Talkback: What online readers say about …
Published 12:00 am Friday, April 8, 2016
- Terri Brown, an Exceptional Children teacher at Rockwell Elementary School, uses several techniques to handle children whose behavior disrupts class. The school desk in the corner behind a bookshelf is used when other techniques fail. The bookcase is bolted to the wall to make sure that it can not be pushed over. Jon C. Lakey/Salisbury Post
… Call for backup: RSS searching for ways to teach kids with behavioral problems
Put God back into the school. Bring back the paddle and use it. Disciplinary problems start at the home.
— Karey Q. Clark
These are children with autism and other issues. They’re not always just spoiled; they have neurological issues.
How about we bring behavioral science back into the crumbling system ignorance created?
— Hanna Wilhelm
The disruptive students that are being referenced are not exceptional with diagnosed disabilities. The students discussed are in fact perfectly capable of showing respect and following rules.
— Tina Coley
Change attitudes about education. Change compulsory attendance laws. Make attending school a privilege for those who want an education. Students must come prepared to learn and behave. Disruptions to the other students that are there prepared to learn and behave need to be handled outside the public school program.
I agree that the child needs one-on-one time but not in the public school system until the child can attend prepared to learn and not be disruptive. They need to be in programs outside the public school system.
— Susan Agner
When I had “that” student, it was always blamed on me. Interestingly, the behaviors continued other years and with other people. It is sad to see the anger that these young children can have.
While I don’t know the solution, I do feel that the safety of the child, the safety of other children, and the safety of the teachers need to be considered. Administration just closing the door for the classroom to deal with it, “punishing” the teacher in different ways, and turning their back on the reality does not help any one involved.
— Jennifer Nelson
With few exceptions, the majority of examples of behaviors in schools that innocent children and undeserving staff are being subjected to are nothing short of an atrocity and represent utter failure in the education system. Discipline! Parental accountability! These are what are needed instead of currently trending diagnoses and labels for what constitutes improperly addressed, uncivilized behavior…. I rejoice every day to have achieved retirement from the school system. Heaven help anyone still hanging in there.
— Franda Raymer
Hurley needs a strong leader to lead it again. They are losing good employees because discipline has completely gone out of control. It is not just one grade but all. As taxpayers, we deserve better schools. I had to put my third-grader in a private school for him to get a quality education.
— Jan Corriher-Smith
People have been complaining about education and the schools since Sputnik. The ignorance of American teenagers and even college students was commented on in the ‘80s and shows no signs of changing for the better. Now there are behavioral problems as well — that is, disruption of class to the extreme of attacking teachers.
The cowardice of school administrators, the irresponsibility of parents … and the irresponsibility of society in refusing to confront reality are all part and parcel of this gross tragedy. …
I predict that … people will gripe and then go back to whatever trivial activity they were engaged in. Nothing will be done. Only when people are expected to act in accordance with specified rules or face the consequences will things change.
— Richard Creel
This problem is much greater than the school system can handle. It is a societal issue, definitely manifesting itself within Rowan County schools. Student behavior is hands down the No. 1 reason I chose to resign from RSS. Solutions to this problem must begin at home, where the parent must teach and instill some sort of values, morals and discipline system.
… A possible solution to this problem could perhaps be to mandate parents (of consistent behavioral students) to be present throughout their school day. Or there could possibly be some sort of satellite education program for students with behavior problems, in which they must complete the program, at home via internet, with their parent, until they can be deemed fit to be in a school setting.
Solutions to these student behavior issues need to start being dealt with prior to attending any school.
— Chelsea Nicole
I believe deeply in a philosophy of healing, not punishing. Forcing troubled children to behave will only lead to more resistance. I wish I could help these children with equine therapy, horses are fabulous teachers in these instances.
— Stacey Carter
Research — which is more potent than opinion — shows that children cannot be punished by schools (or resource officers) into behavior or willingness to learn. What has been proven to be effective are “wraparound” services that include counseling, psychologists, social workers and school nurses. All of these are either lacking in our public schools or stretched beyond effectiveness.
