Doug Creamer: Time

Published 12:00 am Saturday, January 21, 2017

  It’s hard to believe that we are about to put another semester to bed. We begin final exams this week and then start a new semester next week. This is a whirlwind time for teachers as we try to push the students to finish things up, study for exams, and then try to shift into starting all over again with a new group of students. Trying to get students to focus on exams after Christmas break and a snowstorm is next to impossible.
I’m still amazed at how quickly the semester passed. It seems like I just got these students and now it is time to send them on their way. The older I get it feels like time moves so quickly. I put the holiday decorations away and have a few cold weeks of winter then it’s time to garden. I take a trip to the beach and before I know it it’s time to clean up the garden and get the holiday stuff out again. Time flies.
Time moves forward just like the seasons of the year. Winter in the south comes with its ups and downs. This week it snows and next week it is in the sixties. I know winter is not over yet, but I am looking forward to spring and getting back out to work in the yard. For now, winter is here so the land and I can rest while we wait.
It seems to me that the Lord is trying to teach us some lessons with the passing of each season. While my wife and I love spring and summer so we can enjoy the outdoors and all our plants and flowers, the fall harvest is important, as is the rest of winter. Each season plays an important part of the growth process.
In the spirit we have to realize that we have the same seasons. God wants to see us put on new growth each spring. God watches for those spiritual buds to grow much like we watch for the daffodils and crocuses. God waits patiently for us to grow a stronger, deeper root system during our spiritual winters.
Summer is the season where we sense His presence with every breath. God is close, tending us, and watching us produce fruit for His kingdom. We all like spiritual summers when we feel the leading of God’s spirit and quickly obey, only to discover new growth and maturity.
Then one day God comes at us with clippers. He trims back all that wonderful summer growth. He trims and trims until we think there is nothing left to cut. The pruning hurts. As God enjoys the last bits of fruit, we begin to feel those crisp cool days of autumn.
Winter is a season for a different type of growth…our roots. God feels far away and we are struggling with our faith. This is the season where we are called to push our roots deeper into the Word of God. There is hidden food for our soul in those words. God wants us to grow our roots strong. Winter growth is not visible for the world to see, but only God who watches carefully over us.
We have to realize that we are each in different seasons of growth. While some are basking in summer’s growth others are struggling through winter…no matter what is going on outside your window. What’s important is that when you are going through summer try to encourage those who are struggling through their spiritual winters.
This brings me back to time moving quickly. We have a limited time here on earth to accomplish God’s purpose. I think God’s purpose for us on earth can be boiled down to two main goals. First, God wants us to know Him and to continuously grow in our knowledge and relationship with Him. Our second main purpose is to tell others about God’s great love. When you consider how quickly time passes, we don’t have time to waste. We need to deepen our relationship with God and look for opportunities to share with others our story of how God’s love changed our lives.
I want to encourage you to use your time wisely. There are people all around you who need God’s love. It doesn’t matter what season you find yourself in, the Spirit of God can use you to tell your story and change their lives forever. I also want to encourage all of you who feel like you are struggling through a spiritual winter. Dig into God’s word, allow it to nourish your soul, and know that before long a southerly breeze will blow and you will feel life budding out once again.
Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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