My Turn, Wes Rhinier: Trump didn’t divide us
Published 7:40 pm Wednesday, March 8, 2017
There’s an old saying that goes, “You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.” We are at war. The Democrat Party, its media lackeys and social justice warriors are all outraged because we deplorables are again presuming to rule ourselves, and their agony over this is wonderful. Just because there are not firefights in the streets does not mean that a war is not raging all around us. This is a cultural war, a globalist vs. nationalist conflict.
Trump winning the election wasn’t part of the globalist plan. Americans are more divided morally, ideologically and politically today than they were during the Civil War. The Democratic Party is decimated at every level and there is nothing they can do to stop the Trump agenda. Which makes this a very dangerous time. The left has already proven they are willing to get violent to get their point across.
However, the Republican Party is again showing cowardice and have done very little to help Trump in his first month. Nobody said draining the swamp was going to be easy or pretty, but it is becoming increasingly more difficult with the establishment republicans refusing to listen to their constituents.
During Trump’s address to Congress, it was apparent how deeply divided our country is. The Democrats could not bring themselves to applaud anything Trump said. The social left has suddenly and unexpectedly found itself at death’s door, the door of permanent and irreversible loss of political power. Their worst nightmare is that a year from now, Trump’s policies will have improved the economy, so much so that a large majority of Americans will be grateful to him and to the Republican Congress. Whatever is good for America is now bad for the Democrats and the establishment politicians, not merely bad, but politically fatal. The left will be permanently discredited, out of power, and cut off from the billions of dollars they now wallow in at our expense.
Trump did not cause the deep division in the country. It caused him. Trump is our molotov cocktail. He is our last-ditch effort to bring our country back to greatness. The deplorables’ enthusiasm and emotional zeal comes from the heart, from the excitement of hearing an actual warrior who fights for them and stands on principle, honor and integrity. Trump is doing what he said he would do and is keeping his promises. The political left and mainstream media are losing their minds. The deplorables needed and waited for a fighter. Love him or hate him, Trump is the champion for the people who don’t want to lose our country.
No one is standing up for the America we should have, except Donald Trump. Republicans use the Constitution to get elected to continue the Ponzi scheme of government programs. Democrats want to get the election results they want to in turn continue the Ponzi scheme of government programs. None of them will ever have a reason to look backward at individual freedom as anything other than a threat to their power. We elected Donald Trump, because he was neither of them.
It’s time to fight for the restoration of our republic. It’s time to quit sitting on the sidelines and thinking that just because you voted you did your part. Our elected officials need to hear from us on many issues and know where we stand. Take a look at our states elected officials voting records. They are terrible. They need to be encouraged to help Trump restore our republic. Call, write, email, social media, whatever way, contact our representatives.
With the defeat of the left in the last presidential election, the defeat of the left in two-thirds of the gubernatorial elections and the defeat of the left in a majority of House and Senate elections, this is likely the last chance conservatives and the right have to defeat the American left. But it will not happen until these groups understand that we are fighting for the survival of America.
Wes Rhinier lives in Rowan County.