What online readers say about …
Published 12:00 am Friday, March 17, 2017
… My Turn, Ken Houston: Diversity is the issue
of our times
We are in a period of change in our country, with traditional white male privilege eroding. In its place, we have women and minorities pushing for equal rights and equal treatment. I agree with the writer that this is causing tension and a lot of pushback from people who don’t like being told how to think or whom to respect.
Many people are of the opinion that society is harmed rather than strengthened by the increasing diversity, and they long for the “good old days” before they saw all this change coming.
My hope is that in the long run people choose to accept diversity and demographic change, without bitterness and fear, and that we are able to successfully adjust to our changing reality.
— Doug Sokolowski
I agree with Mr. Houston. There is no inherent advantage to diversity without unity. Those who promote diversity and inclusion without emphasizing the other part of the equation — unity of purpose — are doing a pretty good job of bringing the country down.
— Tim Deal
… Dulkoski leads The
Revival at the Crescent
As a former member, I can say the new owner is making giant strides in making the golf experience more enjoyable. A novice golfer can appreciate the course improvements and the more experienced player will find the improvements definitely more challenging to their golf skills.
I was a homeowner and member who was ashamed to have my friends play the course. I recently gained my ability to play the game again and I am glad to play The Revival. I recommend everyone come out and see for themselves what the course is now. You will not be disappointed.
— Shelton Harper
… Program teaches students work ethic
All too often, I see people pass around memes on social media decrying the lack of job-skill classes and demanding that high schools bring back things like shop class or teach students to be plumbers or welders or other trades.
This is part of the proof that those classes still exist, even though they don’t get the fanfare that college prep “STEM” type classes do.
— Eric Shock
… It’s like loaves and fishes: 4th annual Love Thy Neighbor Benefit March 18
Prayers for the family. I grew up with (Zach Thompson’s) dad in Little League, worked with his mom for years and played baseball with Cassie’s dad. Good people with many praying and helping.
— Jim Beck
… Safe driving scenario all too real for East Rowan students
This choreographed assembly was absolutely awesome. Every parent should expose their child to what was witnessed on yesterday at East Rowan High School. A big thanks to our sheriff, Kevin Auten.
— Chris Sifford
Thank you, Shavonne, for publishing this article. I urge all parents to talk with their children about things like this. If they don’t want to listen to you, then by all means please contact me and I will be happy to discuss my sweet, loving, beautiful, amazing son’s death with them also.
There is another program that parents should look into that is local. It is called Put on the BRAKES. It is a defensive-driving class in Concord run by Doug Herbert
— Jennifer Shoe
Hunter Schenk was my nephew, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of him — a young man with his own dreams and life goals, cut down by an accident where a seat belt could have saved is life.
Please think before you drive, don’t drink and drive, don’t text and drive. The life you save could be your own or others that accidentally were in your path.
I hope this honors my nephew. I loved him very much. Mrs. Shoe is my sister and I know her faith and strength got her through this and every day she wakes up without her son. God bless you, and God bless Hunter Schenk.
— Kelly Smith
I really wish … the ninth-graders (the age group taking driver’s ed) had been allowed to attend also. Sounds like they missed a very impactful learning opportunity.
— Stephanie Walker
This really had an impact on my kids.
— Amy Ketchie
… Political notebook: NC’s members of Congress react to Obamacare replacement
Of course Mr. Hudson thinks it is OK. We follow the party line even though nobody knows how much it is going to cost and how it affects the poor and elderly. It appears your insurance cost will go up as you get older.
The dumbest statement made was that the healthy were paying for the cost for the ill. Shocker!! Insurance is based on people paying premiums in case insurance is needed. You can’t buy it the day you go in for an emergency surgery.
— Ralph Walton
… Salisbury native William Peoples remembered for community advocacy
I am going to miss my dear buddy. Every night at work I would get an inbox (message) of something inspirational from Mr. Peoples and run into him at Island Point to get some hot fish. So long, my friend. You inspired a lot of people, and we will never forget you.
— Wendy Polk
An awesome role model!
— Maurice Rouse
… John Hood: Do political ads matter?
