J.C. Price American Legion Post 107 hosts 98th American Legion Birthday
Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 9, 2017
- Commander Carroll introduces Abe Daniels, Past 2009 Department Adjutant of the Year, as presider of the anniversary program.
Submitted by Ollie Mae Carroll
The American Legion observed its 98th anniversary on March 22 at the Post home in a gala celebration with Legionnaires and Auxiliary of J.C. Price American Legion Post 107 and guests.
The American Legion was founded March 15-17, 1919 In Paris France at the close of World War I. The organization was responsible for the GI bill for veterans’ education and home loans. The American Legion is the largest veterans organization for veterans and includes such programs as Boys State, Boy Scouts, Student Trooper, Baseball and oratorical contests. The American Legion continues to strive to provide youth of America a solid foundation to grow.
Commander Mae Carroll announced the appointment of Abe Daniels, Past 2009 Department adjutant of the year, as presider of this program. Chaplain Leonard Hall opened the program with a prayer. Daniels and Hill performed the POW-MIA ceremony followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Commander Carroll, past 1992 Dept. Legionnaire of the year, presented the Welcome and the Occasion and spoke about the historical perspectives of the American Legion and Post 107.
The Honorable Mayor Karen Alexander was unable to attend due to the city’s annual retreat. Abe Daniels read a proclamation from the City declaring Tuesday, March 21, 2017 as American Legion Day. Daniel Haddock presented a dedication to the late Roy Leazer and Wade Murphy. He introduced Mary Nash, Roy Leazer’s daughter, to the audience. The American Legion dinner was prepared and served by Legionnaires and Auxiliary members. Daniels led the audience in the Happy Birthday song after the cutting of the cake which was inscribed with “Happy 98th American Legion Birthday.”
John Pharr introduced the keynote speaker for the occasion, Bishop Kevin Bost. who delivered a dynamic Biblical oration encompassing today’s challenges with emphasis on unity and improved relationships between city leaders and the community. He also highlighted strategies to decrease crime and foster positive relations. John Pharr shared words of appreciation. Lewis Reid introduced and welcomed the guests. Commander Carroll and Daniels performed the initiation ceremony for six new members: Mesha Baig, Charles Harrell, London Bell, Marion Similton, Rev.Edward L.White, Charles Smith Jr. and Ralph S. Johnson. Each member received a flag, an emblem and a packet of American Legion pamphlets.
John Knox presented The Post Queen, Heavenly Robinson, and a special trophy honoring her for dedicated services was rendered to the Post during her reign. Robert Bratcher was given an appreciation recognition for driving his Corvettes for all Post 107 queens in all designated parades. Wayne Hill recognized the 2015 Boy Stater, Taelor, with a certificate of citizenship for successfully completing the Boys State program at Catawba College last June. certificates of appreciation were given to Freddie Turner, Harold Broadway and Arnethia Daniels for sponsoring a boy to Boys State this year.
Mesha Baig recited a poem and discussed her children’s books. She also reported that she is in the process of organizing a Prevent Suicide March. Her brother committed suicide one year ago.
Freddie Turner recognized post officers and members. Charles Harrell reported that the plans for annual memorial week festivities was still incomplete. District Homer Robertson was presented a certificate of appreciation for his tenure as District 19 commander. Chaplain Hall gave the closing prayer.