Rowan to start new group for smaller livestock
Published 12:00 am Friday, January 27, 2017
- Submitted photo Rowan Cooperative Extension is creating a group for people who raise small animlas like these Boer goats.
By Morgan Watts
Rowan Cooperative Extension
With the busy meeting and conference season in full swing, we have a few updates to mark on your calendar regarding the different livestock associations in Rowan County.
First off, we are starting a new livestock association. A few months ago Rowan and Iredell counties hosted a hands-on Famacha training for small ruminant producers in the area.
The response and interest for that meeting was well received and there was also an interest in starting a Small Ruminant Association in Rowan County.
After much discussion with other livestock agents and small ruminant producers in the surrounding counties, we have decided to start the Piedmont Small Ruminant Association.
The first meeting will be Thursday, Feb. 16, at 6:30 p.m. at the Piedmont Research Station located at 8530 Sherrill’s Ford Road. The program will cover marketing sheep and goats in North Carolina. We will have a representative from Union County Livestock Auction and from NCDA’s marketing division.
The program is $5 per person which will cover the the meal for the night. Please RSVP by calling the Rowan County Extension Office at 704-216-8970 by Monday, Feb. 13.
Secondly, the February Rowan County Cattlemen’s meeting will be held on Thursday, Feb. 2 at a new location, the Piedmont Research Station. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Cost is $5 for your meal; please RSVP by calling the Extension Office by Monday, Jan. 30. The program will be presented by Purina.
If you have any questions about the above associations, please call the Rowan County livestock agent, Morgan Watts, at 704-216-8970 or stop by the office at 2727 Old Concord Road, Salisbury.