At some point, we will have to decide to continue the cuts that take resources away from our most precious resource or fully fund the needs of teaching and learning.
How will creating larger and larger elementary schools impact these issues? It’s pretty clear, isn’t it? Ironic that the two issues shared the front page Sunday.
— Ron Turbyfill
Thank you, Ron Turbyfill, for this excellent point. I have taught many “special needs/behavioral” students over my career. The key components that allowed this classroom connection to work so smoothly were the wraparound services. Having a solid foundation with the school psychologist, counselor, ICC teacher, 1-1 assistant, EC teacher, and the parent made it possible to serve the children in the least restrictive setting possible.
It makes me so bitterly sad that our state and system have chosen to not continue to fund programs and positions with documented data proving their success.
— Becky Daniel
… In training exercises, rescuers do the heavy lifting
I want to point out that Rowan County Rescue Squad is a proud member of the Rowan County United Way agencies. The United Way supports the squad with financial support to fund our daily operations. Without the United Way, the squad wouldn’t be able to staff appropriately to answer emergency calls.
— Eddie Cress
This is outstanding — to offer this excellent training and have all the rescue groups come together to work as a team. You never know when this type of rescue (or these types) might be required for real. Great job, folks!
— Carol Carpenter
… Michael Bitzer: HB2 is part of GOP strategy for November
Well said. However, the controversy was started by Charlotte City Council and the results from the GOP legislature were very predictable. It seems more likely that Democratic operatives in Charlotte launched this ordinance to aid and assist Roy Cooper (his response also predictable) and Hillary Clinton. That could well backfire, depending on whether this motivates the left or the right more.
— Todd Paris
… Letters: Rights and freedom; God made man; Majority likes HB2
If someone looks more-or less feminine, they should use the ladies’; if they look more-or-less masculine, they should use the men’s. Least surprise. Wait, some people with lady parts look pretty masculine, and some people with guy parts look pretty feminine. So I guess we need inspectors.
Better yet, our state legislators can appoint a commission consisting of people who are absolutely sure that everyone’s gender is exactly one-or-the-other, and they can tell everyone how they should look, act, and dress, according to their state sanctioned and approved gender. We can have special camps for people who don’t conform to the gender standards, because we can’t have pesky freedom disturbing our orderly tranquility.
Or maybe we can just leave it to people’s discretion and install doors. Oh wait, there are doors. If the doors are not adequate, maybe we need to be talking about architectural standards.
— Luke Hamaty
… Ashley Poole — Girls Coach of the Year
I am such a proud big sister. This girl shines on and off the court. Not only is she a great coach, she is the best mom, sister, daughter, friend, teacher, neighbor, aunt ….. She invests in her players not only during the season and on the court, but in all areas of their lives and forever. I love to be with her on Mother’s Day and watch her phone light up all day with messages from her players past and present. Can’t wait to watch my hardworking, beautiful, talented niece Taylor team up with her mom for the Falcons. Way to go Ash, well deserved!
— Jennifer Boulware Tatum
… Give Five – Read Five:
Small number, big results
This program has been wonderful! Kudos to the Rowan-Salisbury Schools community for caring about literacy and our kids.
— Karen Puckett
You’re never too old
Too wacky, too wild
To pick up a book
And read to a child.
— Dr Seuss
Got books? Give 5 Read 5
— Greg Dunn
… East Spencer Police Department makes changes, reduces crime
Sharon Hovis is a dedicated life long member of this community. We are lucky to have her
— Dan Guertin
Sharon Hovis is full of integrity and gives her all. God bless you, my friend.
— Katherine Henderson
Very encouraging!
— Margaret Brown
… New owners take over Creative Teaching Aids
Good luck! I’m so excited to see that the store will continue. One more win for downtown Salisbury!
— Sharon Earnhardt
These two have did a great job of decorating and restocking the store. Please stop by and see what they have to offer.
— Carolyn Barringer
… RSS board considers closing six elementary schools
We live in smaller communities so we can have smaller classes and closer communities. I think this would be a very bad move on the part of the school system and school board. My kids attend Faith, and we love it. The atmosphere is what we want our kids in.
— Scott Savage