Roundabout — What’s Happening March 24-30
Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 24, 2016
- Catawba Theater Department performs 'Woyzeck,’ an unconventional 19th century thriller.
‘Woyzeck’ at Catawba — An unconventional 19th century thriller, “Woyzeck,” will be student-directed during its run at Catawba College. Performances run March 30-31 and April 1-2 at 7:30 p.m. in the Florence Busby Corriher Theatre. Student and senior citizen tickets are $4 and adult tickets are $5. For tickets and further information, call the box office at 704-637-4481 or order online at Tickets may also be purchased at the door.
Phoenix Readers present — A collection of five stories: Presentneed, Bymeby and Hereafter; The Longest Story; The Talking Mule; Don’t Drop in My Soup; and The Tale of the Hairy Toe • March 28, 6:30 p.m.,Morningside of Concord, 500 Penny Lane • April 4, 7 p.m., Salisbury Library Stanback Room • April 8, 9 and 10 a.m., North Rowan Elementary School • April 12, 5:45 p.m., Neel Road Baptist Church, 135 Neel Road • April 13, 6:30 p.m., Oak Park Retirement, 548 White Oaks Drive. or Center for Faith & the Arts, 704-647-0999.
Twin City Stage presents ‘The Wizard of Oz’ — April 15-17, 21-24 and 28-May 1: Thursday-Friday performances at 7:30 p.m., Saturday-Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. Tickets $25. Arts Council Theatre, 610 Coliseum Drive in Winston-Salem. Tickets $15 at or 336-725-4001.
Old Courthouse Youth Theatre presents ‘The 39 Steps’ — April 21, 22, 23, 29, 30, May 6, 7 at 8 p.m.; May 7, April 24, May 1 at 2:30 p.m. By Patrick Barlow and John Buchan. Mix a Hitchcock masterpiece with a juicy spy novel, add a dash of Monty Python and you have a fast-paced whodunit for anyone who loves the magic of theatre. Tickets available March 31 at or 704-788-2405. 49 Spring St. NW, www.oldcourt
NC Transportation Museum’s Easter Bunny Express — March 25-26: Admission purchase required. Spencer. Full details and ticketing options at
Salisbury Parks and Rec Easter Egg Hunts —
• Dan Nicholas Park, Saturday, March 26, ages up to 5 at 11 a.m., ages 6-10 at 11:15 a.m.
• Ellis Park, Saturday, March 26, ages up to 10 at 11 a.m.
• Sloan Park, Saturday, March 26, ages up to 10 at 11 a.m.
THD Easter Eggstrav-aganza — 11 a.m.-1 p.m. March 26: Easter egg hunt and children’s games. Free to the public. Bring your own basket, concessions available for purchase. Tilley Harley-Davidson of Salisbury, 653 Bendix Drive.
Gold Hill Easter Egg Hunt — 10 a.m.-2 p.m. March 26: Egg hunt with prizes for ages 10 and under. Three age divisions. Photo ops with the Easter Bunny, bring your camera. Games and activities at 11 a.m. with nominal charge for games. Gold Hill Village, 840 St. Stephens Church Road.
Children’s Easter celebration — Noon-6 p.m. March 26: VFW Post 8989, 2500 N. Cannon Blvd., Kannapolis. Especially for VFW post, auxiliary members, military members, families. Lunch noon-2 p.m., Easter games, karaoke for kids age 2-6. $2 admission for adults, children free. Planning to attend? Send a text message including a contact name and phone number to 704-791-1487 or email by 3/24. There will be a special award ceremony for “Little Heros At Home” for children of Active Duty Parents.
