Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin
Published 12:00 am Sunday, December 27, 2015
Irregularities in play
The first occurred when bidding was over and dummy was disclosed. A player said, “I have some of those cards in my hand!”
It was found that one player had pulled cards from the next board. The remedy is to return all hands to the correct boards with the offending pair being awarded an A- and non-offenders an A+. The next board was played normally.
The second problem happened when during play of the hand a card in dummy was found under another one. The card was in a suit already played and which had been trumped by declarer.
According to the ACBL rule book, the discovered card is deemed to have belonged to that hand all along and the failure to play it at the proper time was declared a revoke. Declarer earned a 1 trick penalty.
Please note, both of these problems could have been averted if all players at the table had been alert to card colors and card numbers in dummy from the start.
Even directors, especially me, could avoid many headaches and chaos by placing the by-stand in the right place. Fortunately on Friday, with some juggling, no one played the same boards and I was able to score the game manually, feed the numbers into the computer which factored them and come up with the winners!
So sorry folks for the turmoil.
N/S First, Maggie Canup and Toni Iossi; second, Christy Cline and Fern Albracht; E/W First, John and Myrnie Mclaughlin; second, Pat Featherston and Dick Brisbin .
Featured is board #7 from Friday’s game all vulnerable South dealer
S K 6 5 2
H K 9 7 4
D 9 3
C Q T 6
S A T 9 4 3 S Q J 8
H 8 3 H J 2
D K Q 4 D A 8 5 2
C 5 4 3 C A J 9 7
S 7
H A Q T 6 5
D J T 7 6
C K 8 2
Best score, N/S 3SW-2 was made by Christy Cline and Fern Albracht and best E/W score 2SW+1 was made by Pat Featherston and Dick Brisbin
Tuesday, Dec. 22 Women’s Club game winners: First, Georgia Sorensen and Dick Brisbin; second, Maggie Canup and BettyBonner Steele.
We will have a Women’s Club game Dec. 29. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas.