Hanford-Dole students get a visit from the World’s Fair
Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 8, 2016
- A student from Rowan County Early College teaches students at Hanford-Dole Elementary about Taiwan as part of the high school's World's Fair project. Submitted photo
SALISBURY — Friday, Dec. 2 was unusually quiet in the Hanford-Dole Elementary library — until the World’s Fair arrived.
It’s the fifth year Rowan County Early College students have presented this multicultural event to local elementary schools. Freshmen begin researching their country of choice in world history, taught by Theresa Pierce. During the semester they plan tri-fold boards, collect authentic artifacts, decide what food will represent their countries and create costumes.
After presenting to the community the evening before, the freshmen brought their show on the road to the Hanford-Dole library. They were ready with puppet shows, music, dancing and crafts for the elementary students. “London Bridge is falling down” was particularly popular.
The first to arrive was the Pre-K class — little four-year-olds who were amazed by the transformation that had taken place. And all the students, kindergarten through fifth grade, liked the coloring sheets, stickers, instruments, costumes and games. Some of the high schoolers even learned they might want to be teachers.
Many of the students were impressed with the joy the children had over the simplest of things, such as how to make origami, play a new game or what people in other countries wear. The early college freshmen were impressed with the respect the children showed for everyone. The high schoolers felt like mentors and the elementary children looked up to the freshmen.
This is Pierce’s fifth year at the early college, and as her World’s Fair project continues, she is discovering that some of her freshmen remember when the fair came to their elementary school. The teachers of Hanford-Dole said they felt sure that their students will never forget this event.
Pierce makes sure this is a collaborative event. Lisa Rider volunteered her time and costumes so every student had the opportunity to dress in authentic attire. Hanford-Dole staff provided transportation and set up spaces and rotations for the presentations. The early college staff provided support for both events, which included clean up, supervision and documentation.