Posters, Aug. 14
Published 12:00 am Sunday, August 14, 2016
• Weddington family reunion, Aug. 20, noon, China Grove Family Restaurant, 216 St. Main St., China Grove. Fellowship at 11:30 a.m. Call 704-857-2112.
• Road trip to New Orleans, sponsored by Cancer Club, Sept, 15-18; $300, double occupancy, downtown Holiday Inn Express. Non-refundable deposit to reserve a seat. Call Abe, 704-640-1893; Gary, 704-880-2967; John, 704-738-7355; Danny, 704-746-8096.
• Tickets to the Salisbury Symphony’s “Ed Sullivan Show” are almost gone. Tickets can be ordered online at
• Cancer Club road trip to New Orleans, Sept. 15-18, $300 per person, double occupancy. Includes downtown Holiday Inn Express, snacks on bus. Non-refundable deposit to reserve a seat. Call Abe, 704-640-1893; Gary, 704-880-2967; John, 704-738-7355; Danny, 704-746-8096.