Letters to the editor – Tuesday – 1-19-16
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Pierce contributes much to the community
I have been reading daily people bashing county commissioner Craig Pierce concerning some remarks he made at an economic retreat concerning county revenue and taxes and how these people are twisting his statements into a racial issue and an attack on poor people in general. I have personally known Mr. Pierce for most of my life and he is far from a racist and he personally provides support to many local agencies such as Rowan helping Ministries, Habitat for Humanity, and has provided a lot of money and resources to North Rowan High school where he graduated. He does this to help the poor and under privileged regardless of their color or race.
Mr. Pierce may have chosen some different words to illustrate how the county may fairly collect taxes, but I will assure you that his comments were not meant to be hurtful and certainly not racist.
I also read Mr. Scott Teamer’s article today on his take on Mr. Pierces comments and his views. Mr. Teamer jumped on the racist bandwagon in regard to Mr. Pierce and then went on to say that he was disappointed that the town of East Spencer had hired white management. He also said that East Spencer needed the charter school because the school system is not designed to lift up young black people.
Mr. Teamer, I would think that you would agree if you practice what you preach that the town should hire the most qualified persons regardless of color and that the school system is there to teach all children and bring all of them up no matter what their race is. Our systems have to work for everyone. You decide who is racist.
In regard to Whitey Harwood’s comments on Rowan County: Move.
— Duke Brown
Mistaken identity
Neil Nurisso, writer of the letter “Happy In Rowan”, erroneously confused Whitney Peckman with the writer of an earlier letter, Whitney Harwood.
I hope that you can correct the impression he gives that Ms Peckman has any negative attitudes toward living in Rowan county. To the contrary, she is active in trying to bring about positive change in our community to the benefit of us all.
— Jeff Sharp
Granite Quarry
Potential tree hazard
During the week we drive up Statesville Boulevard on our way to school. We have noticed a lot of very big trees and limbs leaning over the road and power lines.
I think someone should take a look at these and try to cut the limbs back or take the trees down before we have an ice or snow storm.
— Ben Childress
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