Letters to the editor — Monday (3-14-2016)

Published 12:29 am Monday, March 14, 2016

Flags will proudly  fly at school office

I want to assure everyone the plans have been developed for a large flag pole to be installed in the right corner near the front door of the Wallace Educational Forum. Bill Burgin is pursuing permitting and Barnhill has ordered the flag pole.

We hope to have the American and North Carolina state flag flying high soon!

— Dr. Lynn Moody


Moody is superintendent of the Rowan-Salisbury School System.

A lingering divide

The divide that has existed since the beginning of the USA is consistent with the 2016 version, where certain groups of humankind are consumed with the endless struggle of waking up in a world that has not been as equal as we would hope it would be.

As an individual, my faith, trust, hopes and dreams belong to God.

In him love, grace and mercy are given to all of us.

In turn, social, economic and conscientious equality for all is well worth waking up for.

— Patricia Forney


It starts at home

The way to tackle discipline problems in school is to give teachers and principals bonuses for putting up with this.

The solution is to suspend students from school and parents from their jobs without pay until they have taught their children how to behave. Behavior education belongs in the home, not in the schools.

Until parents have walked in the educators’ shoes, they will not realize where the responsibility lies.

Yes, I have taught and understand the problems well. I have difficulty writing but hope I have gotten my points across.

— Delores McAllister