Adult Easter Egg Hunt at MRV — 5 p.m. Saturday, March 26: $5 entry fee per person, must be 21 to enter. Golden Egg Prize: Overnight stay in the Gold Hill Cottage. Other prizes include gift certificates, brunches, lunches, dinners, passes to April Crawfish Boil. Morgan Ridge Vineyards, 486 John Morgan Road, Gold Hill, 704-639-0911,
Music & more
Pickin’ for the Master — 7 p.m. Friday, March 25: Celebrate Good Friday with bluegrass from the Fret High Band. Concessions available. No admission charge, but the hat will be passed. Trading Ford Baptist Church, 3600 Long Ferry Road, 704-633-5986,
Indie Music Scene Showcase at Mean Mug —7-10 p.m. Saturday, March 26: Free admission. Introducing nine local Indie music singers/bands. Mean Mug Coffee Co., 1024 S. Fulton St., 704-754-4615,
Darrell Connor & The Country Music Legends Band in concert — 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 29: Stanback Auditorium, Rowan Public Library, 201 W. Fisher St. Free, first come first seated.
Lee Street LIVE presents Nora Jane Struthers —Doors 7, show 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 1: Nora Jane Struthers & the Party Line.Tickets $20+tax. Lee Street Theatre, 329 N. Lee St. or 704-310-5507.
FUMC First Arts series — 7:30 p.m. April 8: FirstARTS: Ciompi String Quartet, First United Methodist Church, 217 S. Church St., 704-636-3121,
Starship with Mickey Thomas — 8 p.m. April 8: Mickey Thomas joined joined Jefferson Starship in 1979 after recording “Fooled Around and Fell in Love” with the Elvin Bishop Band. Tickets $27, parking $5. Cabarrus Arena and Events Center, 4751 N Carolina 49, Concord, 704-920-3976,
Salisbury Symphony presents ‘Animals’ family concert — 4 p.m. Sunday, April 10: “Lions, Tigers, and (Blue) Bears…Oh My!” Gymnasium, Livingstone College. David Hagy, music director. Rowan County 5th Grade Honors Chorus, Livingstone College Concert Choir, Livingstone College Band, 5th Grade Honors Chorus. Menken: Songs from Disney’s The Lion King; Fine: Childhood Fables for Grownups (including “Tigeroo”); Bartok: Bear Dance. Tickets at
The Davis Theatre presents International sensation Barrage 8 — 7 p.m. Sunday, April 10: A musical and showmanship spectacle. 65 Union St. S., downtown Concord, Cabarrus County historic courthouse. Tickets $36 at 704-920-2753 or
Hurley YMCA’s Y-Singers perform at Trinity Oaks — 3 p.m. April 24. Details at 704-636-0111.
This & That
Spring Fling Craft Fair at the Y — 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesday, March 30 • J.F. Hurley YMCA, 828 W. Jake Alexander Blvd., 704-636-0111.
Coming to Cabarrus Arena — • Speedway Classic All Breed Dog Show, March 31-April 3: Competitions daily from roughly 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Free admission, parking $5. AKC competition, agility, conformation, obedience and rally • Tom Mack Classic Car Auction, noon April 7. Free admission and parking • Cabarrus Arena and Events Center, 4751 N Carolina 49, Concord, 704-920-3976,
‘Because We Care’ Night — 7 p.m. Friday, April 1: Sponsored by AmVETS and its Auxiliary. VA Medical Center Social Room in Building 6. Hot dogs, chips, drinks and big bingo.
LEGO Extravaganza —9-11 a.m. Saturday, April 2: Partners in Learning hosts a free LEGO Extravaganza, a giant LEGO fan’s paradise for rising kindergartners through 7th grade. Registration required, limited to 50 children. Register at
Band dance at the Y — 7-10 p.m. Saturday, April 2: Second Time Around Band, bring a snack to share. $7 per person. J.F. Hurley Family YMCA, 828 W. Jake Alexander Blvd., 704-636-0111.
Princess party — 2-4 p.m. Sunday, April 10: The Delphinian Society at Catawa College hosts an afternoon with “royalty” while participating in arts and craft projects, learn to walk like a princess, play Pin the Nose on Olaf, have your picture taken with a famous princess. In the Cannon Student Center at Catawba College. Tickets $20, available in advance at 704-645-4514 or at the door.
Salisbury’s kids love ‘Touch a Truck’ — April 16: Salpost parking lot and at Fisher and Jackson across from the library.
Salisbury Gun and Knife Show — April 16-17: Saturday 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m.–4 p.m. General admission $7, children 11 and under free. 2-day adult pass $10. Rowan County Fairgrounds, Julian Road. Free parking. or 704-640-2326
Horizons Unlimited — • 3-8 p.m. April 16: Science summer camp preview/open house for Earth Day, $3 per person. Horizons Unlimited, 1636 Parkview Circle. Park and enter from Lilly Ave.
Salisbury VA Employee’s Assoc. Annual Spring Bazaar — 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Friday, April 8: Handmade crafts and homemade goodies. Open to the public. Call 704-638-3330 for information.
ROCO Swap Meet — April 16-17: Saturday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Rowan County Fairgrounds. Admission $2. Call 704-640-2326 or email for details.
Simple Living Festival at Dan Nicholas Park — 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. May 7: Music, crafts, nature programming, games. 6800 Bringle Ferry Road, 704-216-7800,
Trail Walk at Dan Nicholas Park — 12:30 p.m. May 14: 6800 Bringle Ferry Road. Pre-registration required at 704-216-7833 or Michael.Lambert@
City of Salisbury hosts Middle School Prom — 6-9 p.m. Saturday, May 14: Open to all Rowan County middle school students. A night of fun and games in a friendly environment. $10 per ticket advance purchase only. Held at Salisbury Civic Center.
Dan Nicholas Senior Citizen Fishing Tournament — May 16-20: Free. Show off your fishing skills. Register at the concession stand. Prize awarded for largest fish. For age 60+. 6800 Bringle Ferry Road, 704-216-7800,
Denton Antiques Festival — 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. July 1-5: Annual Denton Antiques Festival, free, at Harrison Park in downtown Denton. Buy, sell, browse. Call 336-859-4231 with questions.
Free seminars at the Y — 1:30 p.m. April 12: Larry Clifton presents “Broken Relationships” • 3-4 p.m. April 20: Celeste McNeil presents “Just been Diagnosed with Diabetes” • Noon, April 27: Magic Lunch and Learn covered dish with Bill Ragsdale • 7 p.m. April 27: Fowler Physical Therapy presents “Back and Sciatic Workshop” • All are free, must sign up. J.F. Hurley YMCA, 828 W. Jake Alexander Blvd., 704-636-0111.
NC Rowan County Anime Group — Saturday April 9: Lexing Con 3, proceeds benefit Davidson Humane Society. Davidson County Fairgrounds. Info 336-479-3039 or http:groups. groups/ncrowancounty anime/info
Friends and family fundraiser for Debbie Nichols — 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, March 26, held at Scarlett’s Unique Boutique, 185 Main St., Mocksville. Info at 336-575-8812.
PIC Benefit concert for Rowan Helping Ministries -— 7 p.m. Thursday, April 7: Dr. Rob Live at the Meroney. Concert held at the Meroney Theater. Tickets $15 at Rowan Helping Ministries, 226 N. Long St. or Salisbury Academy, 2210 Jake Alexander Blvd. or www.rowanhelping ministries .org
Inaugural Rowan County Fair Association Oyster Roast — 6-8 p.m. Saturday, April 9: Fish plate $15, oysters $40, all you can eat. Sponsored by Faith and Spencer Jaycees and United Beverage. Rowan County Fairgrounds, 1560 Julian Road, 704-640-2326.
Return of the Legends featuring Matthew Weaver and the GV Band — 6 p.m. Saturday, April 9: Sponsored by FBC Relay For Life team. Musical tribute to legends such as Patsy Cline, Oakridge Boys, Elvis Presley. Light refreshments available for a purchase. Tickets $15 in advance/$18 DOS. Purchase at Stitchin’ Post Gifts, 104 S. Main St., or from Linda 704-223-7357 or Proceeds benefit American Cancer Society through Relay For Life of Rowan County. Held at First Ministries Center, First Baptist Church Salisbury, 220 N. Fulton St.
Old Courthouse Theatre hosts ‘A Night on Broadway’ — 7:30-11 p.m. Saturday, April 9: Fundraiser benefiting the Old Courthouse Theatre, celebrating 40 years of community theatre at The Copperfield Room, 270 Copperfield Blvd. NE, Concord. Broadway favorites performed by OCT singers. Special guest Beth Troutman, WCNC anchor. Hors d’oeuvres, cash bar, silent auction, wine pull, more. Cocktail attire. $35/person at or 704-788-2405.
