(3-18) Ann Farabee: Snow anyone?

Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 18, 2017

What does a snowman eat? Brrr-itos and frosted flakes.

What is a snowman temper tantrum called? Meltdown.

Where does a snowman keep his money? In a snowbank.

How do snowmen greet each other? Ice to meet you.

What time is it when snowflakes fall past a classroom window? Snow and tell.

Each year at least 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 snowflakes fall somewhere.

So, when it snowed at my house on March 12, I was glad my yard participated in being the recipient of some of the one septillion snowflakes from 2017.

It’s going to snow! Those words create a ‘flurry’ of activity, don’t they?

Here is some of what happens in my life when the SNOW word hits my household:

ANTICIPATION – I hear about the snow forecast — and I begin to prepare for it – and so do you. (I know because I’ve seen you in the grocery store!) If the forecast is for snow during the day, I keep looking UP for it. If the forecast is for snow during the night, I keep getting UP to look for it.

TRANSFORMATION – Once the snow begins to fall, everything changes. The winter brown (or in reference to the March 12 snowfall – the spring green) transforms into the pure, sparkling, glistening white that we often refer to as being ‘white as snow.’ Not only does our outside view transform, but we have a transformation in our schedule, too, as we go from our busy work world to relaxing, while enjoying the beauties of home, family, and surroundings. (Plus, there is snow cream.) Our plans change – in a good way.

LOCATION – Our location – our home – or some call it ‘where our heart is’ – becomes the center of everything – like it is meant to be. What seemed so important yesterday is forgotten for the day. Home begins to feel like a ‘vacation’ location for a day or so, depending on the amount of snow. Perhaps the hardest task during this time is making sure we have dry gloves, dry clothing, coats, toboggans and a carrot for the snowman’s nose. Days like this bring such joy, as we spend time at our favorite location with our favorite people.

On March 12, as I watched with ‘anticipation’ the beginning of a small ‘transformation’ to where my home felt slightly like a new ‘location’ all because of a few flakes of snow, my thoughts went to the anticipation of the day that Jesus will break through that same sky, transforming me, as He takes me to my forever location – my heavenly home.

We can’t even begin to truly comprehend our journey from Earth to Heaven, can we? Ecclesiastes 7:1 says that the day of death is better than the day of one’s birth. Unimaginable to us, isn’t it? For us, a birth brings a great time of celebration. And, the time of death for our loved ones brings such sadness. That’s because we are humans. We see it through earthly eyes.

But…God is God. And He has plans for us – in heaven – plans that are greater than anything we can imagine or that this world could ever offer.

So… I live with:

Anticipation in my heart as I look toward that day;

Transformation in my life, as Christ changed me from one whose sins were as scarlet to one who became white as snow;

Location on my mind, because I’m not home yet, but I’m headed that direction.

Do you want to feel the same anticipation, transformation, and the promise of that heavenly location?

Here’s how: John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Who is whosoever? That’s us It’s that simple. Acts 16:31 – Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.

Contact Ann at annfarabee@gmail.com

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