Faith Briefs Saturday, March 25
Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 25, 2017
- Speaker and author Anna Rendell
St. John’s Lutheran launches new women’s ministry program
by Susan Shinn Turner
St. John’s Lutheran Church, 200 W. Innes St. in Downtown Salisbury, invites all women in the community to the launch of a new women’s ministry program.
Girls in Faith Together (GIFT) kicks off next Saturday, April 1, from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Faith Center, which can be accessed via Jackson Street. The evening will feature speaker and author Anna Rendell, worship, opportunities for rich conversation, and even a chocolate fountain.
“St. John’s has a rich history with Women of the ELCA and women’s circles,” says the Rev. Danielle Kosanovich DeNise, pastor for discipleship. “We knew we needed a new space and a new season for women’s ministry.”
Rendell, who lives in Minnesota with her husband and three children, is a contributor to the recent book, “Craving Connection: 30 Challenges for Real-Life Engagement.” She also writes the and is social media coordinator at incourage by Dayspring, a division of Hallmark. Through her blog and books, Rendell seeks to provide encouragement to women and mothers.
DeNise has been at retreats with Rendell, who is also Lutheran, and invited her to St. John’s.
The GIFT ministry has been a year and a half in the making, DeNise says. “The awesome part of this is that we received a Michael Peeler grant from the North Carolina Synod to kick off the ministry.”
Thanks to the grant, DeNise says, GIFT will host the April 1 event, along with a women’s retreat April 27-29, 2018, at Bonclarken Conference Center in Flat Rock; summer circles; a fall concert featuring a female Christian singer/songwriter; and service opportunities.
“The Michael Peeler grant is making all of this possible,” DeNise notes.
The GIFT ministry has three goals, according to DeNise: welcome, leadership, and community. All events will be open to women in the community, she says. “We want to be a gift to the wider community.”
A brainstorming event in April 2016, attended by women in the congregation of all ages, helped clarify the vision for women’s ministry at St. John’s, DeNise says. “It solidified what we want to be about.”
RSVP for the GIFT event at or by calling the church office at 704-636-3431.
Piano dedication at Neel Road
By Rachel Goodman
On Sunday during the regular 11 a.m. service, Jerusalem wil highlight women who have made stellar contrubitons to enhance society as a whole. All women in attendance are asked to wear red. Special music will be provided by the combined choirs of Jerusalem.
Today: Word of Life Single’s Conference
Word of Life Family Worship Center. 726 E. Liberty St., hosts “Being The Right One” today and Sunday. Saturday sessions are 9 a.m. until noon, and on Sunday beginning at 10 a.m. For all singles. Guest speaker is the Rev. Troy Russell, pastor of Kingdom Metro Church in Charlotte and campus minister and instructor of religious studies at Livingstone College. Elder Willette Johnson, an ordained elder of Dorsett Chapel UCC, will also speak. There is no registration fee but attendance confirmation is requested at 704-633-2431. Minister Virginia Brown and Deacon John Brown are the Single’s Ministry leaders. Dr. Martha Starks is host pastor.
Fourth Sunday at Mount Zion UCC
CHINA GROVE — The Fourth Sunday Program at Mount Zion United Church of Christ, 1415 S. Main St., “I’m Bored – Trends in our Children’s Lives.” Guest speakers are principal Jordan Baker and Christa Graff, guidance counselor, both from Millbridge Elementary. Breakfast is at 9 a.m. Sunday, with the program at 9:30 a.m. Call 704-857-1169 or visit The Rev. Mark Burns is host pastor.
Guest speaker Means at St. Luke Baptist
St. Luke Baptist Church in Hawkinstown will have Minister Roberta Hayes Means as the guest speaker at the 11 a.m. service Sunday. Minister Means is a native of Salisbury and attended local schools. Presently she is employed by the Salisbury-Rowan school system. She received her license to preach under the Rev. Derek Kelly at New Faith Full Gospel Fellowship Center in association with Kingdom Impact Ministries. Call 704-636-8947 to learn more.