LexingCon — 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, April 9: Family-friendly event for artists, vendors, fans to celebrate comic books and raise money for local charities. Admission $5 for ages 13+, also, anyone in costume will be admitted free. Attendees may donate a large bag of pet food for admittance instead. Davidson County Fairgrounds. Contact 336-479-3039 or see Facebook at Lexing-Con
Salisbury Academy Bloom Enchanted — 7 p.m. Saturday, April 16: Cocktails, dinner, dancing, live auction. Music by The Shakedown Band. At the historic NC Transportation Museum. To make reservations visit /bloomreservation.cfm
Miss Black & Gold Pageant — 6 p.m. April 17: Annual scholarship pageant sponsored by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Open to the community. Free for students, $5 for community members.
FUMC Spring Fest — April 29, 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m. FUMC Spring Fest, First United Methodist Church of Salisbury fellowship hall, fundraiser/silent auction, proceeds go toward rebuilding children’s outdoor playground, lunch and dinner available.
City of Salisbury hosts Fur Fun run/walk —10 a.m. Saturday, May 7: 5K run/walk, Salisbury Civic Center. Proceeds benefit Salisbury’s first dog park. Dogs welcome. $20 registration at
Rowan Helping Ministries 6th annual Golf Tournament — 8 a.m. Saturday, May 14: Corbin Hills Golf Course, $50 includes lunch, captain’s choice format, team prizes and door prizes. Paul Rogers, 704-633-3454.
PPT’s ‘Night on the Stage Fundraiser’ starring Tony nominee Bryce Pinkham — May 20-21: Very limited seating for this exclusive event. RSVP to 704-633-5471. Meroney Theater, 213 S. Main St.
Wine & beer tastings
Salisbury Wine Shop — 5:30-7:30 p.m. Friday, March 25: Wines of Chateau Diana Winery, Dry Creek Valley, California with Andrew Alley, 17th Street Distributing. $5/person • 106 S. Main St., 704-636-5151, sws@
Mean Mug Coffee Co. — 7 p.m. second Tuesdays. $10/person, RSVP to 1024 S. Fulton St., 704-754-4615,
Morgan Ridge Vineyards and Brewhouse — 486 John Morgan Road, Gold Hill, 704-639-0911,
Cauble Creek Vineyard and Winery — NC’s 100th Winery. Tasting room Friday-Saturday 11 a.m.-6 p.m., Sunday 1-6 p.m. $8. 704-636-1137, 700 Cauble Farm Road, see
Douglas Vineyards — Saturday 11 a.m.-6 p.m. • Sunday 1 -6 p.m. $6, keepsake wine glass. 7696 Freeze Road, Kannapolis, 704-939-6260,
Cougar Run Winery — 704-280-3624. Cougar Run Winery, 363 N. Church St., Concord.
Old Stone Winery — 704-279-0930, 6245 US Hwy. 52.
Rocky River Vineyards — 704-781-5035. 11685 Reed Mine Road, Midland.
Childress Vineyards — 336-236-WINE, 1000 Childress Vineyards Road, exit 89 off I-85, Hwy 64 W. Lexington.
Night Life
The Carriage Room, 2141 Statesville Blvd. — Fridays: In-house pool tournament, $5. 704-647-9876, carriageroomnc@
Cotton Eyed Joe’s inside The Hot Rod Barn, 807 Yost Road — 7-9 p.m. Saturdays: Bluegrass, gospel, country music jam. No alcohol, smoke free. Just off Webb Road. 704-239-6952.
CJ’s BBQ, 210 Old Amity Hill Road, Cleveland — • 6:30 p.m. Friday Night Bluegrass • 6 p.m. Tuesdays: Crystal’s deejay and karaoke . 704-278-4070.
