Arts & Entertainment news April 27-May 3
Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 27, 2017
- Jesse’s Ride and Run for PTSD will be held on Saturday, May 6.
Sign up for Jesse’s Ride and Run for PTSD
FAITH — Jesse’s Ride and Run for PTSD will be held on Saturday, May 6. This is sponsored by Organ Lutheran Church and The Faith American Legion and Auxiliary. All proceeds go to Honor One, whose Heal One’s Mission is to create financial help for veterans, firefighters and police offices suffering from PTSD.
You can donate online at Gofundme and also register online. Registration begins at 8 a.m. for the Ride and Run at a cost of $25 for each, at the Faith American Legion Park.
BBQ, hamburgers and hotdogs will be for sale. Door prizes will be given for the Ride, Run and Poker Hand. The BBQ meal and door prize ticket is included in the $25 to run or ride. Additional riders receive a poker hand and food for $5.
Non-riders and runners can purchase food and a poker hand as well. Bring a chair and spend the day listening to the bands of Nostalgia and Raising Glory.
Registration for the 5K begins at 8 a.m. also. There are divisions for men, women and kids. The Run will begin at 9 a.m. First Bikes out at 10 a.m. Last bikes out at 2 p.m. 115 Gantt St, Faith, 704-775-9823.
Facebook: Jesse’s Ride and Run for PTSD • Gofundme: Jesse’s Ride for PTSD
‘Our Song4’ is final Catawba concert of the season
On Sunday, April 30, at 4 p.m. in Catawba’s Omwake-Dearborn Chapel, “Our Song4” will be presented under the direction of Dr. Phillip E. Burgess. The program will feature the 80-voice Catawba Singers, the 40-voice Chamber Choir, and the close harmony of the PopAC ensemble.
“Our Song4” is the final choral program of the 2016-2017 academic yearg. All of the selections were chosen from student suggestions.
The 75-minute concert features works by Jenkins, Bestor, Gjeilo, Billy Joel, and Freddie Mercury. The PopAC will feature works arranged by student composers.
Student conductor and conducting scholarship recipient Robert Thornton will lead the graduating seniors in several selections, while student musicians will accompany the choir on several selections.
Rehearsal and performance pianists are Susan Trivette and Jacob Hahn.
Barnyard Bash Weekend at Patterson Farm
MT. ULLA — From 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on April 29 and noon-5 p.m. on April 30, come meet the baby animals up close and personal at Patterson Farms. Special barnyard crafts will be available in our Barnyard Theater. Some crafts require a small fee.
Patterson farms is located at 10390 Caldwell Road, Mt. Ulla. For info and pricing visit
‘When Doves Cry: A Tribute to Prince’
May 5 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $20+tax
Lee Street theatre in partnership with the Catawba College Vernaculars presents “When Doves Cry: a Tribute to Prince and the Purple Rain Album” featuring the talents of four former Prince band members and students of Catawba College’s Music Department.
The show will be held at New Sarum Brewing, 109 N. Lee St., in the parking lot. Wrist bands are required for entry and distributed to ticket holders the night of the event. For more information call Lee Street theatre at 704-310-5507 or visit
Saturday pool tournament benefits the shelter animals
Break-N-Run Bar and Billiards, 612 S. Main St., will host a pool tournament Saturday, April 29 from 2 until 6 p.m. There will be live music by Adam & the Peculiars and BBQ plates and sandwiches are $7. Entry fee is $5; half will go to the winner and half to the animals. 100 percent of event proceeds go to Shelter Guardians. For more information, call 704-213-7270.
National Astronomy Day Star Party
CONCORD — National Astronomy Day Star Party will be held at Carolina International School on Friday, April 28. Sponsored by the Astronomical Society of Rowan, 6-9 p.m. 9545 Poplar Tent Road, Concord.
Youth theatre audition workshop
9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, May 20
This workshop will focus on preparing students to audition for a musical production, specifically geared toward PPT’s upcoming production of “Bring It On.” Skills developed will be in dancing, singing, acting, stage movement and auditioning techniques. If your child has ever wanted to audition for a musical but just didn’t know how, has auditioned many times and just can’t seem to get that role, or just wants to fine tune their audition skills, this workshop is for you. Instructors: Brooke Baldwin and Tanner Groppi. For ages: Elementary-high school. Cost: $40. Only 25 spots available. Call 704-633-5471 to sign up. The Norvell Theater, 135 E. Fisher St., 704-633-5471,
PPT youth auditions for ‘Bring It On’
Campbell is cheer-royalty at Truman High School and her senior year should prove the most cheertastic — she’s been named captain of the squad! But, an unexpected redistricting has forced her to spend her final year of high school at the neighboring hard-knock Jackson High School. Despite having the deck stacked against her, Campbell befriends the dance crew girls and, along with their headstrong and hardworking leader, Danielle, manages to form a powerhouse squad for the ultimate competition — the National Championships.
With a colorful assortment of characters and explosive choreography with aerial stunts, this is a hilarious, universal story. Bitingly relevant, sprinkled with sass and inspired by the hit film, “Bring It On The Musical” is a high-flying journey filled with the complexities of friendship, jealousy, betrayal and forgiveness. “Bring It On” features an original story by Tony Award-winner Jeff Whitty (Avenue Q), music and lyrics by Tony Award-winning composer Lin-Manuel Miranda (In the Heights, Hamilton), music by Pulitzer- and Tony Award-winning composer Tom Kitt (Next to Normal), lyrics by Broadway lyricist Amanda Green (High Fidelity), and was nominated for the Tony Award for Best Musical. Performers of all ethnic and racial backgrounds between the ages of 14-18 are encouraged to audition.
