Faith Briefs Saturday, Aug. 27
Published 12:00 am Saturday, August 27, 2016
- Gethsemane men's choir celebrates anniversary
Today: GLMBA annual Women’s Auxiliary
EAST SPENCER — The Guiding Light Missionary Baptist Association will hold its annual Women’s Auxiliary today beginning at 10 a.m. at the Guiding Light Convention Center, 308 Boundary St.
The Rev. Krista Cousar, pastor of Cast the First Stone Ministry of Troutman will be the morning speaker. The theme for the event is “This Means War.”
The afternoon theme discussion will be conducted by the Rev. Tiffany Miller of Macedonia Baptist Church of Salisbury and Bessie Jones, First Vice Moderator of the association and member of Henderson Grove Baptist Church. The Rev. John E. Jones is the moderator.
T.O.P. Men’s Prayer Breakfast today
T.O.P. Men’s Prayer Breakfast, 8 a.m. at Tower of Power UHC, 601 E. Cemetery St., with speaker pastor-elect the Rev. Damien Mason of the church. Info at 704-636-1244.
Sunday service at True Holiness
KANNAPOLIS — True Holiness Church of Godm 309 Rosemont Ave., will have Sunday morning service at 9 a.m. Pastor Renwick V.E. Fisher is the pastor. For more information call 704-938-3972.
WWLTC Ministries starts one hour early
SPENCER — On Sunday, Whosoever Will Let Them Come Ministries (WWLTC) will begin morning worship service at 10 a.m. This is one hour earlier than regularly scheduled. Please plan accordingly. WWLTC Ministries is located at 318 8th St. and is headed by Bishop Chris F. Brown and Pastor Patricia A. Brown. For more information, call 704-633-3876 and leave a message.
Homecoming at St. Matthew’s Lutheran
St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, 9275 Bringle Ferry Road, will celebrate its 178th homecoming on Sunday. The Rev. Eddie Pless will be the guest speaker for the 10:30 a.m. service. Immediately following will be a covered dish lunch in the family life center.
Camper’s Service will not be held this Sunday.
Youth service at Mt. Zion UCC
CHINA GROVE — During the 10:30 a.m. summer worship service Sunday, Mt. Zion United Church of Christ, 1415 South Main St., will celebrate a service of blessing for children and youth.
For more information see or call 704-857-1169.
The Rev. Mark L. Burns is host pastor.
Efird Family to sing at Mt. Moriah
CHINA GROVE — Mt.Moriah Lutheran Church, 750 Mt. Moriah Church Road, will have a special musical worship service Sunday at 10:30 a.m. featuring the Efird Family Singers. The Efirds started singing in church when they were little kids and have continued to sing God’s promises. Joseph Tallent is host pastor. 704-857-5034.
BTS service at The Arbor UMW
The Arbor UMW will have a combination contemporary service and a special Back to School worship service on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Students, educators and school staff will be recognized and school supplies collected by the congregation will be blessed. The church is located at 4455 Woodleaf Road and Mary and Frank Gordon are co pastors.
Lauren Gaskill is youth leader.
Anniversary speaker at NorthGate
Pat Schatzline, founder of Daystar Ministries International in Tuscaloosa, Ala., will deliver the message at NorthGate Church’s 30th anniversary celebration Sunday at 10:30 a.m., at 1255 West Ridge Road.
Homecoming,revival at Cedar Grove
Cedar Grove will observe its annual homecoming on Sunday. Minister Tommy Cuthbertson will deliver the 11 a.m. message. Lunch will be served at 1:30 p.m. The Rev. Dr. Karen R. Miller, pastor of Bethania AME Zion Church of Winston Salem, will be the 3 p.m. speaker.
Revival Services will begin on Tuesday through Thursday, Aug. 30-Sept. 1, 2016 at 7 p.m. nightly. The Rev. Reginald Keitt, pastor of Mt. Pleasant AME Zion Church of Statesville, will be the revivalist. The Rev. Dr. Bertha E. Pittman is host pastor.
Homecoming at St. Stephen’s Lutheran
St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church will celebrate homecoming on Sunday. The worship service is at 11 a.m. with the Rev. John Stirewalt as guest preacher.
The homecoming meal will follow in the Fellowship Hut.
Friends, family and former members are invited. The Rev. L. Darrell Norris is host pastor of St. Stephen’s.
Pastor Stirewalt, born in Gastonia and grew up in western Rowan County. He is the son of James C. Stirewalt and formerly attended Salem Lutheran Church, Salisbury, NC and Trinity Lutheran Church, Landis, North Carolina. He attended West and South Rowan High School and graduated from Lenoir-Rhyne University in 1981 with a degree in Psychology.
After the fall of the East German community government, Pastor Stirewalt served as an exchange pastor.
Stirewalt has been very involved in ministers for youth and young families. He has attended the National ELCA Youth Gatherings and focuses his energies on young parents and families in the congregational setting.
Pastor Stirewalt was elected as the Secretary of the Southeastern Synod of the ELCA and served from 2005-2009.
Talent show at Immanuel Lutheran
ROCKWELL — Immanuel Lutheran Church of Rockwell will hold a Blessing of Backpack Service on Sunday at 11 a.m. All students and school personnel are requested to bring backpacks, book bags, and lunch boxes for a special dedication and blessing. Teachers, assistants, principals, other administrators, secretaries, cafeteria staff, librarians, custodians, and bus drivers are also invited to attend.
At 3:30 p.m., the members of the Irene Beaver Circle of Immanuel Lutheran will sponsor a Back to School Talent Show, open to all ages, including adults, in groups or individually. There will be a Basket Silent Auction. The show is open to the public, and admission is by donation.
To participate in the talent show or donate to the silent auction, call 704-642-2776. This event is solely for fun and fellowship and is not a competition; so prizes will not be awarded. All proceeds will be given to the Immanuel Scholarship Fund.
First UCC to hold youth service
First United Church of Christ, 207 West Horah St., will be worshiping in the fellowship hall on Sunday morning at 11 a.m. The youth will speak on their adventures at Walt Disney World this summer where they attended the National Youth Event sponsored by the United Church of Christ. Youth from all over the USA participated in the week-long event. Friends were made from Hawaii, New Jersey and the mid-west. The National Youth Event is held every four years. This is the first time it has been held at Disney World.
For the youth, a Blessing of the Back Packs will be led by resident pastor The Rev. Carol Hallman.
Mt. Zion Missionary Women’s Weekend continues
Sunday at the 11 a.m. service, the guest speaker at Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church’s Women’s Weekend will be Dr. Shemmicca Moore from Blythewood, S.C. The Sanctified Sisters of Mt. Zion will minister music. Host pastor is the Rev. Dr. Nilous M. Avery.
Mt. Zion Missionary is located at 1920 Shirley Ave.
Mt. Zion Baptist Women’s Day
Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church will celebrate Women’s Day on Sunday at the 11 a.m. service. The Sanctified Sisters Mass Choir will provide music and the Unified Creative Expressions Ministry will present liturgical dance.
The speaker will be Dr. Shemmicca Moore of Blythewood, S.C. Dr. Moore is principal of Main Street Elementary School in Lake City, S.C., and a minister at Blythewood’s Perfecting Faith Church.
Dr. Moore is a native of Sumter, S.C. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Winthrop University, Rock Hill, S.C., her master of arts in teaching degree and school administration certification from Wingate University, Wingate. She also obtained her doctor of education degree in curriculum and instruction from Gardner-Webb University.
Dr. Nilous M. Avery II is host pastor. For more information call 704-637-0954.
Lattimore at First Presbyterian Church Salisbury
On Sunday, First Presbyterian Church of Salisbury welcomes to the pulpit Dr. Vergel L. Lattimore, president of Hood Theological Seminary as well as a professor of pastoral psychology and counseling. Worship services are at 8:30 and 11 a.m. in the sanctuary and at 8:50 a.m. in Lewis Hall.
Following the 11 a.m. service, the congregation will gather in the courtyard for the annual picnic. Hot dogs and burgers will be served and everyone is encouraged to bring a side dish or dessert to share.
Homecoming at Historic St. Andrew’s
WOODLEAF — The annual homecoming at Historic St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church will be held Sunday at 11:15 a.m. A covered dish lunch will follow at Unity Presbyterian Church, Barber Road off Highway 801, in Woodleaf. The service will celebrate the 176th anniversary of the consecration of St. Andrew’s on the last Sunday in August, 1840. The service will be conducted by the Rev. Rick Williams, who retired as Vicar of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Salisbury on Jan. 1.
