Letters to the editor – Saturday – 11-26-16
Published 12:52 pm Saturday, November 26, 2016
Let’s stand behind Trump and give him a chance
On our coming new administration:
What will be, will be. I just pray that enough Americans will stand behind the new administration and allow it a chance to work. They have given a plan of things to do. We just have to allow them their time and their way to do them. Any time we try to second-guess what they are doing, we may get it all wrong.
In overthrowing a rich, longtime corrupt system, the road will be long and rocky. They will throw obstacles in this new administration’s way as much as they can. That past system will keep trying to make the new one fail. So, we the people must understand that. There is a new sheriff in town. But the bad guys are still around.
The corrupt bullet we have just dodged was a very big one. But the plans of the past one will always be in the background waiting for any chance to start once more. One world order is financed by many very rich people.
We rebuild on our Founding Fathers’ main principles, our faith in God and our dedication to our Constitution.
— Art Liles
China Grove
Why those comics?
Cannot help wondering why you have apparently dropped the two always entertaining comics, Blondie and Family Circus, and retained the nonsensical, never funny Jump Start, Non Sequitur, Get Fuzzy and others. Could you not have allowed your readers to offer their suggestions?
— Sam Hoffman
Editor’s response: The Post gets the comic strips from syndicated services, and we dropped three comics that were far more expensive than others.