How to help Hurricane Matthew victims

Published 10:44 am Tuesday, October 18, 2016

To aid with Hurricane Matthew relief, Gov. Pat McCrory has activated the North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund to which monetary contributions may be made.

To make a donation, visit You may also text NCRECOVERS to 30306. All donations received will support Hurricane Matthew long-term recovery efforts in North Carolina.

Additionally, all other monetary donations and offers to volunteer may be made directly through charitable nonprofit organizations that are responding to this disaster. Information is available under the “Hurricane Matthew — Donate Now” and under “Volunteer Opportunities” on the N.C. Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NCVOAD) website at

Please view the Donations and Volunteer Opportunity Video by NCVOAD.

Clothing – The state agency is not directly accepting clothing items. However, it is requesting that any in-state clothing donations be taken to a charitable organization within residents’ communities. These organizations already have the resources to make the best use of clothing donations.

Food – Donate food items through local food banks/pantries and charities in your community. North Carolina Food Bank

Tip to Remember: Cash is best – Monetary contributions to voluntary organizations make good sense for a number of reasons:

• Monetary contributions help ensure a steady flow of important services to survivors.

• Local organizations spend the money in the local affected community, accelerating its economic recovery.

• Monetary donations, rather than unsolicited donated goods such as clothing, avoid the complicated, costly and time-consuming process of collecting, transporting and distributing these goods.