooking what is for the good of our nation to survive these outside and inside wars.
It is evident that the liberals are more focused on protecting and keeping their career jobs for their control and wealth forevermore. For our country and its citizens, it would be beneficial to reduce their terms and reinstate the draft, like the World War II days. It would give many young people opportunities they are not getting now and help them learn what it feels like to serve your country and learn self-respect.
— Carol Cauble