Ada Fisher: Who will be election’s biggest loser?

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 20, 2016

Win, lose or draw, there are some clear losers in the 2016 presidential campaign, many not thought of in that regard.

First are the U.S. citizens who have been fed so much candidate misinformation that it is hard to figure out the truth or, as Abbott and Costello noted, who’s on first? Those without computers are disadvantaged for it seems that online internet usage is a priority for getting information on campaigns.

Second is the media, which seems to have lost all sense of objectivity — becoming not just reporters but the arbitrators of what point of view should be taken, making normal articles de facto editorials, television talk shows and radio programs showcases for endorsements, etc. These actions may make freedom of the press suspect. The leaks and disclosures of private conversations should force all to believe there is no such thing as off the record, for all mics should now be considered open. As the movie, “Snowden,” reveals Big Brother isn’t just watching you but has his tentacles in parts of your life that should be private. Facebook, Twitter, email  and the like are not our friends and may come back to haunt us.

Thirdly is the unraveling of political parties where the object seems to be to win at all costs no matter the mud slung nor laws broken by candidates. This presidential election is the convergence of two flawed candidates with baggage that tips the scales.

Do you give her a bit more slack for being a woman, while appreciating her questionable lawlessness with national security issues or profit from government service and connections?  Do you allow her to keep her cloak of secrecy?

Do you demonize him for being arrogant and over-the-top, willing to use legal loopholes to his advantage, exposing the corruption of government and its henchmen — and making crude, outlandish comments in his past regard for women — all of which makes you feel better in taking him down a notch and seeing him knocked on his petard?

Party loyalty is taking a beating. Republicans haven’t learned from Democrats to stick with their candidates, coming together to give him their vote no matter his flaws.

Fourth is the unwillingness to look for new answers to persistent questions. If our national debt is $19 trillion and we only have $11 trillion in gold bullion, where is the money to come from and will our kids be able to carry this debt burden? Why not audit the Federal Reserve? Why not be willing to put all issues on the table eliminating sacred cows?

My vote will reflect the candidate who best operates within constitutional laws and understands the urgency of dealing with terrorism, nuclear proliferation, growing jobs outside of the government and illegal immigration.

Lastly — which is most important and should have been first — is the U.S. Constitution, which protects citizens and states under the 10th Amendment from federal government overreach. The Supreme Court will determine our future with three vacancies likely in play in the next four years. A big issue will be whether a more socialist trend will continue, with government seizing more rights and choices from citizens, or some balance will be introduced to protect our liberties and rein in big government. Not once in the response to how she would appoint justices did Hillary Clinton invoke the U. S. Constitution. Trump gave examples of people he would consider.

I stand for again teaching civics to secondary level students so that they understand the constitution and its purposes. This could be an upset election not unlike that experienced by Michael Dukakis and Lloyd Bengsten but this time touting a people’s champion who could Trump the competition. Is a new American Revolution at hand against the establishment mantras and interest from lobbyist, bureaucrats, unelected officials who handle regulatory issues, and entrenched political figures who pile on the upstart with a passion?

Dr. Ada M. Fisher of Salisbury is the N.C. Republican National Committeewoman. Contact her at P.O. Box 777, Salisbury, NC 28145, or