DJs Restaurant, 1502 W. Innes St. — • Tuesdays, Live trivia 8 p.m. • Fridays, deejay 10 p.m. • 8:30 p.m. Saturday: , $10 cover • 704-638-9647,
Firewater, 122 Avalon Drive — 7:30 -11 p.m. Wednesday: Mid-week live Jazz with fish and grits every Wednesday. $5/person. 704-870-8689.
Go Burrito RumBar, 115 W. Fisher St. across from the mural — • 8 p.m. Monday Poker Night. • 9 p.m. Wednesday Open Mic • Team Trivia every Tuesday • Karaoke on Saturdays •
The Inn, 1012 Mooresville Hwy 150 — 8 p.m. Saturday: , March 26: Set For The Fall and Gerald Harris • Coming next: 10th Anniversary April 2 with five bands and WBFJ. Refreshments, air hockey, foosball, pool. Contemporary Christian music venue. Musicians invited to jam or schedule their group to perform. 704-213-1467.
JC Price American Legion Post 107 — 9 p.m. Friday, Saturday, Sunday: Easy Living Weekends downstairs. 1433 Old Wilkesboro Road. Park in rear. Wide screen tvs , music by deejay Danny “D,” $3/person, $5/couple. ID, casual dress. Info 704-638-7355 or 707-640-1893.
E.H. Montgomery General Store — 7-9 p.m. Fridays: Open acoustic Bluegrass jam. Historic Village of Gold Hill, Facebook, 704-267-9439,
Nashville Nights, 125-127 E. Innes St. — Live deejay all weekend this weekend! • Open 4 p.m.-2 a.m. Wednesday through Saturday, 704-762-9990,
Stars and Bars Tavern, 723 Klumac Road — 7 p.m. Tuesdays: Pool tournament. Free pool on Sundays.
Old Stone Vino, 515 S. Main St., Kannapolis — Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays: Live music. 704-938-2337.
The Charlotte Zodiac Dance Club — American Legion, 4235 W. Tyvola Road, Charlotte. Dances on second and fourth Friday. 704-236-0344. www.charlottezodiacdanceclub. com
Colonial Spring Frolic at Old Stone House — Saturday, April 2, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Old Stone House, 770 Old Stone House Road
19th annual Salisbury Confederate Prison Symposium — April 8-10: Sponsored by Robert F. Hoke Chapter No. 78 of the UDC • Friday: Reunion of Descendants and Friends followed by Friendship Banquet • Saturday: historical lectures • Public memorial services 10 a.m. Sunday for Union and Confederate soldiers, Historic Salisbury National Cemetery, Old Lutheran Cemetery 11 a.m. • Afternoon tour of Salisbury Prison site for Symposium registrants • Registration $75 per person. Send checks to Robert F. Hoke Chapter 78, UDC, PO Box 83, Salisbury, NC 28145-0083. Info: Symposium Chairman Sue Curtis 704-637-6411,
Rowan History Club — 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 12: “The Cherokee Removal.” Free; light refreshments. Rowan Museum Messinger Room, 202 N. Main St., 704-633-5946,
2016 Piedmont Earth Day Fair — 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, April 23: 11th Annual Piedmont Earth Day Fair, Winston-Salem Fairgrounds.Information at
Alexander County’s RockyFest — April 23: 4th Annual RockyFest at Rocky Face Mountain Recreational Area (Rocky Face Park), with 5K, 10K, 20K trail races, live music, rock climbing, rappelling, children’s activities, food/arts/crafts vendors, Cherokee storytelling and demonstrations, more. See or call 828- 632-1093.
‘Merlefest 2016 — April 28-May 1: John Prine, Old Crow Medicine Show, Dave Rawlings Machine, Brandi Carlile, The Wood Brothers, Steep Canyon Rangers, Tim O’Brien, Jerry Douglas, many more. Wilkes Community College campus, 1328 S. Collegiate Drive, Wilkesboro,
Kannapolis Jiggy with the Piggy Festival — May 6-7 event in Downtown Kannapolis and NC Research Campus.
‘DIY Vinaigrette’ Workshop — 5:30-7 p.m. Monday, March 28: Part of RPL’s third series of Learn-Act-Grow workshops. No cost, attendees will be entered for door prize drawing. Held at South Rowan Regional Library China Grove. With Chef Chris Herron and Dietician Katrina Weavil. RSVP to or 704-216-7841.