The Rev. Williams has been ordained for 36 years, serving parishes in Alabama, Georgia and North Carolina as well as the United States Navy Chaplain Corps. He was a US Navy Chaplain for 23.5 years, serving the US Navy, the US Marine Corp, and the US Coast Guard. He retired in 2006 as a US Navy Captain. His BS degree is from Tennessee Tech and his M.Div. from Emory University.
For information about the service, contact Betsy Brown at or 919-619-8588.
Church of the Word of God anniversary
The Church of the Word of God, 1380 Hollywood Drive, celebrates the 20th pastoral anniversary of pastor Bishop Willie James Heilig at 11:30 a.m. Sunday.
Bishop Heilig began as a minister in 1982. In 1996, he started The Church of the Word of God. The first service was in August of 1997 with 3 adults and 10 kids at Dan Nichols Park.
Bishop Heilig has served the body of Christ as a dynamic minister of the gospel for over 34 years and is a compassionate pastor for 20 years with an exemplary anointing of preaching the true word of God.
Homecoming at New Bethel Baptist
MOCKSVILLE — New Bethel Baptist Church, 3727 Hwy 601 South, will celebrate its annual homecoming service on Sunday with the Rev. Timothy Bridges Sr., pastor of Shady Grove Baptist Church in East Spencer, at 3 p.m. Dinner will be served at 1:30 p.m.
Annual revival services will run Monday through Wednesday, Aug. 29-31, at 7 p.m. The Rev. Dr. Claude Forehand II, pastor of First Baptist Church in Kannapolis, is guest speaker.
Contact the church at 336-284-2990 or
Homecoming at Henderson Grove
Henderson Grove Missionary Baptist Church will celebrate homecoming on Sunday. The 11 a.m. speaker will be the pastor, the Rev. Perry Dye. Lunch will be served at 1:30 pm.
The 3 p.m. guest speaker will be the Rev. Alonza Williams, pastor of Rhema Praise and Worship Center.
A five-night revival will follow beginning on Monday. The evangelist for the week will be the Rev. Reginald McConneaughey, pastor of God’s Tabernacle for Believers in Rockwell. Services begin nightly at 7 p.m.
Henderson Grove Church Road is now open to traffic. For information, call 704-633-7573.
Anniversary at Oak Grove Baptist
CHINA GROVE — The Rising Star Choir of Oak Grove Baptist Church, 1205 S. Main St., will be celebrating their anniversary on Sunday evening beginning at 3 p.m. All choirs are invited to attend. Host pastor is the Rev. Dr. Keith Curry.
New Zion Missionary Baptist Church is 123
New Zion Baptist Church, 2785 Dunn’s Mountain Road, will be observing its 123rd church anniversary and annual homecoming on Sunday at 3 p.m. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Frank R. Butler Jr., Pastor of New Zion Baptist Church in Taylorsville.
There will be a four-night revival starting Monday, Aug. 29 through Thursday, Sept. 1 at 7 p.m. The guest speaker for the week will be the Rev. Carolyn Bratton, pastor of Moore’s Chapel AME Zion Church. The theme of this revival is: “Shift.”
Various area churches will attend each night and their choirs will render music. Host Pastor is the Rev. V. Patrick Jones Sr. Call 704-637-9324 for details.
First Ladies Hat Program at Fairview Heights
The Pastor Appreciation Committee of Fairview Heights Missionary Baptist Church, 704 Old Concord Road, is sponsoring a First Ladies Hat Program on Sunday at 3:30 p.m. The theme is “Which Hat Reflects Your Life as Christian?” The First Ladies of churches in the community and out of town will be presenting their special hats • Nurse Hat, First Lady Hash of Love Christian Center, East Spencer • Hard Hat, First Lady Clawson of Lilly’s Chapel Church of God • Straw Hat, First Lady Williams of Shady Grove Baptist Church, Mt. Ulla • Fancy Hat, First Lady Parsons of Morganton Church of God in Lenoir • Golf Hat, First Lady Kelly of Shiloh Baptist Church, Badin • Baseball Hat, First Lady Bracken of Jerusalem Baptist Church. All are invited to wear a hat. Host pastor is the Rev. Clarence E. Marlin.
Homecoming, revival at Sills Creek
MOORESVILLE — Sills Creek AME Zion, 3165 Bradshaw Road, is observing homecoming on Sunday. Dinner is served at 1:30 p.m.