Mt. Tabor Mission Sunday
On Sunday at 11 a.m., Mount Tabor United Methodist Church, just north of Ellis Park on Old Mocksville Road, will hold Mission Sunday and learn about the work of UM Committee on Relief. Call 704-633-7484 to learn more, or visit or on Facebook (mtumc) or Twitter (@MountTaborUMC)
Ardis Chapel Missionary program
Ardis Chapel AME Zion will have its annual Missionary Program on Sunday. The Rev. Patrick Jones of New Zion Baptist Church on Dunn’s Mountain Road will be the guest preacher. The program is at 3 p.m.
Erwin Temple Four Gospels program
The Usher Board of Erwin Temple Church, 155 Erwin Temple Church Road, will present its annual program “The Four Gospels” on Sunday at 3 p.m. four guest associate ministers from area churches will speak briefly from Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. Gospel singing will be provided during the program. Roaslind Payne is president of the Usher Board, and host pastor is Rev. Ervin L. Hannah, Jr.
Liberty AME Zion Fruit of the Spirit program
COOLEEMEE — Liberty AME Zion Church, 271 Gladstone Road, will hold a “Fruit ofthe Spirit” program sponsored by Home Mission, on Sunday at 3 p.m. The speaker will be the Rev. Herbert G. Hill Sr., pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Kannapolis. Call 336-284-2508 for information.
Tatum to speak at New Bethel Baptist
pic MOCKSVILLE — New Bethel Baptist Church, 3727 US Hwy 601 S, will be hosting its annual Women’s Day program on Sunday at 3 p.m. with Elder Tamel Tatum, associate minister at New Jerusalem Apostolic Church of Mocksville as the guest speaker.
Elder Tatum preached her initial sermon in 2006 and is the visionary of S.O.S. (Saving Our Sisters) Women’s Ministry. She holds a BS in business administration from Salem College, Winston-Salem, and has taught business education in the Davie County School system. She is the owner of Hair Soltuion slaon in Mocksville. In addition she has served on the boards of Davie County Advocay Center and Care Net Counseling of Davie. Call 336-284-2990 to learn more.
Prayer and healing service at Resurrection Life
Resurrection Life Church, 627 Newsome Road, will conduct a Service of Prayer and Healing on Sunday at 6 p.m. Holy Communion will be observed during the service. For more information call Pastor Jerry Snipes at 704-433-8776 or the church office at 704-638-0002.
Immanuel Lutheran to hold Lenten service and meal
ROCKWELL — Immanuel Lutheran will host a covered dish meal in observance of Lent on Sunday at 6 p.m. Following the meal, a Lenten worship service will be held. The Rev. Bruce Sheeks is host pastor.
Fairview Heights Missionary Baptist Spring Revival
Fairview Heights Missionary Baptist, 704 Old Concord Road, will host its annual revival Wednesday, March 29 through Friday, March 31 at 7 p.m. The guest speaker for Wednesday night is the Rev. Dr. George P. Jackson, pastor of Citadel of Faith Christian Fellowship of Thomasville. Guest speaker for Thursday night is the Rev. Dr. Claude E. Forehand, pastor of First Baptist Church of Kannapolis. Friday’s speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Nilous Avery, pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Salisbury. Host pastor is the Rev. Clarence E. Marlin.
Gospel tenor Wes Hampton
KANNAPOLIS — Wes Hampton of the Gaither Vocal Band will sing at North Kannapolis Baptist Church, 312 Locust St., on April 2 at 6 p.m. Tickets are $15. Info at 704-933-2125 .
In My Father’s House
In My Father’s House, led by the Rev. Roosevelt Jenkins, meets the first two Thursdays of each month from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. The next services will be April 6 and 13 in the Hurley Room at Rowan Public Library.