People & Places Sunday, Dec. 18
Published 12:00 am Sunday, December 18, 2016
- Mrs. Claus led the crowd in singing, telling stories and jokes and reading several Christmas storybooks. Submitted.
Tea With Mrs. Claus at the Spencer Doll & Toy Museum
By Marie Clanton, SDTM event coordinator
On Sunday the Spencer Doll & toy Museum was filled with the joy of Christmas and with children’s voices and laughter. I am not sure who had more fun — the children or the grown-ups.
The afternoon began with a tour of the museum. The roaring of the electric trains in the background could be heard as everyone meandered around enjoying the many toys, dolls, miniatures and dollhouses.
One little girl slipped away from the crowd in order to arrange her own tea party with little dolls all by herself. Imagination is still a beautiful thing!
Then it was on to the party room for delicate sandwiches, treats and tea to be served. The old-time feeling of a Christmas social filled the room. The children each created a Christmas ornament to take home to display on their tree.
The highlight of the event was the gathering with a very special visitor, Mrs. Claus. She led the crowd in singing, telling stories and jokes and reading several Christmas storybooks.
To finish the day each of the children opened a wonderful present and it was such a delight to see their eyes light up with joy.
This could well become a Christmas tradition for many. It has been a long time since I was a little girl but I was just one of the kids on Sunday!