The afternoon service begins at 3 p.m., led by the Rev. Ellison Bowman of Torrence Chapel AME Zion Church.
Revival services are Monday through Wednesday, Aug. 29-31 at 7 p.m. Preachers for the week are the Rev. Dairl Scott Jr., pastor of Union Chapel AME Zion; Dr. Kay Hines, pastor of Caldwell Chapel AME Zion; and Pastor Donald Hill of Freedom Tabernacle Family Worship Center.
The Rev. Morgan Glenn is host pastor. Email
Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Men’s Choir
The Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church Men’s Choir will hold its 18th anniversary celebration on Sunday at 4 p.m. The celebration will feature Gethsemane’s Men’s choir, The Heirs of Salvation and other invited guests. Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church is located at 719 South Caldwell St. The Rev. Dr. Clary L. Phelps is host pastor. Eugene Nunn is president of the Men’s Choir and Thelma Cuthbertson serves as Minister of Music.
The Chapeleers at Ebenezer UMC
MT. ULLA — Ebenezer United Methodist Church, 8425 NC 801, is hosting The Chapeleers in concert. on Sunday at 6 p.m.
A love offering will be collected.
Mark McRacken is the host pastor; 704-929-7840.
Early worship at Organ Lutheran
Organ Lutheran Church will hold early worship service in the Old Historic Organ Church during the month of September beginning at 8:30 a.m. At the first service we will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Following the service we will have “Chat & Chew” in the fellowship hall. Sunday School begins at 9:30 and regular service in the New Church begins at 10:30 a.m.
Revival at Allen Temple Presbyterian
CLEVELAND — Allen Temple Presbyterian Church, 138 E. Main St., will hold revival services and its 131st anniversary celebration.
Revival begins Tuesday, Aug. 30 and continue through Thursday Sept. 1. Praise service begins at 7 p.m. and worship at 7:30 p.m.
The speakers will be:
• Tuesday, the Rev. Timothy Bates of Cameron and Calvary Presbyterian Churches;
• Wednesday, the Rev. Timothy Bridges of Shady Grove Baptist Church;
• Thursday, Pastor Fred Terry of Mocksville Second Presbyterian Church.
Anniversary services will be at 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 4. The speaker for the service will be the Rev. Bobbie Samuels from South Iredell AME Zion Church in Troutman.
Lunch will be served at 1:30 p.m.
Open house at the Counseling Center
The Counseling Center at First United Methodist Church of Salisbury will host an open house on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2- 5 p.m. to introduce Garry Cook, a specially trained and licensed pastoral counselor, and learn more about what The Counseling Center offers. For more information, call 704- 636-3121 or
Kirkwood Saturday night movie
KANNAPOLIS — Kirkwood Saturday Night Movie on Sept. 3 is “The Blind Side,” based of the Extraordinary True Story of Michael Oher, who finds a home of love, which changes his life. He becomes a pro football player with the Carolina Panthers. Movie time is 6 P.M. Free popcorn, drink & (Special Frito Pie) is provided. Kirkwood Presbyterian Church is located at 900 Klondale Ave, Kannapolis
In My Father’s House Outreach Ministries
Guest speaker at the next service of In My Father’s House Outreach Ministries on Sept. 1 will be Minister Patricia Ellison of Cunningham Baptist Church of Thomasville. In My Father’s House, led by the Rev. Roosevelt Jenkins, meets the first two Thursdays of each month. The next meetings are Sept. 1 and 8, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m., in the Hurley Room at Rowan Public Library, 201 W. Innes St. For more information, call 704-492-6086.
Hot dogs at Rodgers Park
KANNAPOLIS — Rodgers Park Reformed Church, 704 East 22nd St., will host a hot dog fundraiser on Thursday, Sept. 1, from 11 a.m.-6 p.m.
Proceeds will be used for local and world missions and special church projects. For more information call 704-932-8301
The Rev. John N. Leazer is pastor at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church in Concord. The incorrect photo ran in last week’s faith briefs.
The Jesus Line
Visionary Sister Trina Whitley hosts The Jesus Line every Monday and Thursday at 7 p.m. Participate in a time of prayer and healing by calling 605-562-0020, pin 703307721. The call is free. Sister Whitley lives in Salisbury. (re-run once a month or so) last ran 7-23