Got an idea for a class that promotes spiritual growth or creativity? CFA wants to hear from you
Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 15, 2017
- Center for Faith & the Arts is looking for teachers to fill their classrooms and learning opportunities that support their mission.
Submitted by Nancy Gaines
Do you teach art and need a space for classes? Do you have an idea for a class that promotes spiritual growth or creativity and need a place to teach? Are you interested in helping others to grow through art?
Center for Faith & the Arts is looking for teachers to fill their classrooms and learning opportunities that support their mission. As the sign in the entry states, they seek to touch “the Divine though creativity and contemplation.” CFA’s mission is to promote spiritual growth through art without promoting any specific belief. They are looking to offer classes that help us pursue this goal.
Currently they offer classes in Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation, and Creativity, and also provide a rehearsal space for the Salisbury Youth Orchestra. They are looking for teachers who can offer classes in visual arts, movement, creativity or other spiritual or artistic field to fill out their schedule for 2017 and begin planning for 2018.
Classes do not have to be ongoing. Limited workshops that meet one day, or one day week for a set period of time are fine. CFA has two small classrooms, a library/conference room, and a large classroom available for use. Some classes may be appropriate to be taught in our parlor or galleries.
Submissions by teachers will be reviewed every other month by the Programming Committee and teachers of classes selected will be notified by the Programming Coordinator. The deadline to be considered at the next programming committee meeting is May 1, 2017.
To be considered at the next meeting submit a written proposal to Nancy Gaines, Programming Coordinator, by email to or by mail to Center for Faith & the Arts, P. O. Box 4098, Salisbury, NC 28144. Submissions must be received by May 1, 2017 to be considered.
Your proposal should contain the following information:
• Your name and contact information
• The title of your class
• Number of times it meets
• Number of students you would need to go forward with the class (minimum and maximum).
• Class fee per student
• Materials fees
• Your training and experience in the subject taught
• A detailed description of the class.
Final decision to include a class in our schedule will be made after a one-on-one interview with the instructor.