Chrismon classes — March 31-April 1: Chrismon classes at Rufty’s Chrismon Shop begin at 10:30 a.m. each day and four levels will be taught. Call for reservations and info at 704-636-7790. Rufty’s Chrismon Shop, 280 Furniture Drive,
Reiki Circle — 7-8:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 6: No charge, donations accepted. Center for Faith & the Arts, 207 W. Harrison St., behind and below Haven Lutheran Church, organized and hosted by Nancy Gaines,
A Different Kind of Knit Night — 7-8:30 p.m. Thursday, April 7: Focus is on needlework as an avenue for contemplation and meditation. First meeting at Center for Faith & the Arts, 207 W. Harrison St. Free, donations accepted.
Dyed in the Wool: A Workshop on Dyeing Animal Fibers — 10 a.m.-3 p.m. April 16: Preregistration required through Eventbrite or by mail. $25/Old Rowan Fiber Guild members, $50/non-members. Dyes and equipment provided. Bring your own yarn or fiber (limit one pound) or purchase through the Guild at registration. You may also order a boxed lunch at registration. See Facebook or Eventbrite or contact Nancy Gaines at Presented by Old Rowan Fiber Guild, held at Center for Faith & the Arts, 207 W. Harrison St.
Waterworks Visual Arts Center — 6:30-9 p.m. Tuesdays April 5-May 10: Hand and Wheel Pottery Class; beginners learn basics of working with clay while intermediate level students develop their own style. Ages 12+. 123 E. Liberty St. Register at 704-636-1882 or
Free basic computer lessons — 10 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays: How to use a computer or laptop (not email or facebook). Robert Knox, 512 Klumac Road, Ste 8. 704-870-8862.
Salisbury Art Station — Weekly classes, $25. Tuesdays 4-6 p.m. for ages 5-7 • Wednesdays 4-6 p.m. ages 7 and up • Thursdays 4-6 p.m. ages 7 and up. 704-754-0853 or 215 Depot St.
Beginning and intermediate weaving — Private lessons on a floor loom. Liese Sadler, 215-300-4369,
Oil Painting with Patt Legg — Tuesdays 12:30-3 p.m.: Adult oil classes, $45. Paint like the Old Masters OR painting made simple. Preregister at 704-232-6000.
Free online courses through RPL — Gale Courses: high-quality, noncredit online courses free with your library card. or call 704-216-8243.
Mind aerobics art class — 2-4 p.m., Mondays and Fridays. $10/two-hour session by artist Robert Toth. Rufty Holmes Senior Center, call 704-279-9301.
Pottery 101 — Pottery 101, 101 S. Main St., 704-209-1632,
Center for Faith and the Arts — or 704-647-0999. CFA, 207 W. Harrison St.
Speakers & forums
City of Salisbury hosts Trailblazing Together — Participate in input sessions for the City’s upcoming Comprehensive Plan. Free. Call 704-638-5324 or see www. for details.
Salisbury-Rowan AARP —1 p.m. Thursday, April 7: “One Soldier’s Story” by Sue Wall, about her father who was shot down over a French village during World War II, how he was saved, how the villagers remembered him when she visited there many years later. Refreshments. Free. Rufty-Holmes Senior Center, 1120 MLK Jr. Ave. For seniors 50+. Information 704-216-7714.
Fearless Caregiver Conference — 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. April 13: Seminar with Gary Barg, editor of Today’s Caregiver, plus expo, lunch. Free for family caregivers who register at or 877-829-2734. Trinity Oaks, 728 Klumac Road. Adult day services may be available, call 704-637-3940.
OCT auditions for ‘A Foot and a Half’ — 7-9 p.m. March 21-22: by Andy Rassler. See auditions page at website for full character information. Old Courthouse Theatre, 49 Spring St. NW, www.oldcourt or 704-788-2405.
St. Thomas Players to perform ‘August: Osage County’ — Auditions 7 p.m. April 17-18: Pulitzer-Prize-winning play. Dr. Kurt Corriher will direct. Scripts may be checked out ahead of time, call 704-310-5507. Center for Faith and the Arts, 207 W. Harrison St. Full character descriptions at
Twin City Stage auditions ‘Tuesdays with Morrie’ — 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 19: Roles available for 2 men, ages 30-45 and 60+. Performance dates June 3-5 and 9-12. No appointment necessary. Arts Council Theatre, 610 Coliseum Drive. 336-748-0857 x209 or
18th annual RiverRun Film Festival— April 7-17: downtown Winston-Salem. Details, schedules, venues, ticket info at
‘Flicks at The Davis’ series — 8 p.m. Friday, April 8: “Dirty Dancing.” Davis Theatre, 65 Union St. S., 704-920-2787. Open to the public, $5 at the door. http://cabarrusartscouncil. org/davis-theatre/flicks-at- the-davis/
Center for Faith and the Arts, 207 W. Harrison St. — 207 W. Harrison St., behind Haven Lutheran Church. or 704-647-0999.
The Framing Gallery, 324 W. Liberty St. — New location. Call for new hours, 704-633-1246.
Fine Frame Gallery, 105 S. Main St. —New farm equipment sculptures by Billy Russell. Tuesday-Friday 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 704-647-0340,
Pottery 101, 101 S. Main St. — Monday-Friday 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 704-209-1632,
Rail Walk Studios & Gallery, 409-413 N. Lee St. — Through March: Art exhibit “Rail Walk Rocks” features art by members of Rail Walk on the theme of “rocks,” includes installation art, rock gardens, works on canvas, photographs, art painted on rocks, visitor participation pieces. Free, open to the public Thursdays through Saturdays 11 a.m.–4 p.m. 704-431-8964,
Special showcase at Salisbury Business Center — Kannapolis Arts honors local artists at SBC, 301 S. Main St. Viewed artwork weekdays 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Free. Through May 1. See www.salisbury or Facebook.
Farmin’ Month at Catawba — Through April 2: Artist Walter Stanford exhibit in Catawba College’s Corriher-Linn-Black Library.
Waterworks Visual Arts Center — 33rd Annual Student Exhibitions: Celebrating Rowan County’s Young Artists. Rowan Salisbury Schools elementary students through March 26 • March 31-April 20: RS middle schools, reception April 7, from 5-6:30 p.m. • High schools exhibit April 23-May 14, reception April 28, from 5-6:30 p.m. • Through May 21: Spring, Up Close and Far Away • 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., 704-636-1882,
DCCC’s Spring Art Show ‘Absolutely Art’ — Through May 13: Works of art from nine local artists. B. E. Mendenhall Building on the Davidson Campus.
Casino trip to Harrah’s Cherokee — Friday April 1: With The Steppin’ Out Social Club. Leave from old Salisbury Mall Belk’s parking lot 6 p.m. Friday, returning 8 a.m. Saturday. Cost $40 with $20 returned upon arrival at casino. Money due ASAP. Call 704-232-5201 to pay for your seat. Small coolers welcome.
Go with the Community travelers to New Orleans — April 3-9 : A week of fun. Chartered bus, hotel, meals, admissions etc. Call for details: Brenda Cowan 704-633-9073 or 704-431-3974.
Travel to Charleston with Davie County Senior Services — April 5-7: Magnolia Plantation tour, trolley tour of Charleston Tea Plantation, dinner cruise, see HLHunley submarine at old Charleston Naval Base. Motorcoach, meals and accommodations included. Davie County Senior Services, 336-753-6230.
