RSS showcases career academies
Published 12:00 am Thursday, February 16, 2017
- Students from West Rowan High School offer samples from their Farm-to-Table program at last week's Career Academy Showcase. Submitted photo
SALISBURY — Rowan-Salisbury Schools hosted its first-ever High School Academy Showcase in February, giving eighth-grade students and their families the opportunity to explore all the specialized career-focused programs the district has to offer.
Students and their families met with current high school students, teachers and administrators and watched interactive demonstrations from each academy.
Here are the career and academy choices available at the district’s high schools:
Jesse Carson High School
Fine and Performing Arts Academy
Students are immersed in fine and performing arts, including visual arts, theatre, chorus and musical performance. Showcase your talents in one or many school and community performances. Develop your passion for the arts and expand your portfolio by participating on stage or behind-the-scenes in musical and theatrical productions while immersed in traditional and rigorous academic courses.
East Rowan High School
Business, Marketing and Finance Academy
Learn industry recognized skills in the areas of productivity software, e-commerce, accounting, marketing and entrepreneurship. Join students with like-interests and career goals by participating and competing in East’s award-winning Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). Students apply entrepreneurial skills in specialized business internships and market local businesses through website development.
Industry credentials
- Soft Skills
- Microsoft Office Specialist
- Everfi and W!se Financial
- Quickbooks
North Rowan High School
Health Sciences Academy
Learn industry-recognized health-care skills with focuses available in general health sciences and nursing. Students will be immersed in real-life scenarios using simulation mannequins that allow students to apply life-saving skills in practical situations. Students can join the award-winning Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) and have the opportunity to become a certified nursing assistant (CNA).
Industry credentials
- CPR and First Aid
- OSHA 10-hour Industry
- N.C. nurse aide 1
Salisbury High School
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and Advanced Manufacturing academies
Choose from over 20 advanced placement courses to prepare for a college S.T.E.M degree and learn to use specialized robotics equipment for engineering design. The new Advanced Manufacturing Academy will ensure students hone skills from every aspect of manufacturing from engineering and design to product creation. Successful students will be immediately employable or well-prepared for a two-year or four-year program in mechanical engineering, computer integrated machining or welding.
Industry credentials
- OSHA 10-hour Industry
- Certified production technician
South Rowan High School
Communications Academy
Learn industry-based skills in digital media, gaming design and broadcasting through project-based courses and relevant experiences in the communications field. Join Skills USA to develop and market your communication skills with an opportunity to compete at the State and National levels. In the Communications Academy, students can practice with the latest version of the Adobe Suite software, develop programming skills using the latest technology or gain experience in a classroom broadcasting studio.
Industry credentials
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe InDesign
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Dreamweaver
- Adobe Premier
- Microsoft Office Spec
JROTC Academy
Develop your leadership potential, physical fitness, speaking and writing skills, self-discipline and self-reliance by attending the South Rowan JROTC Academy. Students will be immersed in an in-depth study of the ethical values and principles of good citizenship, learn the historical relevance and organization of the U.S. Armed Forces, and participate in leadership and community service. Students have opportunity to earn rank, conduct relevant research, earn certifications and participate in numerous co-curricular competitions and challenges.
West Rowan High School
Agriculture Academy and Farm-to-Table
Learn industry-based skills in agriculture with focuses available in animal science, horticulture and agricultural mechanics. Take your agricultural knowledge to the next level in our farm-to-table program by learning how to cultivate, prepare, design and market meals using fresh and home-grown ingredients in a commercial restaurant environment. Join students with like-interests and career goals by participating in award-winning organizations such as Future Farmers of America (FFA) and Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA).
Industry credentials
- N.C. Hunter Safety Course
- National SafeTractor
- Certified Welding
- N.C. Beef Quality Assurance
- N.C. Poultry Quality Assurance
- OSHA 10-hour general industry certification
- ServSafe
- ProStart Level 1
- ProStart Level 2
How to apply
Each spring, rising ninth grade students may apply to another school within the district in order to enroll in a program of study or academy not offered at their regularly districted school. Transfers into high school academies for rising ninth graders will be granted on a space-available basis, with students in the academy host school given first opportunity to enroll in the academy. For more information, contact your school counselor, or visit: