Rowan Amateur Radio Society holds open event
Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 23, 2016
Submitted by Ralph Brown , WB4AQK
The Rowan Amateur Radio Society invites the public, especially groups or organizations who sometimes need emergency communications within or outside the county, to come to Sloan Park.
From noon on Saturday, June 25 until noon on Sunday, June 26, see the club’s demonstration of our ability to set up “in the wild” at a moment’s notice and communicate around the world.
We will be demonstrating at least three modes of radio communications: the old standby, CW (continuous wave or Morse code); digital; and normal voice, or as we call it, phone.
We will be using emergency power generators and some solar cell power. There is the possible communication by satellite, assuming the orbits work out to be useful while we are there.
Our site will be the Mt. Ulla Shelter. Our objective is to make as many contacts as possible during the 24 continuous hours we will be working.