South Rowan FFA fall semester events
Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 24, 2015
The South Rowan FFA chapter had a very active fall semester. They participated in career development events, attended the National FFA Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, displayed animals in the Rowan County Fair and have conducted monthly meetings, monthly service projects and a fruit sale.
One of the first big events FFA members participated in was showing livestock in the Rowan County Fair. FFA members showed 18 market lambs and six meat goats. Unfortunately, students were unable to show our two dairy heifers due to rain cancellations. Members learned how to properly walk and show their animal, shear or clip their animal and exhibit their animal to the best of their ability.
On Oct. 26-31, six South Rowan FFA Members attended the 88th National FFA Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. Andrew Eller and Paige Manning competed in the Agriscience Fair competition in the area of Division IV Plant Science. They conducted research on a strawberry row cover trial. They received a silver ranking in the event. South Rowan FFA was also recognized as a 3-star rating in the National Chapter Award, which is the highest star rating a chapter can receive. The South Rowan FFA was also received a National FFA Alumni grant to purchase new livestock clippers.
On Nov. 14, two FFA members competed in the North Carolina FFA State Land Judging Competition which was held in Moore County. FFA members evaluated the topsoil and subsoil of several locations and determined the texture, structure, permeability, erosion, slope, land class, land treatments and more.
Through November to mid-December, the FFA hosted its annual Fruit Sale Fundraiser. During this fundraiser the club sold apples, citrus fruits, hoop cheese, country ham and strawberry jam from strawberries grown at the South Rowan FFA Land Laboratory. This fundraiser is a joint effort with the South Rowan FFA Alumni and is the largest fundraiser the chapter conducts throughout the year.
The South Rowan FFA also hosts at least one community service project each month. In September, 15 students participated in Adopt-A-Highway, where they picked up trash along a 2-mile stretch of Highway 152 in China Grove. In October, they held a canned-food drive for the Faithful Friends Animal Sanctuary and donated 75 cans of cat and dog food. On the afternoon of Oct. 19, 14 FFA members volunteered at Main Street Mission in China Grove. In November, 17 members volunteered at Big Elm Nursing Center in Kannapolis where they made Thanksgiving-themed crafts with the residents. In December, 11 members went Christmas caroling to the homes of some FFA alumni members. The FFA officers also donated Christmas items for the Raiders Give program.
The South Rowan FFA has had a busy, fun and productive fall semester, and is looking forward to another great semester in 2016.

The South Rowan FFA Dairy Judging teams competed in the state dairy judging competition in November. Left to right: Senior team members: Brooke Lowery, Kaitlyn Wood, Katelyn Goodman, Cheyenne Hunter; Junior team members: Rachel Sosna, Elizabeth Villeneuve, Riley Corriher