Letters to the editor – Thursday – 3-10-16

Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 10, 2016

Bond offers opportunity to help community colleges, state

North Carolina’s community colleges are an essential component for our state’s continued economic growth and opportunity. That’s why I’ve dedicated my entire career to this economic engine that provides affordable, practical education to our citizens.

On March 15, voters will see the Connect NC bond on the ballot. This bond will help improve facilities at every one of North Carolina’s 58 community colleges — not a single college is left out of the benefits of this initiative. Rowan-Cabarrus Community College — your local community college — would receive $7.2 million to help support continued renovations to make our facilities state-of-the-art places to learn and grow.

Impressively, this bond manages to improve all of these facilities without any need for a tax increase, so we gain amazing benefits with no additional money out of our pockets as taxpayers. This bond even enjoys wide bipartisan support. With interest rates being as low as they are many are trying to take advantage of the situation by refinancing their homes; why should our state miss out on this great opportunity?

As president of Rowan-Cabarrus it is my honor and privilege to encourage you, my friends and neighbors, to learn more about the Connect NC Bond Initiative and consider its impact on your community college when you vote on the bond referendum on March 15.

— Dr. Carol S. Spalding


Dr. Carol S. Spalding is president of Rowan-Cabarrus Community College.

Action, not just promises

The Republican led legislature has kept the promises made in the 2010 campaign. They have balanced the state budget without raising taxes; they have ended forced annexation; they have eliminated the cap on charter schools; they have increased the budget for public school education and provided for salary raises for all state employees; they have provided for required photo identification for voting; and they have reduced taxes on businesses so that North Carolina is competitive with surrounding states.

Harry Warren has had a leadership role in some of these efforts, and an active part in all. He has stayed in touch with town hall meetings and newsletters. He has proven to be accessible. Hence, he knows first-hand the concerns of constituents.

Harry has reflected the best of personal characteristics in all of this service. We need for Harry to return and continue the work for the betterment of Rowan County and the state of North Carolina.

Vote for Harry Warren.

— M. H. Clements


Veteran inspires gratitude

I love North Carolina, Rowan County and I love the USA. I take pride in shaking the hands of veterans when I run into them.

Last Friday, I went to Darrell’s BBQ and had the privilege of shaking a veteran’s hand and expressing my gratitude for his service. I was humbled when I left to find that he and his wife had paid for my supper. I would like to thank him for my meal and again for his service.

To all veterans, I salute you and your service to our country. God bless the USA.

— Randy McCombs


Endorsement deadline

Letters endorsing candidates should be received in the Post newsroom by 5 p.m. today to be published before the March 15 primary.