Travel with the YMCA — • April 19: 9 a.m. Charlotte Shopping to North Lake Mall, Trader Joes, Ikea. $18 member, $22 non-member • May 17: 11 a.m. Lavender Tour, $15 member, $20 non-member • June 7: Shatley Springs, Fresno churches, Ashe County Cheese Factory and store, $50 members $60 non-members includes lunch/transportation • Buses leave from J. F. Hurley Family YMCA, 828 W. Jake Alexander Blvd., 704-636-0111 or email lklaver@
Call for nominations
Elizabeth Duncan Koontz 2016 Humanitarian Awards — Deadline April 5: Recognizing people from Salisbury-Rowan community who have made important contributions to improving human relations in the areas of education, women’s rights, community service. Visit humanrelationscouncil. org for info or fill out the form at
Call for vendors
Craft Vendors — Salisbury VA Employees Association seeks craft vendors for annual Spring Bazaar Friday, April 8, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Contact Sharon Censi, 704-638-3330 or
Supporters of Education at East Rowan — 9 a.m.-4 p.m. April 9: Now accepting consignors. Help us give scholarships. Contact Kelly at or Facebook, ERHS SEER.
National Folk Festival seeks artisans and craftspeople— For NC Arts Marketplace at National Folk Festival in Greensboro Sept. 9-11. Deadline April 11. Applications/guidelines at nationalfolkfestival. com/marketplace. Information: contact Kaitlin Smith at or 336-373-7523, x246
ROCO Swap Meet — April 16-17: At the Rowan County Fairgrounds. Choose new building, old building, outdoor spaces. Admission to show is $2, exhibitors admitted free and given passes to get in. Call 704-640-2326 or email for pricing and timing details.
Alexander County’s RockyFest — April 23: 4th Annual RockyFest at Rocky Face Mountain Recreational Area (Rocky Face Park), Taylorsville. Fee info and vendor application available at
Horizon Church annual Car, Truck & Bike Show — 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, April 30: $20 for vendor booth space. 316 Signal Hill Drive, Statesville. Call Jada Thompson 704-450-2752 or e-mail
Gold Hill Gold Rush Days — 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, May 7: Festival of local arts and crafts. See vendor application at
Rowan Blues & Jazz Festival — May 13-14: Two-day music festival. Limited food vendor spaces available. Call 704-636-3277.
China Grove Farmers Day — July 2016: Vendors of all types. Info Patti Price, 333 N Main St., 704.857.2466 ext. 102,
KCBS-sanctioned 2016 BBQ event — Sept. 16-17: Now accepting vendor applications. Event open to the public, free admission; entertainment includes Darrell Harwood. See or call 704-638-6044.
Rockwell Fest, a Small Town Celebration — Sept. 10 in front of Rockwell Elementary. Vendor forms available at $25 and $75 for food vendors. Forms available at Facebook- Rockwell Fest September 10, 2016 Facebook page or at town hall. Info: Terry Piersol at mytownnews@
Vintage mdse. — Second Saturdays: Vintage vendors may set up in Carolina Lily parking lot, 314 Depot St. Apply at 704 639-0033,
Call for performers
Last Davis Theatre open mic night of the season — 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 14: See or contact or 704-920-2787.
Rowan Blues & Jazz Festival — May 13-14: Two-day festival showcasing young musicians plus award-winning blues and jazz musicians. Accepting applications for performers between the ages of 9-19. Call 704-636-3277.
Gold Hill Bluegrass jam — Acoustic Bluegrass jam. E.H. Montgomery General Store, Gold Hill. 7-9 p.m. Fridays. 704-267-9439.
Blumenthal Performing Arts open mic nights — Free event open to performers, selected by lottery. E-mail
Call for artists
Gold Hill Gold Rush Days seeks artists and craft persons — 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, May 7: Festival of local arts and crafts. Application at
Concord Spring into Arts Festival — May 14 juried art show and festival. www. or 704-784-4208.
Twin City Artisans inaugural Spring Fest at Old Salem — May 14: Invitational event for non-member artists to participate with TCA members. Application deadline April 23, available at Select FORMS and then Old Salem Non-member Application. Call 336- 655-6371 with questions.
Call for volunteers
Rowan Helping Ministries volunteers – Pick up donated food, stock food pantry, intake interviews, laundry, meals. Call Emily Huffman or Katie Murdock, 704-637-6838.
Novant Rowan Medical Center – Patient escorts, gift shop, surgical waiting room, flower delivery, ancillary support. Training provided. dbhundley@
Help feed the horses — Horse Protection Society, 2135 Miller Road, China Grove, or email