Performers should prepare 16 bars from a song in the style of the show. Please bring sheet music. Performers will be taught a brief dance routine at the start of auditions so dress accordingly.
Audition dates: Tuesday-Wednesday, May 23-May 24 at 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. at the Norvell Theater, 135 E. Fisher St. Only 25 spots per time slot. Auditions by appointment only. To sign up call 704-633-5471.
Show dates: July 13-16. Director/designer: Reid Leonard; Music director: Caroline Stephenson; Cheerleading and stunt coordination: Elevation Cheer Company; Choreography: Brooke Baldwin and Tanner Groppi.
The Salisbury Ghost Walk
The Salisbury Ghost Walk will take to the streets this Friday and Saturday, April 28-29 at 8 p.m. The walk covers a six block area in down town Salisbury where tales of shadow ghosts, apparitions and orbs will be revealed. Historical facts tell how in the 1800s Salisbury earned the reputation as the “wettest and wickedest” town in the state. Bring your camera, smart phone and a flashlight because some of the tales will come to life via present day haunts. Don’t confuse this with the “Halloween” fright events — true ghost stories is all we reveal. In 2010 this walk received a tourism award from the Governor’s Office. $5 for students and $10 for adults. Children age 5 and under are free. Book reservations at or call 704-798-3102.
‘WRKB Radio – Early Beginnings’
KANNAPOLIS — Kannapolis History Associates host Steve Hinson As he presents “WRKB Radio – Early Beginnings.”Hinson, nephew of Foy and Gertrude Hinson, will renew our memories of WRKB’s early beginnings as K-Town’s local AM radio station with a portrait of what was going on during the 1960s in Kannapolis and the part played by WRKB radio.
Monday, May 1 at 7 p.m. in the A. L. Brown High School Social Room, 415 East First St. In addition, be sure to see the new display in the history room;it is a “big” surprise. Park in lot East of Trinity Methodist Church and follow the signs to KHA. To lean more, call Phil Goodman at 704-796-0803.
Call for storytellers
GOLD HILL — Are you the best tall-tale-teller in town? Or do you know someone who is?
If so, you or that friend has a chance of winning the $250 top prize at Historic Gold Hill’s Tall Tale Tellers Festival, Saturday, June 17 at 1 p.m. at the Arbor in the Village. Second place receives $100; third place, $50!
The event is 1 p.m. Saturday, June 17. Registration information is at
There’s free admission for the audience and a $5 registration charge for Tall Tale Tellers. Bring your blanket or beachy chair and sit and be entertained by local storytellers. Sponsored by the Gold Hill Merchants’ Association. The Arbor is located behind 840 St. Stephen’s Church Road.
Save the date: Jiggy with the Piggy
May 5-6: The City of Kannapolis’ annual BBQ and music event is coming up Friday through Saturday, for a schedule of events and entertainment.
Middle School Art Contest
The inaugural Middle School Art Contest hosted by Elijah Belton, Mickey Chambers and artist Delores Medlin is accepting submissions May 10-June 7. Those eligible to submit are middle school 6th-8th graders.
Start submitting May 10. Judging will be June 17. First, second and third place winners will be announced June 24. The Art Celebration will be held at E&M Art Gallery, 907 S. Main St., on June 24 from 2-6 p.m. There will be live entertainment and refreshments will be available for purchase.
Rules: All artwork must be on 8×10 canvas or paper, must be original, must be framed and ready to hang, must be submitted by June 7. The art will be exhibited at E&M Art Gallery. To learn more, call 877-454-3487 or 336-564-6399 or 980-432-3428.
Call for Volunteers
We are looking for volunteers to help with Bourbon in the ‘Bury, Salisbury’s inaugural bourbon tasting, on May 13 from 3-7 p.m. at City Tavern. Volunteers will potentially help with setup, breakdown and during the event. Must be at least 21 years old to volunteer. Should be able to be on your feet for at least two hours. Interested volunteers should contact Mollie at
Call for Models
Looking for several models for a bourbon tasting fundraiser on the afternoon of Saturday, May 13 from 3-7 p.m. This is a non-paying gig, however please feel free to use on resume. You will be given information on a specific bourbon that you will need to be able to communicate with the patrons. Must be at least 21 years old. Send head shots and contact information to David at
‘Union prisoners’ return to Salisbury
The Rowan Museum is opening the Garrison House property just outside the old Confederate Prison entrance at 214 East Bank St., for a special reenactment event on Saturday from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Reenactors from the 28th NC Troops Reactivated (shown above) will portray both Federal prisoners and Confederate guards at the prison talking about what life was like in Salisbury for the soldiers at that time. This free event is open to the public. Park on Bank Street and in the city hall parking lot off Lee Street.
Utzman-Chambers Open House
The Rowan Museum’s 1819 Utzman-Chambers House, 116 S. Jackson St., will have a special open house on Saturday from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. This summer the house will be closed during some major renovation work. This Saturday is the last chance before this happens. Youth from First UMC will also be on site assisting in painting the picket fence. Admission is $3 for adults, $1 for children.
Learn more about these events at 704-633-5946 or