Letters to the editor Saturday (10-29-16)

Published 12:00 am Saturday, October 29, 2016

Obama justice

The latest to fall victim of the Obama Justice Department is Marine Gen James Cartwright. He pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI when he was questioned about the Iran nuclear program by reporters. He admitted that he had lied but indicated his “intent” was to protect American interests. His punishment is yet to be determined.

Isn’t it interesting that we have a woman running for president who has lied to Congress (not to mention the public) but faces no charges. She lied about the events that led to four Americans death in Benghazi. She has sent and received classified emails on an unsecure server but the FBI recommended no charges. She has allowed her hard drive to be attacked with “bleach bit” after being ordered by Congress to turn over her computer and server for an investigation. In this case, our once trusted Director Comey, said that he found “no intent” to hide what she had done. If using Bleach Bit and a hammer to destroy equipment does not show intent, what does.

Think about this as you go cast your vote. A Marine general who served this country in combat pleaded guilty to his mistake and is subject to having his career demolished. Hillary Clinton has lied repeatedly to Congress and is guilty of far worse than Gen. Cartwright and she is about to be rewarded with the presidency of this great country. I know our choice in this election is not great, but it certainly should not be Hillary. Trump has “said” a lot of bad things about women. Compare that to what the Clintons have actually “done” to women.

— Col. Grey Medinger (USMC Retired)


Vote for Trump or pray for Clinton

If Hillary Clinton should become our next president, we need to pray that Wikileaks and the legislative investigations of her got it wrong, and that she really has just one side and not a public one and a private one. That she has not flip-flopped  on the TTP and bringing in mass numbers of immigrants. Pray that her endgame is not like she told Wall Street — no borders, open immigration and worldwide free trade controlled by corporate businesses.

We will have much to pray about with a Democrat-led nation, Congress and Supreme Court. That is a very scary situation to be in. Too much government power.If we lose our voice in government, our freedoms are in jeopardy. The scales of justice would tip one way all the way through government, and it will exclude us, without any say in what government does. If you believe strongly that Clinton is honest and has Americans’ best interests at heart, pray that you are right.

No matter what you think of Donald Trump, he would never let the above situation happen. He will surround himself with people that can do what needs to be done to begin fixing the problems the nation has had a very long time. 

Why is he the better one to help America?  Because he is not a part of the corrupt system that we have had so long. Through the lessons he has learned in business, he has a head start and is better to lead us for many reasons.

— Art Liles

China Grove

Vote wisely

As the Nov. 8 general election approaches, I only have one thing to say about the Democratic Party — the party which supports an organization which contains people who can stand over a live, aborted human baby and talk about keeping it alive so we can sell its brain.

There is something dreadfully wrong with this. And there are other things in the Democratic platform which are leading toward the destruction of the country as I once knew it.

God may have prepared a special place for people like those mentioned in this first paragraph.

Vote wisely, people!

— Clinton Sechler

China Grove

Thanks to Cobblestone

If your products are as good as your employees, wow.

I am a 90-year-old man with two bum knees, two bum hips, two bum rotator cuffs, but my eyebrows are still good.

I was attempting to put air in my tires at the BP gas station next to Hendrix on Statesville Boulevard when a Cobblestone delivery truck pulled in to make a delivery. One of the men asked me if he could help me. I saw this angel without wings. After he finished the four tires, I offered him a tip and he refused it. I don’t remember if I thanked him or not, but after I told my daughter Carol about it, she saw the Cobblestone crew and expressed her thanks for the both of us.

— Walter Leather
