Letters to the editor — Sunday (7-24-2016)

Published 12:16 am Sunday, July 24, 2016


Why choose most expensive site?

I live on Foster Road. I have just learned that the new western elementary school will be built on the property adjacent to me. No one representing the School Board had notified me or my neighbors that this decision was pending.

It appears from the figures presented at the board meeting on July 18 that the Foster site is the most expensive of the three sites considered — approximately $1  million more than the cheapest. Moreover, the annual operating cost of this site will probably be $100,000 more — over a 50-year life that is $5 million.

This county has a serious problem hiring and retaining teachers because other counties pay more. If we cannot match the supplements of adjacent counties, why would we pay $1 million more for a building? The additional $100,000 annual expense would also help pay teachers or hire assistants every year.

I understand the desire for a neutral site, but the School Board is responsible for making decisions which will ensure we have the best possible education for our children. This decision should be based on sound financial analysis, not an emotional appeal that may help some Board members win re-election.

— Elaine Addison


 Extend Fibrant to county

The residents of Salisbury should be very grateful that they have Fibrant in their city limits.

We citizens who live in the county are not so lucky. We get to pay monthly charges three times what the city does for less than one quarter the service. Also, if we try and add anything like high-speed Internet we always get the same answer. Not available. Or maybe by the year 2020, maybe. And for the past five years if you dare stop a service you can never get it back because it is now capped.

So before you think you have problems, just remember your county neighbors. Rowan has a first-class system. Why not bring it to all the citizens of the county? More customers mean more revenue. We are living in an information age. Please bring that service to all Rowan county citizens.

— W. Lee Simmons

Richfield (Rowan County)

Simmons is president of the Stillwaters Home Owners Association.

 Police aren’t the problem

The Post’s editorial of July 19 joins the chorus of so many others in pointing out the disproportionate number of minorities killed by police officers as compared to the general population. What it fails to take into consideration are the circumstances that brought about those unfortunate killings. The Post fails to mention the possibility that a disproportionate number of situations requiring police interaction involve minorities.

In the vast majority of “officer involved shootings” officers are acting defensively, or to prevent greater loss of life at the hands of the perpetrator.

Granted, one death is too many, but news flash, folks — the police are not the problem! In almost every situation maintaining a respectful attitude and following instructions of the officers can prevent unfortunate outcomes. They are doing the job we need them to do in a way that ensures they also return home to their families. That friends, is the “difficult, challenging conversation” the Post and others should specify.

America’s enemies throughout the world must be laughing to themselves as the Obama administration, liberals and the politically correct press destroy our country by continuing to turn its people against each other.

— Tim Deal