“Russia’s increasingly sophisticated propaganda machinery — including thousands of botnets, teams of paid human ‘trolls,’ and networks of websites and social-media accounts — echoed and amplified right-wing sites across the internet as they portrayed (Hillary) Clinton as a criminal hiding potentially fatal health problems and preparing to hand control of the nation to a shadowy cabal of global financiers.” (Washington Post)
— Eric Gade
… Four bills threaten judicial independence in NC
Locally, in Rowan County’s court system, I can say that political affiliation has in no way altered any of our judges’ adherence to their oath of office.
Whatever changes eventually pass the legislature, I would hope that we never experience a time when it is believed that a “Democrat” judge or a “Republican” judge would render a different decision when making their rulings, based on party affiliation.
— Jeff Morris
… Frank and Jimmie: After 65 years together, ‘every day is a special gift’
The first day at RCCC, I knew that Jimmie would be a blessed new friend. And she has been. Love her dearly.
— Gail Fisher
What a sweet love story. I was in her class in 1975 in the first dental assistant class.
We all loved her so much and hope the Class of ’75 can all get together this year.
— Jamie Garner
… Rowan-Salisbury Schools grilled about cost of new technology
I think these laptops and iPads are very important to our special needs students. If no one else gets them, they should. For some, it is their only communication.
I think another rubber-stamp decision was voting back in Lynn Moody right before the elections. I think parents should have say in that also but were not told until after the decision was made.
— Kimberley Sikes
Here we go again. How many times must we fight this battle? I truly wish those not in education would be very careful about assuming that those of us in education don’t know what we’re talking about.
The Apple platform is not limiting in the least. It is more friendly with other platforms than vice versa. The Apple platform is also considerably more user-friendly than the others, especially with children.
In addition, it is significantly more durable. My husband has been through three HP laptops in the five years I’ve had my MacBook.
Teachers know what works best and showed up at the board meeting to say so. How frustrating that, with all the other battles we have to fight, we are now faced with defending yet another best practice.
I’m seriously disappointed in Mr. Pierce for his lack of support on this initiative. I’ll remember that at the polls. Pretty sure I won’t be the only one.
— Robin Daye
I completely agree. I used my iPad 1 for six years and now I’ve had an iPad 2 for two years. I went through three Dell laptops in that time. I now own a MacBook and it is way better for everything I do. I use both my iPad and MacBook multiple times a day at work.
I’ll also add that I teach college freshmen, and students who come from schools that don’t focus on digital literacy are severely handicapped. We must properly prepare students for the real world.
— Cathy Mahaffey
One-to-one initiative is imperative to classroom success, but there needs to be blended learning. It needs to be a combination of technology, peer tutoring, lecture, etc.
There was an initiative years ago at Henderson Independent High School that was one-to-one with laptops in a laptop cart. It allowed the teacher to be in control of the laptop, and they were passed out as needed. This eliminated numerous thefts, loss of computers and other problems.
Oftentimes, we need to revisit the past to solve current problems. Problems were created because there was not enough research into what was being done and why. One cannot erase history but should use it as a tool to delve into what worked and why and how and what did not and tweak it. The system went into unknown territory for those students who are at-risk with too little research and review of the clientele to whom the initiative was to be applied.
— Karin Chunn
… Cokie and Steven Roberts: Welcome the stranger
Our country has too many illegal immigrants and that is a problem.
My family years ago came here on boats legally and lawfully fulfilled their duties to become legal and honorable citizens of this great nation. They were a proud people and worked hard to work together and educate their children.
It is not just one rotten apple in a barrel, but many. Some of them work, but the majority are here for the free ride the government is giving them.
It is my belief that we take care of our poor, needy and aged, plus take care of our veterans (who so many are lame and brain-fractured from keeping us free during war times) before we start taking care of those from other countries.
Pray for our country that we may keep our citizens in homes with food, shelter and love.
— Margaret Brown
… Move planned for fire department’s Station No. 3
Good move.
I worked at that station and later in my career was in charge of budget and maintenance for the fire department buildings before I retired. That building has been a disaster for over 40 years. The foundation is continually moving and cracks growing in the walls. The floors are undermined and there are hollow spaces under the floor tile. Brick walls with no insulation. …
Any fireman that has worked at that station in the past years can’t forget the old boiler beside the toilet. If you were on the toilet, and you heard the igniter on the boiler start, you would have to lift your feet up for the blue flame coming out from under the boiler into the toilet stall.
Good riddance and thanks.
— Capt. D.P. Rendleman