Letters to the editor – Wednesday (12-16-15)

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Thankful for life-changing experience at Capstone

I thank God for leading me to Capstone Recovery Center here in Salisbury. At first I did not want to be here because I wanted the quick and easy way out and six months did not seem quick enough for me. But God had me here for a reason and I knew I just needed to be still and listen to Him.

Capstone Recovery Center has shown me I can have my life back, but in the Godly way it should be. For everything to be Bible-based has brought me closer to God showing me He is my Help and He will get me through whatever I face if I just put my faith and trust in Him and do things His way and not Amber’s.

I have learned how to apply God in my daily walk to help me make the right choices. Through counseling, I have gotten help in life just by having better confidence in myself and learning how to actually deal with situations that come along in life instead of just keeping them inside.

The 12 steps have shown me to let things out and talk about them and know that I am not alone. Now that I have been through all these things I know as I prepare to leave and go home that there is a better life for me and my kids if I just put God first in all I do and just trust in Him, everything will be all right. I give thanks to God, Capstone Recovery Center and all who have helped me in my recovery.

— Amber Walker


Religious fanaticism

Several weeks ago a comment was made that only “Muslim extremists” kill people because of their religious beliefs. Yet between the attacks in Paris, France and San Bernardino, Calif., a conservative Christian killed three people and injured 14 in Silver Springs, Colo.

The hard-right-wing conservatives in this country are just as guilty in terrorism as the same part of the Islamic religion. An example is seen in this  article.

The same people who blame all these killings on others are just as guilty of doing the same to those who they don’t believe are the same as them.

— Julian Torrey
